
The Billionaire's Personal Maid

Just when she was trying to avoid him.. How could the man she'd ran from last night was going to turn out to be her boss?? How was she suppose to work for him?! She had to hide before he notices her..... "Lastly...." his eyes lands on her "I am not the type to forget people easily" He moves closer to her ""Epecially women who run off after a night with me" he whispered . He straightened up "See me in my office Miss Hazel Miller"

Setemi · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Page 48

Oh no!

Vincenzo was serious when he said he was going to make an announcement! She can't let him do this.

"Vincenzo no!" She held him back

He turned to face her, his eyes on where she had her hands on his shoulders. It felt great and he was hoping she wouldn't pull away from him.

"You don't have to do this," She pleaded.

Vincenzo stared at her, totally confused about what was going on.

"You said you were worried about what others had to say about this. I thought we could make things clearer and easier for them, don't you think?" He asked

Hazel imagined Vincenzo telling everyone about her 'new' post in the house. She envisioned Orna cheering and Chloe staring at her with horror in her eyes. Tina and Sharon would stare at her with disgusted looks. She finally got to the boss of the house and now she's going to boss them all around! Gwen's reaction wasn't something Hazel would guess. The old woman was full of surprises and the best advice as well.

"So what do we do then?" Vincenzo asked

Hazel sighed, there were a lot of risks involved in making such an announcement in the open. Everyone would think she was some help who got into an affair with her boss. It would be a really difficult issue to handle.

And if she puts up with keeping their relationship a secret, some of the staff was bound to find out and there would be another round of gossip.

She had no idea what to do now…

Vincenzo pulls a few strands of loose hair away from her face.

"Let me handle this would you ?" Vincenzo asked

Hazel nods in defeat.

She was lost and had an idea of what to do now. They were on a messed-up road and they should tread very carefully.

Vincenzo heads down the stairs, jerk8ng Hazel back to reality. Wait, what is Vincenzo doing?

Is he doing the announcement thing? No!!! She doesn't want him to do that!!!

"Vincenzo wait…"

Hazel hurried towards him and stopped in her tracks as she realised every of the staff was gathered in the living area.

Oh no! This isn't what she meant when she said she was confused! She meant she needed time to think about it and maybe it was better if the staff found out about it…

"I have an announcement to make" Vincenzo turned towards Hazel and gestured for her to move forward.

Hazel shook her head in fright, she doesn't want to be a part of this! If he could make the announcement without him, she wouldn't mind really.

"Hazel Miller. Come here!" Vincenzo ordered

Hazel pouts, her head bowed in fright. She walks towards him, her hand behind her back and head bowed.

"I want to make it clear to everyone here that Hazel is going to be the new lady in the house. That is she is with me and I want the respect you would accord to me, should go to her." He announced

The moment Hazel dreaded. She lifts her head slowly to read a couple of reactions. Everyone seems to be okay with the news and no one seemed to have a surprised expression on their face.


Was this going to be easy, to begin with? It was almost like everyone knew about them before they announced

"And she is still the only one allowed into my space. If I happen to hear any words of gossip about her, you can as well count the days of your employment here over! Is that clear?!" He asked

"Yes sir"


The staff head back to their workstation. Hazel found this hard to believe! How on earth could though have taken this news so well?!

Or were they all scared of Vincenzo that they dared to give a reaction?

Vincenzo turned to face her, his eyes arched in shock at her almost frozen state. She was lost in thought and she had a billion questions on her mind!

"What just happened?" She asked

"Power" he smirked

Hazel frowned, is there ever going to be a time where he would give her an appropriate reply?!

"Problem solved. Now you can move in" he said

"Move in where?" She asked in shock

Vincenzo steps closer, everything halts at their proximity.

"You are the new lady of the house and you get to be in with me," he said

Hazel couldn't imagine sharing the same room with Vincenzo. Although for a while now, she's been spending time with him and it wasn't all that bad if she would be honest.


"Matteo!" Vincenzo called

Matteo hurried towards him in a flash. Hazel couldn't have guessed where he'd come from but he was right beside Vincenzo in a matter of seconds.

"I want her things moved to my room and I need the update on Annie's request," Vincenzo said

"I will have them gathered together in an hour" Matteo bowed his head and was off again like the dash of wind.

"Ci3me ok" Vincenzo took her hand, leading her into his room.

Hazel sat on the bed and he took the seat in front of her. They had a good stare down for a whole minute before Hazel finally spike up!

"This isn't how I wanted things to go!" Hazel whined

"How did you want it to go?" He asked

Ge sounded like he was mimicking her or worse still teasing her. Hazel narrowed her eyes at the man in front of her.

He was testing her patience.

"I would never do that" he assured, linking their fingers together. A small smile spreads on his lips, his eyes on their hands.

"Vincenzo, just because you can read my mind doesn't mean whatever that goes on in there is exactly what I want!" Hazel whined

Vincenzo chuckled

"Now I'm funny uh? Just great" Hazel frowned

Vincenzo turns her face to his, his expression very serious.

"I don't just read your mind, Hazel. I know what your greatest desires are. It's not about what you have to say in your head, it's about that part of you that makes logical reasoning. That's the part I listen to" he said

Hazel pouts.

"You think there's a part of me that doesn't make logical reasoning?" They glared at him.

"You sure say a lot of random things in there and I can hardly keep up with every of your chatter," He said in honesty

"Then stay out of my head " she advised

Vincenzo chuckled.

It was almost like the only ones he ever smile at is her. She could barely recall the last time he sent a smile Annie's way or anyone else for that matter…

"There she goes again saying random things"

Hazel folds her arms.

"You could help me by teaching me how to keep you outta my head!" She said

Vincenzo stared at her in thought, should he teach her those things?


Hazel frowned

"Well, you've got yourself a chatterbox because you chose this path at your own risk!" She snapped

"I'm not complaining, am I?" he asked.

Hazel sighed, there was no point arguing with this man. He is going to do what he pleases at the end of the day.

"What I please with your consent for sure" he adds

Vincenzo suddenly turns serious, that side of him often intimidates her as she had no idea what he could say or do …

"I understand if you don't want to stay here. It's up to you where you decide to stay" he said

Now he's making her feel guilty.

Vincenzo shook his head

"I'm giving you a choice," he said

It was nice of him to do that. But things were already out of hand.

"You already told everyone I am now the lady of the house. Everyone will certainly treat me differently thanks to Mr Vincenzo's claim on the personal maid!" Hazel shrugs

He leaned back, arms folded as he studied her closely.

"That isn't exactly my fault," he said in his defence.

Jazel scoffs. a

Who's fault is it then? Hers?

"I am glad you noticed that" he stood on his feet, hands ready to pull off his shirt.

Oh no.

"STOP!!"Hazel shrieks

Vincenzo tilts his head in confusion. It was almost hilarious how often he does that, something similar to a bear…

"You want to help me with it?" He teased

"What? No!" Hazel snapped

She found this funny. She had been with this man for a while and saw him shirtless severally…

Heck, she's had a one-night stand with him and yet she feels nervous anytime he does that.

It's not normal right,? And to think of it, she barely knew enough about who and what he was.

Why does she feel like there's more to what he'd told her? Was she just being crazy or are there more explanations to be given to her by Vincenzo?

Vincenzo exhaled, there was more to his story but she wasn't ready for that big picture yet. He knew this particular one would send her running.