
CHAPTER TWO: a cold time

he was already buried deep inside me.

"Yes," I breathed out as he started moving in and out fast, not giving me enough time to adjust as he smashed himself into me while I begged for him to slow down. It hurt so bad; no one said it was going to hurt like this.I have been released three times now, but he hasn't let me go. His endurance was too high, and it was killing me.

"Please, enough!" I cried out in a weak voice, but he continued.

When I was finally on my fifth release, he shot his hot sperm into me. My lids were heavy as I shut them while feeling him finally slide out of me.


He bent down to unbuckle my heels.

"Next time, don't disobey me, and... It's Aleric," was all I heard before darkness consumed me. What next time? There is never going to be a next time.


I hadn't opened my eyes, but I could already feel the soreness creeping in. I patted the bed space beside me, lightly opening my eyes as I groaned at the intensity of the sun, then shutting my eyes again. It looks like no work for me for the next three days.

I stretched my hand further on the bed, even though I knew it wasn't possible. I still hoped he was lying right beside me, and I could see the handsome face of the young man again. Even though it felt more like a curse than a blessing.

But like I hear Veronica say all the time about the men she sleeps with, they were never there the next morning. 'In the night, we are the mistress meant for their desires," she always quoted.I forced myself up as my legs felt so weak they couldn't hold me up, and I fell to the floor. Not caring about how pathetic I looked, I crawled into the bathroom, opening the tap so the bathtub would be filled. It hurts everywhere; it hurts so bad.

I entered the bathtub only to remember I wore heels. I placed my fingers on my foot, ready to remove the buckle, when I felt nothing there.

Holy... have I been robbed?

Soon I stood at the busy road with my heels, which I found on the room floor in one of my hands. While dragging my feet lightly so as not to stress the already sore muscles. I walked inside my apartment, going to take some painkillers before going to bed.

I expected Veronica to call, but she didn't, as I already told my boss I wouldn't be available for three days, and the woman readily agreed. That's how bad the ache is. I wanted to ask for a week, but I decided against that. My boss said Veronica would take over for me, yet the said girl, who was also my best friend at work, didn't even give me a flash.

Maybe she's busy, I thought as I laid down to sleep again.I clumsily got up from bed. I have work today. Not three days, but three weeks have passed, and I haven't seen him again. I guess God answered that prayer.

I scrunched up my nose in disgust as I walked to the bathroom to throw up my guts. It's been happening for a week now, and it's fucking annoying. I was quick to take my bath and rush to work. Not the strip club, of course; that's in the evening. Right now, it's to the taekwondo class I had with kids under twelve to teach them the basic steps of self-defense.

I myself never graduated from the basic steps because I had no time to focus on myself; instead, I had to look for ways to make money.I felt so lightheaded as I stepped into the room where I teach them.

"Hello kids," I said to the children, who had already formed a single line upon my arrival.

"Hello, Miss Sophia!" they chorused, and I couldn't help but feel so proud.

I'm going to miss them so much when they leave. Tears gathered in my eyes as I shook it off and started with the day's class. Of course, I did not forget to vomit the only food I could stuff into my empty stomach.

I walked into the club as I saw I was a little late and some girls were already dancing to please the men who looked like they just came from work.

Veronica got off the stage, swaying her hips as heads turned towards her while she walked over to me.

"You look pale," she said, and as I was about to say that it's probably just malaria, I clutched my mouth and ran to the toilet to empty my already empty stomach.I heard the door opening, and I knew it was Veronica as she stood behind me while I didn't make a move to get up.

"Looks like someone's pregnant," she said in a teasing manner, and I froze. Oh, hell no.

"It's just malaria," I said, wanting to shut her up. She hummed in disbelief as she walked to a cabinet in the toilet near the mirror, bringing out a pregnancy test kit.

"Then do the test," she said, uttering the words I dreaded the most. But I had to do it to prove her wrong and to calm my racing heart.I closed the cubicle as I peed into the equipment on my hand, praying I wasn't pregnant.

My heart dropped when I saw the two black lines sealing my fate.No, I can't be pregnant; I am too busy to be pregnant, and my job is too dangerous for a pregnant woman. I don't even have enough to cater to myself, much less a child.I didn't know what happened, but I found myself in front of my boss's office.