
The Billionaire's Playmate

Thaliana Tangi lives a simple life as a flower shop owner despite that she is a billionaire's daughter. However, her father insists she get married. At 29 and still single, her father sets up an arranged marriage with the highly respectable billionaire, Rozzean Cyron Valleje.Thaliana, uninterested in marriage, strikes a deal with her father. She must prove Rozzean is a womanizer to avoid the marriage. She disguises herself as a maid and enter Rozzean's household.On her very first day, she encounters an unexpected sight: Rozzean in all his naked glory. He sets strict rules for his staff, including they shouldn't fall for him. Thaliana, now working as a maid, takes care of Rozzean when he falls ill.However, hshe almost got caught when Rozzean questions her mole that changing its place. Thaliana cleverly avoids suspicion. She continues her plann, as he growing close to Rozzean, despite his cold attitude, shows genuine concern for her and Manang Selya.Then one of his friends visited his house and that friend happened to be Thaliana's cousin--Maki! When Rozzean became jealous to Maki he couldn't take it anymore. He confessed his feelings for her! At first, she didn't believe it she thought he was just lying because who would fall for her a mere maid?Until his female neighbor Klari invited Rozzean for a lunch out, and he agreed to make her jealous. Thaliana was annoyed because Klari had feelings for Rozzean. Thaliana, didn't expect that during her stay in Rozzean's house, she wouldn't find any evidence of him being involved with other women.To her surprise, she gradually fell for him and found it difficult to tell the truth, especially when something happened between them. Rozzean even proposed to her as Tali and gave her a ring. But then came the terrifying news that her father had a heart attack because he thought she was lost, and something terrible had happened.When thaliana finally tells Rozzean the truth after his accident, and he's initially angry and confused, but eventually, he's deeply saddened by her double identity.Despite her efforts to win Rozzean back, he continues to accept Klari's help, causing Thaliana more pain. She reluctantly agrees to marry Luther, attending a family dinner with a heavy heart. Rozzean arrives with Klari, intensifying her despair.That night, Rozzean and Klari went home together and in a fit of jealousy and sadness, Thaliana gets drunk because she believes all hope is lost.But Rozzean surprises her by returning to her room. Due to her drunkenness, something happens between them.The next day, Thaliana discovers marks on her body and realizes that Rozzean had conspired with Luther, making her annoyed. On Rozzean's mother's birthday, Thaliana tries to avoid him, but they end up on a supposed family yacht vacation together. As they spend time together on the yacht, Rozzean explains everything, including his agreement with his father about their arranged marriage. Their honest conversation clears up misunderstandings and strengthens their love for each other.After a few months, Thaliana and Rozzean start their life together as a married couple.

Pennieee · Urban
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29 Chs

Chapter 14 Kindness

"Why are you frowning, Tali? Did Sir scold you? Did he say something that upset you?"

That's what Manang asked me when I returned to the kitchen. I sat down and looked at her.

"He didn't scold me, Manang. I just got annoyed because Sir always notices this mole of mine. If I have the money, I'll have it removed," I replied. Definitely.

I wasn't expecting what Rozzean said, to be honest. But I think I panicked and didn't really look closely at where I placed my mole. It might have actually moved lower, but luckily, I quickly came up with an excuse.

I ended up touching my mole.

"Your mole is cute, Tali. Maybe Sir just finds it cute?" Manang said with a smile.

That's what I hope, but I think not. Haay... As he said initially, "Your mole bothers me." It's impossible for him to find it cute.

"Oh, by the way, Tali, something different. Why are you wearing glasses? This is the first time I've seen you wear them. Are your eyes getting blurry?" Manang asked.

I scooped some rice; I was really hungry. It was quite late already. I still had to go back later to get my boss's dinner. I will have to see his annoying face again.

"These are only reading glasses, Manang," I explained.

"I enjoy reading novels on my cellphone, and that's why my eyes have gradually become blurry."

I served some dishes on my plate. I hope there won't be any more talk about the mole. I was getting close to losing it because of this mole.

"Is that so? If you want, we can tell Sir about your eyes. He has a friend who's an ophthalmologist. The glasses I use are free, by the kindness of Sir's doctor friend. He's a kind man, Tali, and quite handsome," Manang said to me, giggling.

"Oh, Manang? Do you have a crush on him?" I asked.

Manang paused in the middle of eating her spoonful of food because of what I said. I took a bite too and started eating. I was starting to feel tired. I was sure that when I returned to my room, I would fall asleep immediately.

"Oh, dear! At my age, you think I'd still be thinking about that?" she said.

"Hmp, age doesn't matter, Manang. But, if you don't mind me asking, where is your family? Are they also in the province?"

Her smile faded. Manang put down her utensils and looked at me. Before she spoke, she took a sip of water.

The emotions in her eyes were different from when I teased her about the doctor earlier.

"I don't have a family anymore, Tali."

I was taken aback when I heard what Manang said. She didn't have a family anymore?

"What... happened?"

She sighed, and I saw a glint in her eyes. Her fingers moved, and I couldn't tell if it was a sign that she didn't know how to start her story or if she couldn't bring herself to say the reason.

