
The Billionaire's Personal Maid

Just when she was trying to avoid him.. How could the man she'd ran from last night was going to turn out to be her boss?? How was she suppose to work for him?! She had to hide before he notices her..... "Lastly...." his eyes lands on her "I am not the type to forget people easily" He moves closer to her ""Epecially women who run off after a night with me" he whispered . He straightened up "See me in my office Miss Hazel Miller"

Setemi · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Good byes

"This is exactly why I didn't want to call you at first Greg. How would Rina have known he was a scumbag? I mean, I was supposed to be a great judge of good character and yet I trusted him at first sight! So what do you have to say about that?" Hazel asked.

"You blame me for this Greg? For trying to help?" Rina asked

"She never asked for your help, Rina! Did you have any idea how serious this is? That guy could have done the unthinkable and yet you don't think you owe her some sort of apology?" Greg asked in disbelief

"What apology?" Rina asked folding her arms.

Hazel stared at the duo in surprise, they were going to fight because of her. She should have kept this to herself if she knew this would happen…

"Are you listening to yourself, Rina? Your friend was almost kidnapped or worst still raped and you're here, unremorseful?" Greg asked, not sure he knew who his girlfriend was anymore

"Enough you two!"

"No! Tell me something Rina, do you have something to say? The first thing I had in mind was that you'd be pleading with Hazel but here you being so cold" Greg accused

"I'm being cold? Is that what this is about now?" She asked "And she's here! Nothing happened to her!" She yelled

"You are twisting my words, Rina! If you didn't force this on Hazel, this wouldn't have happened! Are you thinking this through at all?" Greg asked

"I never forced this on her. She wanted to go!" Rina snapped. "I was trying to make her life better and take away the fact that she's an obvious third wheel!"

"RINA!" Greg cautioned

The entire room was quiet for no longer than ten seconds.

"Sometimes I wonder if you love me as you claim. You're ready to turn the world upside down for Hazel but here I am being the victim of your harsh words" Rina accused

"Rina.." Hazel called, she had no idea she made her friend feel this way

"Back off Zel! You're the last person I want to talk to right now" Rina warned, anger evident in her eyes. It was obvious she held some sort of resentment towards Hazel.

"You know Hazel is like my younger sister Rina! If we don't look out for her, who will," Greg asked soberly

"What about me? Uhm? Who is going to look after me?" Rina asked

"Why am I your boyfriend if I can't be there for you Rina? You know I look out for you! All the time" Greg reminded

"Really? That night I lost my job but you bailed out on me because Hazel had a panic attack. And my birthday? You left me for Hazel. Every issue we have we have a Zel flu roaming about it!" Rina snapped

"I never asked for you guys to protect me, Rina! And Greg! You two made a big deal out of it and you both loved after me as you owe me something when you don't!" Hazel snapped

"And Rina, I expected an apology or something from you but you decided to turn the tables on me! I'm sorry if I have been the reason why your relationship has been shaky and that's about to change"

Hazel marched to the door and pulled it open.

"Out! And either of you should text me or call me!" Hazel turned to face Rina.

"Since you resent me so much, do me a favour and lose my number from your phone and you too Greg. I'm done being your problem…" Hazel yelled at them

"Zel" Greg called

"Get the hell out of my house. Both of you!" She ordered

"I called you here because I was scared and worried. I never pointed fingers for what happened but here you are making me feel like a burden and you know what, I'm done with you two. Out of my house" Hazel said

The duo left the house without much talk. They knew Hazel was very upset and they both need some fixing to do to their already shaky relationship.

"Hazel, will you be fine?"

"It's none of your business" with that, Hazel slammed the door on their faces.

She's had enough of this. Being called a weakling indirectly. If she could just take things easy, she wouldn't have her attacks so frequently.

Hazel returns to her waffles, taking one scrumptious bite after the other asher eyes glued to the television screen.

Who was she kidding? She needed to talk to someone.

And get out here and fast!

Jason knows where to find her.

Why didn't she think about that until now? And she could make a report to the police bit then she recalled how he'd frightened the guards the other day.

She was a hundred percent sure that if she made a report to the police, it would end up futile.

One thing she had in mind is how to get out of here before Jason comes to find her.

But to where?

Her phone beeped, much to her fright. It washer special occasion job that page

more than the bills and provided her with great accommodation!

Speaking of redemption!

"Hello?" Hazel said

"Yes, Hazel. The mansion is under another region so to say. They'll be coming in tomorrow and I'll want all the staff in tonight. Are you in?" He asked

"Always! I'm packing up my things right now"Hazel assured

"Glad you are excited. Mind you, this is going to take a while. You could be in the mansion for more than a year but I promise you, your salaries would be worth the wait" He assured

"Of course. I don't mind staying for that long"

"Okay then. Two down, fourty more to go" he sighed

"See you later tonight kiddo"

The call ended AnA escape route just when she needed it!

Hazel hurried to her room, dragging a huge box from her wardrobe.

She dumped all of her clothes in the box, shoes and all other necessities.

Within thirty minutes of her running here and there, she was done packing.

Hazel puts on a pair of jeans, a checkered shirt and a baseball hat.

She was ready to go.

Hazel felt bad knowing she had no one to tell her where she was going.

Rina would have been so happy to hear this but now she wasn't sure where her friend stands with her now.

It was clear she resented her but Hazel had no one to blame except herself.

If she'd taken charge of her life and not depended so much on Greg. The crack in their relationship is partly her fault and she knew

"No time to worry now, you'll be out of their hair long enough" Hazel reminded herself.

Hazel took a pen and paper, scribbling down a few words for her landlady and her friends.

If they ever show up at her place that

She ordered a ride and was soon on her way to her most appreciated and valued job!


Hazel pulled her box out of the trunk and paid the driver for such a wonderful ride. The taxi zooms off, leaving Hazel in front of a luxurious estate that had a handful of buildings in it.

But she was standing right in front of the precise house she'd started working for.

A huge gold gate, twenty times taller than she was. A man approached her suspiciously.

"Hello. I am one of the staff who works here?" She explained

The man opens the gate and Hazel strolled in, pulling her box along with her.

She could never get used to how magnificent the building was!

There are flowers on entry, a drive-through right in the centre and sensors on every side.

She had seen a car drive through here one time at night and the way the lights went off had interested her greatly.

The huge mansion came into view, dazzling with night lights and a well-trimmed porch.

She couldn't deny how much she'd missed this place. It felt like the one place where she felt really happy and free.

"Zel!!" Chole called in excitement.

The duo ran into each other's arms hopping happily. its been so long since they had contact and all thanks to the multiple part-time jobs she had to deal with!

"You never called! Not even once!" Chole scolded

"I'm sorry Chole. You have no idea how many part-time jobs I had to keep up with to pay those crazy bills! When Rex called, I was so glad I was finally going to do something worthwhile" Hazel explained

"You are forgiven. Just a bit" Chole smiled

"Did someone say, I miss you Orna?"

Hazel and Chloe exchanged funny looks.

"You mean you heard, you are overdressed for the night Orna" Chole teased

Orna took off her shades, her red lip gloss, almost too red.

"My darling, you walk in with style or these chicks will never respect you" Orna reminded

Hazel knew she made the right choice coming here…