
The Billionaire's Playmate

Thaliana Tangi lives a simple life as a flower shop owner despite that she is a billionaire's daughter. However, her father insists she get married. At 29 and still single, her father sets up an arranged marriage with the highly respectable billionaire, Rozzean Cyron Valleje.Thaliana, uninterested in marriage, strikes a deal with her father. She must prove Rozzean is a womanizer to avoid the marriage. She disguises herself as a maid and enter Rozzean's household.On her very first day, she encounters an unexpected sight: Rozzean in all his naked glory. He sets strict rules for his staff, including they shouldn't fall for him. Thaliana, now working as a maid, takes care of Rozzean when he falls ill.However, hshe almost got caught when Rozzean questions her mole that changing its place. Thaliana cleverly avoids suspicion. She continues her plann, as he growing close to Rozzean, despite his cold attitude, shows genuine concern for her and Manang Selya.Then one of his friends visited his house and that friend happened to be Thaliana's cousin--Maki! When Rozzean became jealous to Maki he couldn't take it anymore. He confessed his feelings for her! At first, she didn't believe it she thought he was just lying because who would fall for her a mere maid?Until his female neighbor Klari invited Rozzean for a lunch out, and he agreed to make her jealous. Thaliana was annoyed because Klari had feelings for Rozzean. Thaliana, didn't expect that during her stay in Rozzean's house, she wouldn't find any evidence of him being involved with other women.To her surprise, she gradually fell for him and found it difficult to tell the truth, especially when something happened between them. Rozzean even proposed to her as Tali and gave her a ring. But then came the terrifying news that her father had a heart attack because he thought she was lost, and something terrible had happened.When thaliana finally tells Rozzean the truth after his accident, and he's initially angry and confused, but eventually, he's deeply saddened by her double identity.Despite her efforts to win Rozzean back, he continues to accept Klari's help, causing Thaliana more pain. She reluctantly agrees to marry Luther, attending a family dinner with a heavy heart. Rozzean arrives with Klari, intensifying her despair.That night, Rozzean and Klari went home together and in a fit of jealousy and sadness, Thaliana gets drunk because she believes all hope is lost.But Rozzean surprises her by returning to her room. Due to her drunkenness, something happens between them.The next day, Thaliana discovers marks on her body and realizes that Rozzean had conspired with Luther, making her annoyed. On Rozzean's mother's birthday, Thaliana tries to avoid him, but they end up on a supposed family yacht vacation together. As they spend time together on the yacht, Rozzean explains everything, including his agreement with his father about their arranged marriage. Their honest conversation clears up misunderstandings and strengthens their love for each other.After a few months, Thaliana and Rozzean start their life together as a married couple.

Pennieee · Urban
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29 Chs

Chapter 12 I'm Dead!

I was scowling as I stared at the TV, watching cartoons. I cooked some popcorn. Manang told me that I could cook the food I wanted. She said Rozzean doesn't forbid that in her mansion.

"That darn guy. Where could he have gone? Last Friday, he said he wouldn't just be home in the evening, but now it's Monday night, and he's still not here! Where could he have gone?"

I felt like a trapped mouse. What if he does not bring his girl home? How can I get evidence?

I continued eating popcorn while muttering in annoyance. When I got tired of watching, I turned off the TV. I went to the kitchen and placed the empty bowl in the sink. In my frustration and as I thought about the reason why Rozzean didn't come home, I finished the popcorn I had prepared in no time.

"If he keeps disappearing for several days, I'll spend my two months clueless and my effort will be wasted. It's frustrating. Where could he be?"

I am so annoyed!

"What are you muttering, Tali?"

I suddenly turned around upon hearing Manang's voice. I smiled at her and returned to washing the dishes. I winced for a moment. It's a good thing my voice wasn't loud. Manang can be scary at times, arriving silently, with no footsteps. Then, you'd suddenly hear her voice out of nowhere.

"I'm good, Manang. What would you like for dinner for us and the guards?" I asked to change the subject.

I placed the bowl in the cabinet and wiped my hands. I waited for her response. Manang opened the refrigerator and probably looked at what I could cook.

"I'll make chicken curry, dear. You can rest or take a bath if you want. It's still hot outside. I'll take care of our dinner," she said.

I smiled and clasped my hands together. Manang is so kind! But she's right; it has been a tiring day for me. Since there are only two of us helpers here in this mansion, Manang and I are the ones who clean everything, both inside and outside the mansion. It's really exhausting. Rozzean's house is good for two families and yet he lives here alone.

It's a good thing I'm very used to household chores. Otherwise, my hands might have blisters by now.