"Oh, Manang, it's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to! I'm sorry, I can be quite nosy."

I followed up with a chuckle to lighten the mood, sensing that Manang's expression had changed.

"No, it's alright. That was a long time ago," she replied.

"I no longer have a family because my only child left me when my husband passed away. When my daughter got married, they went abroad with her spouse. Since then, I've been trying to find a job, but because I'm old, no one wants to accept me," Manang Selya explained.

I was taken aback. That's really tough. And her daughter is so ungrateful! How could she leave her mother like that? or at least support her!

"Don't you have any contact with your daugher there? Are they not checking on you?" I asked.

She shook her head. I felt a pang of sadness. It's heartbreaking to hear Manang Selya's story, especially considering how kind and caring she is.

I put down my spoon and fork and paid full attention to her. This conversation was painful for me. I really didn't like discussing these kinds of things. Why did this happen to Manang Selya? She's such a kind person. In the few days I've been staying in this house, I've noticed her care and kindness.

"No, I haven't. The truth is, I tried looking for her on social media. I even asked for help from the landlady of the apartment I used to stay in, but with so many people with the same last names and her first name, I didn't know who to send a message to."

"I also thought that she had completely forgotten about me."

I didn't know what to say. I felt a continuous ache in my chest as I listened to Manang's story. Regardless of the reasons, to me, a parent should never be left alone, especially when they are older. Damn. My heart is aching for Manang.


I looked at Manang when she called my name. She's smiling. How could she smile after sharing such a painful story?

"Let's eat again, dear. Our food might get cold."

I smiled at her and nodded. I didn't speak anymore because if I asked more about her life, I was sure to start crying. Like I said, I have a soft spot for the elderly. Upon learning about Manang's life, I couldn't help but feel sympathy.

She's so kind. Why was she abandoned?

After we finished eating, I offered to wash the dishes. Manang just watched me until I was done. I also told her that I would be the one to go around the house to turn off the lights, close the windows and doors.

"Are you sure, dear?" she asked me. She knew it was a lot of work.

"Yes, don't worry about me. I know my way around," I assured her.

Before she turned away, I approached and hugged her, which took her by surprise.

"You can call me your child all the time, Manang. I'm happy to be like a second child to you because you're so kind," I told her.

I felt her nod and her hand stroking my back. When Manang bid goodnight to rest, I went around the entire house. Her story was still on my mind.

I closed the lights on the rooftop last. After turning everything off, I sat on the sofa and looked up at the sky.

"Her eyes screamed in pain while she told her story. I can't ask any more questions because of the pain I feel. Plus, I was close to tears back then. It hurts."

I remembered my parents. We are wealthy, but it never crossed my mind to leave them. I once heard my mother saying that when we all get married and have our own families, it's okay to leave them and have them taken care of by professionals.

I immediately protested. I had never considered that.

For me, parents are a precious gift from God. You should take care of, love, and cherish them until the end.


I took off my glasses and placed them on the side of the sofa. I sniffed and shed some tears. I wiped the tears that fell from both my cheeks. I never thought that Manang had such a past. The way she laughed and smiled at me, the way she cared...

I never felt like a stranger in her presence, even though I had only been here for four days.

I took a deep breath and looked at the bright moon. Manang should feel the love she deserves. While I'm here, I'll make her feel the love she's never experienced.


When I heard that voice, I quickly wiped the tears from both my cheeks. I stood up and faced Rozzean.

"S-Sir, what are you doing here?"

"What happened?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

Did he hear me crying?

"I am asking you."

As I remembered Manang, I took a step closer. Our eyes met.

I asked, "H-How did Manang Selya become your helper, sir?"

He didn't speak, just looked at me.

"W-We talked about her family earlier. I-It turns out she no longer has a husband, he's dead, and her child went abroad with her husband--"

"Selya was a beggar when I met her."

I was taken aback by what I heard. W-What?

"She was a beggar. I always saw her outside my company, waiting for someone to give her money or food. Even though the guards would chase her away several times, she would still come back. Maybe because my employees would give her alms."

My lips quivered, but no words came out. That's too much... I thought there couldn't be anything more painful in Manang's life story.

"I decided to keep her. Three? Four? I'm not sure how many years she's been here, but--what the hell, why are you crying?"

I sniffled and wiped away my tears. My heart aches even more.

"B-Because I feel sorry for Manang, s-sir."

"When I found out that her child had abandoned her, I felt so sorry for her. N-Now I've learned that she used to be a beggar and was homeless. I-I'm even more hurt by her life situation. She's so kind to me. I-I can't find any fault in her character... she's teaching me everything I need to know here at the house."

"I-I've come to think of her as a mother, and then I find out about her past."

I reached for a tissue on the table nearby and sniffled. When I looked up, I saw that Sir's face had softened as he looked at me.

"Manang Selya's life is much better now than it used to be. What happened in the past can't be changed, Tali."

I was surprised when he raised his hand and gently touched my forehead.

"So, stop crying."