
The Billionaire's Unexpected Twins

In "The Billionaire's Unexpected Twins," a woman's life takes a tumultuous turn after a one-night stand with a mysterious stranger leaves her pregnant with twins. Fleeing from a broken marriage and ostracized by her family, she rebuilds her life in a new city, raising her children alone. But when a devastating genetic illness threatens their lives, she embarks on a desperate quest to find their father for answers. Along the way, she encounters a wealthy and charming suitor who offers love and security, but as their relationship blossoms, dark secrets and opposition from unexpected quarters threaten to tear them apart. Amidst betrayal, heartache, and unforeseen revelations, she must confront the truth about her past, her children's heritage, and the true meaning of family. "The Billionaire's Unexpected Twins" is a riveting tale of love, sacrifice, and the enduring bond between a mother and her children.

Thobile_Shange · Urban
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125 Chs

The Vengeful Rebirth

The shrill ring of my cell phone cuts through the tense silence. I share a glance with Zayn, who has been uncharacteristically distant and preoccupied this entire past week since that haunting phone call. I gave up trying to get him to talk , he just told me it was work. Steeling myself, I answer, 


"Ms. Kattie? This is Detective Morris from the sabotage investigation unit." 

The gruff voice on the other end is one I've become familiar with over these grueling past several days. 

"I have news regarding the status of your business premises."

My heart leaps into my throat as I grip the phone harder. 

"Y-yes? What have you found out?"

There's a pause, and I hold my breath. Then…

"After extensive examination and reports from the health and safety inspectors...I can officially clear Lavish Lifestyles salon, restaurant, and boutique to re-open immediately."

The words hit me like a ton of bricks. Re-open? Already? I was bracing for more bad news, more delays. 

"Are...are you certain? You've identified and eliminated all threats of additional tampering?"

Detective Morris affirms. 

"Yes ma'am. We conducted a sweep of all inventory, products, consumables - anything a saboteur could have accessed. All clear. Whoever was behind this launched a widespread attack, but it appears to have been neutralized, at least for now."

Tears of relief prick my eyes as the weight of this past hellish week finally begins to lift. 

"Thank you, Detective. You have no idea what this means to me and my employees' livelihoods."

"Just doing my job, ma'am. Let's get you back up and running safely. I'll have my team send over the all-clear paperwork right away so you can start preparing to re-open your doors."

As I hang up, I finally catch Zayn's eye from across the room. He looks...apprehensive, sad almost. Like he was hoping for different news. Before I can try to read his expression further, Candy is rushing over, throwing her arms around me.

"You did it! The nightmare is over!" 

She laughs breathlessly through happy tears. She has been staying with us.

I hug her tightly, letting the warm relief wash over me. My business - my lifeblood - has a second chance. As my eyes find Zayn's once more, I can't help but wonder what other storm still clouds his mind.

But for now, I need to focus on rebuilding and moving forward, one step at a time. Lavish Lifestyles will rise again.

As the realization that Lavish Lifestyles can finally reopen starts to sink in, an overwhelming wave of relief washes over me. Tears of joy prick my eyes as I pull back from hugging Candy tightly. At this moment, it feels like a crushing weight has been lifted off my shoulders after the sabotage nightmare.

But when my gaze meets Zayn's from across the room, his expression is...conflicted. There's no euphoric smile, no fist pump of celebration like I expected. Instead, his brow is furrowed and there's a sadness behind his eyes, like he was hoping for different news entirely.

Before I can try to read his downtrodden reaction further, he's crossing the room towards me. I search his face for a clue as to what could be dampening his relief, but then he's scooping me up in his strong arms, holding me flush against his body.

"I'm so proud of you, my love," 

Zayn murmurs gruffly into my ear as he hugs me tightly. 

"You've been so unbelievably strong through all of this."

His arms around me are familiar, comforting, but there's an odd desperation in his embrace - like he's clinging to me for dear life. Puzzled, I pull back just enough to study his face closer.

"Zayn? What's going on?" 

I ask carefully. 

"I thought you'd be over the moon about reopening. But you seem...I don't know, upset still?"

He lets out a long sigh, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear in that tender way of his. 

"I am thrilled, honestly. Reopening Lavish Lifestyles is everything we've fought for these brutal weeks."

A small, sad smile ghosts across his lips. 

"I guess I'm just not as surprised as you by the news. Part of me already knew it was only a matter of time before they cleared the way for you to recover what's yours."

There's a weighted meaning behind his vague words that I can't quite put my finger on. But before I can gently pry further, Candy is looping her arms around us both.

"Group hug! We're celebrating new beginnings!" 

She beams through joyful tears.

