
The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Nina Dern Miller it is a simple and easy going girl. At 17, she gave her virginity to a stranger she met at a club. Now at 27 years,  she met the guy who took her heart  but he's  engaged to her friend. Will she  break friendship or mend the relationship? Michael Vincent Thompson, the first of the three boys in the Thompson's family and the heir to the Thompson's Empire, currently the CEO of the Thompson's Empire is a ruthless billionaire who has everything that money could buy and an heiress of the Mason's Media Group  as a fiancee. But a night with a naive  virgin girl change his view of women.  Will he risk his inheritance for a naive virgin girl or Will he marry an heiress and expand the family business. READ AND FIND OUT!!!!!!!!!!!.

viczees · Urban
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105 Chs

Chapter 6: Wedding Rehearsal

It still feels like a dream to me. I met him after searching for him all these years. And he's engaged to my friend. Though we've just met but I still regard Debby as a friend. She was the only person that reaches out to me apart from Lilian. Speaking of Lilian, I need to prepare cos we're going to the wedding rehearsal today being Sunday.

I have called Lily and she told me that she will be back in time today for the rehearsal. I'm to meet her at the venue which is like two hours drive from where I stay.

I quickly put on my teal green strapless gown with a white platform. I got into my car and drive all the way through, have to call Lily and she said she's already at the venue. I can't wait to see her. Gosh, I've missed her!!.

Exactly two hours later, I packed in front of a big white St Patrick's Cathedral, where Lilian will be getting married in three months.

I saw Lilian rushing to meet me, she was putting on a white ball gown, her hair was packed up in a ponytail and bouncing at her back as she runs to meet me. I quickly got out of the car and meet her halfway, and hug her. I saw Danny walking to meet us and he also hugs and greets me.

"Hey! Nina," he bends to kiss me on my cheeks.

" long time no see" he smile while hugging me and lily together.

"Hey! to you too"

During the few times I've got to meet him, we've gotten closer and I like him much more than some guys, speaking of him! Where is he?. My eyes scan the whole parking lot and around the church but there was no sign of Michael anywhere.

He's supposed to be here since he's Danny's best man, though I didn't ask Lily nor Danny to walk into the church.

The priest was standing on the pulpit dressed in a white robe. He was quite old. But his voice is quite young when he talks.

"Are you all, ready? "He asks as he looks at Danny who was trying to make a phone call.

"Not yet!! "We are still waiting for Michael " Danny went back to typing away on his phone while the priest sat down on one of the chairs on the pulpit.

I sensed him before he enters the auditorium. My body couldn't contain the excitement that washed through me. Ever since meeting him, my heartbeat has exploded.

"Sorry I'm late," Michael said as he strolls into the church looking dashing ever in a teal green tuxedo and a white shirt. I didn't know I was checking him out until Lily tap me on the shoulder and give me a look that says "isn't he cute? " as she smiles.

I'm happy that he's here but didn't like the fact that he brought Debby. She was putting on a teal green palazzo trouser with a white top and clinking to his arms like he will disappear the moment she let go.

She greeted me with a wink without letting go of Michael's arm and I responded with a nod. Gosh! I hate her already.

Lilian's and Danny's parents were already seated, I didn't notice them come in after Michael cos I was preoccupied with gawking at Michael. Nonetheless, I went to greet Lilian's parents. They were like my second parents. My family owes them a lot. They were happy to see me and ask after my dad. Then we got ready for the rehearsal.

Danny was already Standing in front of the priest while Micheal stood behind him. Lilian and I were getting ready to walk down the aisle. Walking behind Lillian who was holding into the arms of her father, I couldn't help but wish that I was walking with my father to meet Micheal.

I look at Michael, only to find his eyes on me, his face was hard, I couldn't know what he was thinking. I hold his stare as I walk up to him and stood beside him.

Lillian and Danny stood in front of the priest while we both stood behind them. They took turns to say their vows. Everyone clapped when they were through. Lilian turns to hug everyone including me while mouthing "Thank you".



The drive to the cathedral was quiet with I and Deborah sitting at the back of my limousine.

She was dressed in teal green Palazzo trousers and a white top. Her hair was packed into a ponytail, she's light-skin, 6 feet 5 inches tall and she's a model.

She is every man's dream wife. But no matter how beautiful she looks, I will never love her as my wife. I know she loves me but I don't love her.

We are always like this any time we are together we don't talk to each other but when in the public will try to act like a couple in love with each other.

I told her right from the beginning that I don't love her and that our marriage will be of convenience.

Immediately, we arrive at the church. Deborah came to hook her hands around me. I wanted to remove her hands from me but notice that Danny and Lillian's parents were coming behind us, so I let her be.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

I said immediately I got into the auditorium, I noticed that they were all waiting for me, my eyes scan the room until it landed on a particular someone,

I suck in breathe. She looked dashing in a long bareback teal green gown, which fitted her like a second skin, enhances her brown eyes. She was as beautiful as a goddess.

She turns to stare at me when she notices my eyes on her but her expression change when she notices Debbie beside me.

Without wasting time we all got into our role for the rehearsal.

