
The billionaire's runaway son

He is the son of one of the richest billionaire in the world. But life is more complicating for him as expected. He has a girlfriend but his parents wants him married to the beautiful daughter of another billionaire. All twenty three years old Roger wants, is to enjoy his bachelorhood for a long time, not to get married and have too many responsibilities. What choice does Roger have but to put up with his father calling the shots? Roger is a billionaire, thanks to his father. He hadn't a hope of losing all those billions which would make his bachelorhood meaningful and enriched. . . unless he wanted to turn down his father's decision of him getting married to the billionaire's daughter; then become a prodigal son like his elder brother. The only option left is to runaway, which spelled doom, love quadruple, enemies and disguise. If he runs away, will he return? Survive? Cope? The billionaire's runaway son. . .

Virginia_Njoku · Urban
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7 Chs

1. Life of the billionaire's son.

" I said I will not marry her. Not on my life, " Roger screamed as he walked past his parents.

" Come back here and sit down. I am not done with you, " Michael, his father said strictly. He scratched his forehead as he watched Roger ignore him.

" You ungrateful disgrace of a son, how dare you walk out on? " Michael asked demandingly.

" Am sorry Dad. I thought we were never having a conversation, " he shouted and made for his room.

" You sanctimonious____ "

" Please darling calm down. I will talk to him, " Roger's Mom, Charlotte said interrupting him.

" He is also my son. I can talk to him too. "

" That's not what I mean and you know that. You are not even talking to him. You are literally shouting at him, " she said standing. " He is gonna come around darling. Excuse me. "

" Wow! Amazing! When I want to have a conversation with my own boy, I am shouting. . . "

" You are making a fuss out of nothing sweetie, " Charlotte said and walked away.

Roger's room's bell rang.

" Who is that? " Roger asked.

Before Charlotte could answer, he said, " go away. I just wanna be alone. "

" It's me, " his mom said.

" What do you want? Do you also want to preach to me about marrying that girl? I barely know her. I have a girlfriend and I am not ready to get married. I am very much not interested in marrying anybody, not at my age. . . "

" Not at your age? " Charlotte said surprised. " Can I come in? "

" As long as it is only you. "

Charlotte opened the door and walked in.

" You are twenty four years old, " she said smiling at him.

" I am twenty three. . . Gosh! You don't even know my age, " he said in uttermost disappointment.

" Alice Ferguson is a nice sweet person. . . "

" I barely know her mum. . . "

" She is the daughter of your dad's business partner___ "

" The daughter of the billionaire, Mr Ferguson right? Am I some business tool or what? Must I be the pawn for your husband's business? "

" Be polite, he is your father, " Charlotte said.

" That's the point! He is my father and I am his son. He doesn't own me, he only father's me. . . "

" You know, if you keep proving stubborn you stand to forfeit a lot of things? "

" Like? "

" Your inheritance. His company. Your rights as his son and you may not become one of the richest billionaire in the world. "

" At least I'm still a billionaire. "

" All thanks to him. The least you could do for him, is to marry the woman of his choice. "

" How much does he tends to gain? Billions right? "

" Yes but it is also for your own good, " Charlotte said plainly.

" How and why? " Roger asked.

" Well, she is the only child of me Ferguson. She has a lot to gain. She gets to inherit a lot of billions. Her father is worth, eighty billion dollars and she is likely to inherit fifty billion dollars and the company. But if you marry her, you stand a chance to get half of whatever she is supposed to get and added to your inheritance from your father, you stand a chance to be among the first ten richest men in the world, just as your father was. You will also be in charge of her company. "

" It sounds interesting. Dad should just marry her and become one of the ten richest men in the world. She is not too young for him, is she? She is only twenty two years old, " Roger said blatantly.

" That is what I do not want, " Charlotte snapped. " I don't want your father to start having mistresses because of your foolishness. "

" Why do you always forget you have another son, who is enjoying himself in Africa, in one of the biggest countries in Africa? The giant of Africa, Nigeria of course. You can have him fly back today and get him married, besides, he is your first son. "

" If not for him, your dad would have been the richest in the world. If not for him, this family would still be together but he abandoned us and found himself a new family, " Charlotte said.

" No, he didn't. It was you guys fault. Could have been here with us today, if you guys were not pressurizing him to be what he never wanted to be. He just wanted a peaceful life unlike you guys, " Roger explained.

Charlotte had tears in her eyes. " Your brother Raphael has left us. We should forget about him because he has forgotten about us. "

" I don't think so. Now listen mum, I wouldn't get married to that Alice of a girl, not even if you put a rope on my neck. And if you don't want me following in Raphael's footsteps, then you have to make your husband know and accept the fact that I have made up my mind, " he stared at his mom expressionlessly. " I know you don't want to lose your husband to any woman, I also don't want to lose my bachelorhood to any damn woman. I want to rest. Leave my room please. "

Charlotte left his room and went back to the sitting room.

" Did you talk some sense into that disgraceful son of yours? " Michael asked shrewdly.

" I don't know what has come over him but I think he is gonna come around very soon. . . " she sat down.

" What's really wrong with him? " Michael asked.

" He has a girlfriend, " Charlotte snapped.

" Wow. Some silly excuse right? "

" Doesn't seem like. I think he really has a girlfriend, " Charlotte said eagerly.

" Who must be after his money. Why does he have a dull brain? I think I know what to do. I can't let my name die down. Whether he likes it or not, he must marry Alice. She is a beautiful lady. She's good. She is business oriented. And I like her for him. You like her too, don't you. "

" I will certainly want a daughter in-law like her. I think the only person that can make him change his mind is his sister, " Charlotte snapped.

" She must be living a happy life with her family. I don't want us disturbing her. We are already getting a lot of money from her husband's family, let's let her be, " Michael said as his lips curled into a boring pitiful smile.

" Our son doesn't want a lot of attention. He doesn't want more money. Think about this, if he gets married to her, will he be happy. I am sorry but I think we have only been concentrating on money and not his feelings, " Charlotte explained.

" I hate to remind you where you belong. I do not want my son to make the same mistake I made by marrying some undeserving poverty-stricken thing, who may be slim in the beginning of love affair and in the ending became an unfavourable and an unloving plumpy hag. Remember you were nothing when I met you, so don't indirectly tell me I am greedy. "

" Michael, " she screamed. " You know, I wouldn't say such. Anyways, suit yourself. But if your plan doesn't work then Natasha will do the needful. "

" Do not involve our daughter in this. You wouldn't dare go against me, " Michael snarled.

" I wouldn't have before but now I would, " she said and stood sharply. " The company was supposed to be a family business but it has never been. You are only interested in becoming more famous and I'm sorry to say this directly but you are one piece of a bloody greedy asshole, " she said tensely and left.

" You live in my house, you drive my cars, all your properties were mine, your house I bought it for you and your business, I made it for you. The money you have today was mine. Every single thing I did for all of you but you guys think I'm greedy and persuasive. Fine! To hell with you all, " he screamed and leaned back on the chair.

" You are screaming Michael, " Charlotte screamed as she climbed the staircase.