
The Billionaire's Personal Maid

Just when she was trying to avoid him.. How could the man she'd ran from last night was going to turn out to be her boss?? How was she suppose to work for him?! She had to hide before he notices her..... "Lastly...." his eyes lands on her "I am not the type to forget people easily" He moves closer to her ""Epecially women who run off after a night with me" he whispered . He straightened up "See me in my office Miss Hazel Miller"

Setemi · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Page 18

Hazel marched towards the staff room, her fist clenched in annoyance. She felt mortified and irritated at the same time!

How dare he call her names and question her morals?

Even if she wanted to get drunk, she would have done that indoors, knowing how little her tolerance for liquor is…

And that day had just been terrible… Speaking of which, why on earth did Jason drug her? What does he want from her?

Does this have anything to do with her father?

Her mother had always mentioned how great a programmer her father was and how she would step into that world and make a name for herself.

Her dreams of owning a brand were crushed under the high expectations of her parents.

One thing she could remember about her father was their tendency to relocate very often.

They could move houses at least four times in two months. She was just a kid and didn't seem to bother about the constant change.

It was the same incident.

Her father hurries home and tells her mum the same words

/They found us /

/We need to leave. Now /

As she grew older, she knew her parents were trying to run away from someone or…a group of people.

She'd looked up her dad on google and he had one heck of a history.

The best programmer in the country and number four in the whole world.

She found a pattern that seems to bother her a great deal.

The first three programmers in the world were employed by highly classified agencies.

Her question was, why on earth did her father never work for these people?

For all she knew, her father was always meeting this intimidating group of men and he did his work in his office.

As early as middle school, she started a few programming languages. It was cool and all but that wasn't what she wanted!

"Hazel?" Chole called

Hazel found herself in the huge living area for the staff where they pass their breaks and have their meals. They had a lot of games and a huge screen television as well.

"What happened? We heard the boss called you" she asked in worry

"Mr Vincenzo actually" Orna corrected

"Now is not the time" Chole snapped

"I'm serious, he wants us to address him that way" Orna replied

"Of course. What happened Hazel? You look lost" Chole asked in concern.

"Looks like I'm going to be his maid. He doesn't want anyone else walking into his room" Hazel replied

Chole and Orna looked confused.

"Just like that?" Orna asked in suspicion

"Well, we might have met in the past…under really awkward circumstances" Hazel explained

She's not going to explain in detail what she meant. She's not about to tell them she and Vincenzo…

"Like a one-night stand circumstance?" Orna teased

"Orna! Goodness!" Hazel's cheeks flushed

"I'm just saying," Orna announced

"Then why the long face?"Chole asked

"He's was intimidating alright but them, would I want to be around someone like him frequently?" Hazel asked

"Why not? Oh goodness, imagine a romantic rainy evening in his arms, Hazel. Such a well muscled and those eyes.." Orma wrapped her hands around her shoulders with a smile.

"Enough Orna! You're talking about your boss!" Chole cautioned

"What? Don't you read novels? A boss falling in love with his assistant? I'm this case it's a personal maid! You're so lucky Hazel" Orna cooed

"There's nothing lucky about this Orna. And besides, this is the real world Orna. Things like that don't happen especially when the man in question is such an assist!" Hazel snapped

"You'll be fine Zel. You've got this coveted and besides, you don't have to see him frequently if all you have to do is clean his room and all" Chole pointed out.

"Uhmmm, I think it's more than that. You will right in front of a well-chiselled chest, placing all the buttons in place and knotting a tie" Orna envisions.

"Goodness Orna! You need to quit those novels! It's starting to affect your view of the real world!" Chole snapped

"And facing reality, how has it been?"

"Great. I don't envision something that isn't possible" Chole snapped

"You are no fun Chole. Hazel, a girl can dream and I know there's a man who would do anything in this life to love you" Orna said dreamily

"The sooner you realise the thin line between reality and imagination, the better for you" Chole advised

Orna flicked her tongue at Chole.