"Oh, thank you, Manang. Yes, it's really hot today. I'm feeling itchy," I said, and scratched myself.

When Manang got the chicken and the ingredients she needed, I was still there.

"Would you like to take a dip in the pool? It looks like Sir won't be coming home tonight either. It's already eight o'clock, and it's dark. He usually stays out until seven. I don't think he'll be coming home."

My eyes suddenly lit up when Manang said that! I'd love to! The heat I was feeling would probably go away if I took a dip in the pool! I needed to soak. Besides, I was starting to miss swimming. Rozzean's pool is very spacious.

"Is it okay, Manang? I do know how to swim," I said.

Manang glanced at me.

"B-Because I grew up near a river, you know, Manang, in the provinces, there are many rivers..." I added.

"Yes, that's fine. Like I said, Rozzean doesn't have too many rules, and he's not strict as long as his helpers do their work properly. Go ahead, take a dip, and in an hour, dinner will be ready," Manang said to me.

I nodded happily and quickly headed to my room on the second floor. I'll check if I brought swimwear! My concern was that I packed only long clothes. Plus, my panties have Hello Kitty prints.

Why did I even buy those? As if I'm going to show Rozzean my panties to convince him that I'm poor.

Sometimes I don't think and my mind isn't working properly.

"Hmmm... hmm..."

My clothes were neatly stored in their respective containers. I've been here at the house for a few days now. Four days, to be exact, and I've already memorized what needs to be done. What time to wake up, what time to prepare meals, the places to clean, even the high-tech areas in Rozzean's house.

"Oh, I do have one!"

I took the black two-piece swimsuit from the bottom of the drawer and stared at it. It seemed to be the only swimsuit I had with me. The others were all Hello Kitty-print panties. And as for bras, I bought them at the market.

"Manang said Rozzean won't be coming home. This is perfect. I can take a short swim in the pool. It's so hot," I said to myself.

After putting on the two-piece, I grabbed a black pajama and wore it over the swimsuit. I also put on a t-shirt, as Manang advised, since it got dark outside, and the guards did their rounds around the mansion at ten.

I was free!

I placed the towel over my shoulder as I descended the stairs. I didn't bother to hide my arms anymore because only Manang was here, and she already had an idea of my skin color from my hands, which she had noticed.

"Manang, I'll be right back," I told her.

Manang smiled and gave me a thumbs-up. Once I was outside the mansion, I walked towards the pool. It took about three minutes of walking to get there. It was located in front of the rooftop, but because we had gone to the rooftop at night when I was with Manang, I didn't see it below.

I giggled when I finally saw the pool. I laid my towel on the edge and removed my t-shirt and pajama. Before that, I also removed my mole. I didn't have any spare moles with me. What if it gets lost in the pool? It would be so hard to find.

I needed to take care of my mole now because it was the first thing Rozzean noticed. Not just once, but twice.

Once I had removed my t-shirt and pajamas, I jumped right into the pool.

"Ahh! This is life!"

To be honest, I was already finding it difficult, but I needed to endure it because it had only been four days. This was for the life I wanted to have, and I was sure my dad wouldn't listen to me if my only reason for disliking Rozzean's personality was that he was grumpy, often undressed, and cursed a lot.

Dad might even laugh at me.

I dive underwater. I had been taught to swim since I was a child, so I had no problem with the depth of Rozzean's pool. While in the middle of the pool, many thoughts crossed my mind about the three days when my grumpy boss hadn't come home.

Maybe he really had a girlfriend, and he was with her right now.

They're doing miracles because it's weekend. Manang was right, Rozzean was handsome and rich. I also believed he was making money. How old was he anyway? And I was sure he wasn't taking my dad's words seriously. He would keep looking for a woman to entertain him. Satisfy his needs in bed.

Men love s/x.

I floated on the water and looked up at the stars. The pool's location was beautiful. You could see a lot of stars.

"I wonder if I can endure these two months? Will I see or find something I can use to cancel the wedding my dad wants?"

I sighed deeply. I closed my eyes for a moment and savored the moment. The pool's cold water really helped me ease the heat I was feeling.

"I miss my kids so much..." I uttered. I hope Thes's employees are taking care of my babies well.

When I opened my eyes, I shifted my gaze in another direction but I almost shouted when I saw who was staring at me.

Sh*t. W-what the hell!

I almost had a heart attack when I looked again towards the rooftop. I saw Rozzean clearly. He was leaning on the edge and looking at me seriously! n-no he is definitely watching me!

"Oh Gosh..."

What was he doing here?! I thought he wasn't coming home!