
Chapter 8

  Anna's POV

  I am getting dressed to go to school and remembering the conversation I had with my mom yesterday.

  Even though I am not ok with her suggestions, I will have to do it. She is my mother and she is struggling to make ends meet.

  I wear ripped blue jeans, a white shirt, a brown duster jacket with grey sneakers. I look in the mirror to check out my face and appearance after dressing up, I need to make up.

  I apply a little make-up to my face before going out of my room. I bade mom goodbye and get out of the house to flag down a cab.

  I am lucky to get a cab on time. A few minutes later, the cab pulled over in front of the campus. I alight from the cab, pay, and walk-in. I have the intention of talking to Pamela today. I am ready to talk to her about the pregnancy and my decision.

  Pamela is a good friend indeed and she understands my silence. She doesn't pressurize me to tell her things that I don't feel like telling her as my mom will do.