"Hazel darling, dream big" she smiled

"I just want to do my job, go home with enough money to put into my work" Hazel pleaded

"Of course, darling and a little romance wouldn't hurt" Orna smiled

"Come on Hazel, it's time for lunch" Chole led Hazel to the kitchen, eyeing Orna.

"I hope you find yours too," Orna said.


It was lunchtime and finally Hazel got to meet the family. The dining area had an elegant touch to it and the furniture was exquisite. From the vaulted ceilings, a black chandelier with bright lights hangs right in the middle of the room.

Lunch was served and the entire table was occupied with different meals, fruits drinks and desserts.

Five of the staff were in the room, standing by the wall as they waited for the family to come down for dinner.

Hazel didn't fancy the idea of standing here while her supposed boss eats.

It means bad luck when someone who has something bad to say about you, watches you eat. There's a high chance you might choke.

A teenage girl hurried down the stairs in excitement. She must be in her teens at least and she had the brightest smile and her red hair was the first Hazel has ever seen.

"Lunch, lunch" she murmured as she hops down the stairs.

Hazel couldn't help but smile at her and sure enough, the young miss returned her smile.

"Good afternoon" she greets cheerfully.

"Afternoon young miss" Hazel replied

The young lady stared at Hazel's hair in silence. Although she had a small scarf on her head, she could see the shiny brown hair around Hazel's neck.

"Brown hair" she muttered

Hazel followed her eyes. She realised her bun had lossen.

"It's really beautiful" she smiled

Hazel smiled

"Do have your seat, young miss"

"Call me Annie"

"No staff of this house dares to call you by your name!".

A woman in her mid-fifties walks down the stairs. Her hair was neatly packed in a bun, thick-rimmed glasses on her face and her hands behind her back.

Hazel needed not to be told this lady is as strict as she looks.

"Aunt Agnes! I was starting to make friends!" Annie whined

Agnes joins her but the table and soon gives a warm smile.

"I know darling but I won't have them address you by your name!" The older lady warned, her eyes staring into Hazel's.

"I won't have any of the staff address her informally. My self inclusive" Hazel assured.

"I'm glad to hear that" she nods

"Aunt Agnes, are you leaving right after lunch?" Annie asked

"Yes. I have a flight to catch and your father isn't in support of my activities around him recently" she offered

Vincenzo had a daughter?

That man looked a day over thirty! And she could guess that this young lady is in her early teens.

Fourteen at least.

"Dad is just being careful" Annie defended

"I bet he is! Sometimes it's hard to determine what he's thinking and I'm not going to worry myself about that am I?" Agnes scoffed

Hazel wondered who Agnes was to the family. She looked nothing Italian. A European maybe.

And she could never in a million years be Annie's mother. Annie looked Italian too and she wouldn't call her mother aunt would she?

"papà ha Bisogno di tempo" Annie informs

<dad needs time>

"Well, he can have all the time he needs because I will be out of his way soon enough" Agnes promised

"I'll have my driver escort you to the airport"

Vincenzo walks into the room. He was fully dressed in black office attire, looking as handsome as heck!

"Are you going to the office dad?" Annie asked in excitement

"Si Annie. Something came up" Vincenzo explained as Matteo shows up in the room, hands behind his back.

"Dad, can I escort Aunt Agnes to the airport?" Annie pleaded

"No. I can't have you going that distance alone" Vincenzo said without emotion

"Dad, please. The driver is going to be there with us" Anni reminded

"Matteo would have to come but we both need to attend to the issues back at the office" he offered

"But dad"

"Enough Annie" he warned

Annie bows her head, and her face scrambles I'm a sad look.

Hazel wanted to beat the hell out of this unfeeling monster! It still baffles Hazel to realise that this same man had been the most gentle and caring back then.

"I'll go with" Hazel blurts.