I lean into the embrace, allowing Candy's infectious optimism to buoy my spirits. Maybe I'm reading too much into Zayn's strange mood. Maybe he's just emotionally spent from the turmoil.

All I know is my beautiful dream is still alive. As I hold my loved ones tighter, I silently vow to never let anyone or anything threaten to rip it away from me ever again. We settle onto the couch, still riding the emotional high of getting the green light to reopen Lavish Lifestyles. Though a tinge of confusion lingers over Zayn's muted reaction, I push it aside to focus on plotting our triumphant comeback.

"Okay, the first order of business has to be air-tight security measures." 

I state firmly. 

"We cannot risk any other saboteur slipping through the cracks to undermine us again."

Candy nods vehemently. 

"Absolutely. Maybe keycard access for all employees? That way we can better track who's coming and going."

"Brilliant idea." 

I say. 

"We'll need a full security system overhaul - reinforced entry points, updated camera setup, the whole nine yards."

Zayn clears his throat then. 

"Actually...I may have a solution for top-of-the-line security." 

He runs a hand through his hair. 

"I happen to be the silent owner of that big private firm, Secura-Corp. I already reached out to my guys about providing a comprehensive security detail for all Lavish facilities."

I stare at him, dumbfounded. He never mentioned any of this…I try to keep it cool for the sake of Candy's presence but trust me, I have made a mental note to confront him later on.

"You...you did? When?"

Zayn gives me a look laden with meaning. 

"Let's just say I had a feeling we would need to beef things up in that area. Secura-Corp specializes in multi-site security integration - cameras, access control, guards, and the full protection package."

"Zayn, that's amazing, but...how can I afford something like that right now?" 

I ask hesitantly. 

"Especially after guaranteeing everyone's pay…"

He reaches over, taking my hand in his calloused grip. 

"Money is the last thing you need to worry about, babe. I'm doing this for you."

He manages to earn himself a smile from me.

The gratitude and relief I feel is overwhelming. Zayn has stationed himself as the sturdy foundation keeping my dream afloat through every heavy storm. Tears prick my eyes as I pull him into a fierce hug.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" 

I whisper fiercely. Over his shoulder, I catch Candy watching us with a strange look. Before I can ask about it, she's clearing her throat.

"So we've got security covered. But we also need new preventative measures for inventory and product handling. There cannot be any possible way for another psycho to get their hands on anything related to customer treatments."

She's absolutely right. My mind starts spinning with possibilities - new storage areas with keypad locks, revised inventory logging procedures, time-stamped security seals on packages once approved for usage.

"We do it all." 

I declare, feeling newly empowered and emboldened. 

"Lavish will quite literally become Fort Knoxville by the time I'm done."

Candy lets out a slightly manic laugh. 

"That's my girl! The saboteur surely didn't realize the her they were poking."

As we dive into more rigorous planning, Zayn keeps stealing sidelong glances at me with an unreadable expression. Part of me wants to stop and demand what's going through his head. 

But for now, I need to keep my sights locked on fortifying Lavish Lifestyles' comeback with an indestructible vengeance. Whoever tried to take me down will realize the beast they awoke.

"Emily, hi! It's Kattie from Lavish Lifestyles." 

I say as she answers the phone, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice. 

"Kattie, hey! How are you doing?" 

Emily's warm tone is laced with concern.

I take a deep breath, allowing a smile to spread across my face. 

"I'm doing much better, actually. I have great news - the authorities have officially given us the all-clear to restart operations at Lavish Lifestyles!"

Emily practically squeals on the other end. 

"Oh my gosh, that's amazing! I'm so incredibly happy for you. You can finally start to move forward from that nightmare."

"Thank you, thank you." 

I reply gratefully. 

"It's been a long, grueling process, but we're turning the corner. Which is why I'm calling - I wanted to personally extend an invitation for you to please come into the salon in about a week's time. We're going to be spending the next several days implementing top-to-bottom security overhauls before reopening."

"Say no more, I completely understand." 

Emily responds. 

"You have to ensure the safety of your employees and clients is locked down tight after what you all went through. A week gives you ample time to cross the T's and dot the I's."

Warmth blooms in my chest at her compassion. 

"You're being incredibly kind and supportive, as always. I look forward to finally making things right by you and having you over."

"I'll be there with bells on!" 

She replies brightly. 

"Again, I'm just overjoyed you're getting your beautiful business back on its feet where it belongs."

As we say our goodbyes, I can't help but feel a surge of determination. Yes, Lavish Lifestyles will be secure, revitalized, and completely reinvented with safety at the forefront. I'll action every possible preventative measure.

Because this time, there is no way in hell I'll ever let anyone sabotage my life's work again. That's a promise I'll take to my grave.