I was standing behind Danny in front of the pulpit, while Lillian and Nina were walking down the aisle.

She looked at me and I hold her stare. Within me, I couldn't help but wish that she was walking down the aisle to meet me.

After the couple has recited their vows and everyone was rushing to get home because it was already late.

I saw Nina rushing into her car. I rush to follow her at least to talk to her but she zooms off without a second glance.

Since yesterday, she has been avoiding me like plague. Is it because of Deborah Melton?. This stupid woman! Shouldn't she fight for the one she loves? I felt the connection when she was walking down the aisle with Lilian. She even smiled at me today. I walk into the car with Deborah beside me.

"I thought you said she wasn't the Nina?" Deborah question softly, immediately we were seated at the back of the limousine while John sat down in front beside Frank, my driver.

"Who?" I ask, not understanding what she was saying, right now all I'm thinking about is Nina.

"Nina of course? I saw you rushing to meet her after the rehearsal". She said on the verge of tears.

I turn to look at her and sigh. She's the best pretender in the world, here she's crying over Nina, while she's sleeping with someone else.

"Yes, she's Nina, the girl I love with all of my heart" I reply as I clench and unclench my fist. I have never been this annoyed and disgusted with any woman in my life. But right now, it took all of my willpower for me not to slap her across the face.

I breathe in and out as I turn to face her" I'm sorry, just didn't want to upset you yesterday, that's why I lied. But there's nothing between us any longer, she obviously doesn't love me anymore". I said as I try to console her, if not for anything just to play along with her still the merger of our companies.

"But.............?" She questions still crying.

"No, but..."I reply kissing her softly on the lips as I handed wipes to Clea her face. She quieted down and resume typing away on her phone.


"Yes," she answers, her eyes still clue to her phone's screen.

"What time did you get home last night," I ask her as I watch her face for any sign of discomfort.

"Around 8:30 pm. Why?" She said not the bit startled, and there was no sign that she was lying.

"Nothing. Just wondering if you went somewhere after your parents' ".

"No, I went home straight. I drove one of my dad's cars home" she replied as she turns to regard me suspiciously.

It's obvious that she is lying, so I decided to drop it wouldn't want her to become suspicious right now.

She drops her phone and turns to me" What are you going to do about Nina?"

"Nothing" I shrug as I turn to stare at the window wondering in my heart if she has gotten home safe. Nina Miller is one of the stubborn women I know apart from my mom. I just wish she will give me the chance to explain myself.

"What do you mean by nothing?"She turns to glare at me. Leave it to Deborah to frustrate you. Can't she know that I don't want to talk about it?. That just hearing her name is making me want to do things to her, that may jeopardize my future.

"Just that, nothing" I close my eyes to relax to the night breeze. She huffs and turns to face the other side with tears in her eyes. I couldn't care less. I touch the privacy button, as I open the screen to speak with John.


"Yes sir"

"Drop Miss Melton at her house, then wake me up when we are home"

"OK sir"

I went back to closing my eyes. I just couldn't sleep, anytime I close my eyes all I see is the smile on her face, the way she touches me and kisses me. I miss her so much and it's driving me crazy.

Immediately, the car stopped at Deborah's house, I open my eyes just as John stepped down from the car to open the door for her.

She turns to kiss me, I turn my face to the other side and the kiss landed on my cheek " Goodnight hubby!" She said happily and walk into the house. I scan the garage to see if Nina's car was there. Immediately, my eyes spotted the white Honda CRV, my whole being calm down. At least I know she's safe.

"Let's go, John" John enter into the car and drive to my house.

"Sir," John calls me softly, as he turns to face me.

I open my eyes slowly to regard him"Yes"

"Charles, the guy I sent to monitor Miss Melton has given me some information," He said.

I quickly sit up and put all of my concentration at him"Yes, go on".

"He said the guy Miss Melton has been meeting is one Mr. Austin Walker".

"What?" I scream. "Austin Walker?". "Why him? she should have gone for any other person but not Austin Walker".

"I'm sorry sir" John apologizes profusely.

I look at him and shake my head"Why are you apologizing? that bitch should be the one to apologize". I scream at him.

"I'm sorry sir. But Charles also said that they grew up together. We are not sure if they are dating sir".

"Who cares if they are dating or not! it shouldn't be Austin Walker". I reply harshly as I slam the privacy window closed. My fist clench and unclench. Why him?. Why is this happening to me?. Did he came back to take revenge for what happened six years ago?.

As soon as the car was park in my garage, I hurriedly stepped out and turn to walk into the elevator with John closely behind me. The elevator door open on my floor, John walk in front of me to conduct his security check, he signals to me that it was safe for me to go in.

I walk into the sitting room to meet Mrs. Henderson, my cook waiting for me.

"Welcome home, Mr. Thompson. What can I make for you" She said.

"Don't worry about me, Emma" I walk past her into my room, climbing the stair in twos. I rush out of my room immediately I remember that I needed to see John for something, I saw him standing at the foot of the stair with Emma.

"I need every information about Austin Walker on my desk first thing tomorrow morning"

"Yes sir" He replied and walk into his room.

I walk into mine to shower and went into my study to get one or two things done before retiring for the night.