
The Billionaire's Weakness

''ooh !so that's it then,listen here you Jerk (I said grabbing a collar of his shirt)if you think I'm gonna stand here and watch you humiliate me,you thought wrong,we are done,and this time there is no going back "Ariah. ............ Tariah Patricia Anderson is a 24 year old who her life become a living hell when she met the hot billionaire and fall in love with him despite all the hate and disgust from the beginning. Edward Barmaceda is a 26 her old hot billionaire known for his wormanizing ,arrogance, looks and fame,he fell in love with an ordinary girl that he never thought he could fall in love with. Edward Barmaceda created and took over his fathers businesses he's one of the richest man across the African continent , he settled in Namibia to extend his business using his ruthless ways of grabbing opportunities as always .This time he was humilated by a low life girl and he become questioning his dignity ,respect when all he did was stare at the beauty in front of him instead of taking an action . He started helping out the girl in her life problems but he always make sure to hurt her in the process knowingly or unknowingly which sometimes made him feel guilty at times , they never really liked each other even when they lived in the same roof yet he offered her a roof without paying a penny with the excuse of her paying his depts which was just an excuse to keep her close. He was faced with the greatest challenge of his life that not even money or fame could do anything to solve the matter .Despite all the ruthless and trauma Tariah went through because of him she stayed by his side during his most difficult time and that's where the strongest connection started , they started dating but he didn't want the public to know because he thought they would look down on him, she kept on pursuing him to tell the public but he never did even when she was pregnant with his child , when she dicided to leave him he become miserable and he almost lost his wealth to his enemies because he was trying to protect the love of his life even when she didn't want anything to do with him.He finally realised that she's indeed his weakness. .....

Amalia_Itamalo · Teen
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

chapter 1

Ariah's pov

It was 6:00 in the morning ,I was getting annoyed by every minute because of the alarm ,I might actually hate this song after ringing almost 10 minutes continuously.

I kept telling myself that I will wake up in the next ring but that's just me! I'm not an early bird that's why I have to put an alarm, a wise man once said that an early bird catches the worm but I guess the worm in me is allergic to the bird.

🎶Angel ft Blessing

Why'am stressing, I better count my blessing

Life could have been more threatening

But ain't we good...

That was the last ring so I dismiss it , I hop out of bed,took a shower of 10 minutes quickly do my hair,as it's not that long nor does it need too much attention,then I took out my black dress that was above my knees ,then I paired it with black heels ,I admired myself in my full length mirror that was opposite to my wardrobe,I took another glance of myself before heading to my workplace.

And yes ofcourse I do work,I mean who doesn't, in this kind of life we actually work our butt off to put food on our table. I'm currently working in a pizza and coffee shop in Maruela mall ,what I hate about this job is the fact that this job doesn't suite my qualification, I have graduated with my honours degree in pre and junior but I did not get any job yet, I kept going to interviews here and there but I gues this year is not my year ,the market is really tight,that's why i decided to look for a job.

Nobody will give you a penny if you got nothing to do especially in this situation that I don't have any close relatives and my parents left me at a younger age.

After my parents died, I went to different foster houses ,I was adopted but I didnt even live for two years in that house ,it was a terrible experience.

I finally made it to work but it seems ,I was caught up in my own world to realise I was 2 minutes late, when I walk in the shop, my bestfriend was giving me a death glare! (why is Relly giving me that weird look,she never look at me that way unless something is wrong).

Pardon my manners I forgot to introduce who Relly is ,well Relly has been my best friend ever since we where children.I Dont know the exact place where we met but she was the best thing that ever happened to me , she was like a sister I never had.

,(its not like you are that late my subconscious said )

just shut up ,wether you are 2 minute or 1 minute that fact remains that you are late says my mind!!)

Sometimes I get really annoyed with the way my mind and subconscious speak,speaking to myself is one think I do and I hate it,sometimes I even end up saying it loud and people be staring at me like what the hell! But that's just me.

Anyway why are this people so terrified today, why do they keep looking at the door every minute, I think something happened in here but what could it be and why is my bestfriend like tha.....

Before I could finish the thoughts that were going on in my head ,a guy with black hair ,expensive black suite ,black sunglasses. ,(this guy must really love black doesn't he?) came in the store and everyone's eyes went wide and formed an O in their mouth ,even the manager bowed his head,(nah I wont do it even if he is the owner of this damn place).

He kept looking around the whole place to see if everyone is looking intimidated by him ,his body guards were all over the place.

He's quite handsome and attractive ,he jaw line is perfectly formed ,his cold blue eyes are really beautiful, you could get lost in them , he cheeks were soft and pinkish ( what did I just say!I did not just say that) maybe he is but I highly doubt it, in the way he's looking at people.

He finally decided to speak.

''I want you to close this place,take everything ,and this this he said point at the people in the shop including customers ,workers and the manager,I want them out of here ,now!!

(A Good morning or hello will be nice I mentally mocked him)

''hahaaahaaa, haha...Haha, you must be a comedian or an actress or something,perfectly , I mean just look at you, e...even the cloths you are wearing fits you occupation very well,you just made my day mister,what's your name....,I said laughing while trying to tap on his shoulder ''.

Way to dig your early grave Tariah just great .

Before I could finish with my laughter, the monster grabbed my neck and pin it to the wall and hold my other hand before I could tap on his shoulder, my wrist is hurting now.

He said to me:"next time you try to be funny think about yourself,I will break your legs ,think about it next time ,you low life"! then he released me from his hands

My eyes were puffy red and I was coughing really hard and not even one person came to help me except my best friend who was forbidden from coming near me.What a royal friend I got there!

(stupid bodyguards)

Look guys I thought he was joking that's why I did all those,but he's dead serious, he looks like a celebrity but I don't even know him, is he even a celebrity?

Life is so cruel just in a snap of a finger ,I lost my job not only me but each and everyone of my co- workers,here we are , jobless, we are no longer breadwinners in families,come to think of it ,how am I gonna pay for my apartment, that I just moved in 1 month ago, in 4 weeks time the landlord would be standing at my door step ,asking for his money,he made it clear at the beginning that he hated delayed payment, the town is so clouded and the market is tight how am I going to find another job .

(Maybe ,just maybe if I actually try to knock some senses in this rude ,arrogant monster ,we could get our job back but isnt there suppose to be some kind of warning of something,but I promise not to laugh again ,it almost got me killed! I hate rich people sometimes)

I gathered courage to finally confront this monster ,at least we need some explanation as why this is happening right now,or let me just say I need explanation because my colleagues are not doing anything and you know what the funny part is,the manager is really really Q uite today, he is the talkative kind of person but today, eish I feel like mocking him or something, he's supposed to be the one in control but he's standing like a statue !

So I went straight to this guy, whatever his name is I don't care, his back was facing me, so I tapped him on the shoulder and he quickly turned around with his blue eyes burning holes in my body, his looks were intimidating like he wanted to kill someone or something but one thing that couldn't go unnoticed, the emotion that his eyes are showing it's easy to tell, but he's trying his best to hide it.
