

Myrah's life changed when she lost her father in a car accident. She was forced to marry Valentino Alexander, a cold, distant and ruthless billionaire. The future prosperity of her family's business depends on the arranged marriage. Life with Valentino was miserable as he made it clear to Myrah that she can never be his wife. Myrah found out that Valentino has a girl-friend called Caylee whom he loves. However, Myrah found her husband having sex with Caylee in their matrimonial home on their wedding night. Her wedding night became Caylee's. Myrah was heart broken, she couldn't do a thing about it. Caylee is pregnant for Valentino. She is not ready to have baby out of wedlock. Valentino promised to stand by Caylee. He demanded that Caylee must go for a pregnancy test. Would Myrah cope with the sexual involvement of Valentino and Caylee in her matrimonial home and the news of Caylee's pregnancy? Or would she divorce Valentino before the end of the one year contract marriage?

DaoistTt18no · Urban
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268 Chs

Chapter 18

Myrah's POV 

I apologize for being overly questioning, Myrah. Val wouldn't approve of my questioning his wife in this manner. I just wanted to know. I swear I won't pester you with pointless inquiries once more.

He seemed to be able to read my thoughts. I adored his character. I sat up and turned to face him because I felt better. Kindness, caring, and tenderness were all I could make out in his gaze.

"I appreciate your visit."

"Myrah, what are friends for? Just remember that you can call me at any time if you need me. I will always visit you.

I felt compelled to give him a bear hug. He gave me a heartfelt embrace in response to mine. His embraces were really extraordinary. I was starting to feel a few strange emotions. I'd never had that feeling before.

"You ought to get in the bathtub. Fresh air is necessary. Give it some time. Nick let go and said, "I'll be waiting for you.

"Sure," I said.

Nick discreetly scooped up all of his belongings, including my bottles and all of the pills that were lying on the ground. They accompanied him.

He held up the SSRI bottle and said, "We'll talk about this later. I nodded subtly. At least he didn't press for answers right away and respected my privacy.

After Nick left, I made my bed and then used the tub to relax. I had added herbs to the warm water to aid in body relaxation. It was flawless.

I went about my daily morning routine. I put on a white skater dress with layers of lace and peach ballerina flats. To enhance my appearance, I braided my hair into a waterfall and put on pretty peach rose pins.

I lightly smudged light cologne behind my ears and on my wrists and applied light makeup. One of the days I felt gorgeous was this one.

I snatched up my phone and a compact, fashionable purse that went well with my attire. I consumed a bar of chocolate to increase my mood. Kyle, I adore you!

For the first time in a long time, I wasn't dressed to impress but rather to embrace my beauty.

I boldly made my way downstairs to the kitchen, where Nick was already there. Martha and Regina were still out of sight. They called the cottage home.

Nick was speaking on the phone when I arrived. I overheard him mentioning my name while he appeared to be explaining something to someone.

He grinned at me as I cast a perplexed glance his way. That powerful smile was very unique.

She is here. I heard him say, "Talk to her," and he gave the phone to a bewildered me.

"Who is it?" I ask. While holding the phone to my ear, I mouthed him.

He chuckled and said in a sing-song accent, "Hubby, hubby."

Boyfriend, like in Valentino? Nick responded to my death stare by giving me a dramatic kiss.

I overheard him say, "Myrah," over the phone.

His voice alone sent my body into a frenzy. They might have been nervous.

I responded as coolly as I could, doing my best to ignore Nick's attempts to make me laugh by pulling funny faces at me. "Hello Valentino," I said.

He seemed busy and worn out as he said, "Nick told me you're not feeling well."

"It's not a serious issue. Now I'm feeling better.

You need to have listened to his dramatic narration. He gave the impression that you were on life support.

He most likely exaggerated. I'm fine, though.

Your voice is saying something different.

I said, "that's my normal voice," and he said, "No," and I noticed Nick also crossed his hands.

In any case, let Nick look after you. Trust him; he's a professional. You may rely on Martha and Regina as well. I instructed them to remain at your disposal at all times. I need to leave because I'm kind of busy.

Nothing pleasant or a get well soon message I put far too much pressure on him. Never did I learn.

"Sure," I said. Nick's phone was ready to be returned when I overheard him saying something.

"Princess, recover quickly." When the princess is absent, the kingdom disintegrates. I cry a lot as well.

In complete shock, I questioned, "What?"

I'm kidding. I merely wished to gauge your response. Without me, eat a lot and enjoy yourself. When I return, should I bring you anything?

You are acting in an oddly lovely way.

"Right! Recently, Kyle gave me a terrible lecture, and ever since then, I've been acting strangely. I also had an appointment with that psychiatrist you suggested I needed," which made me chuckle as I thought back on that particular day.

You see, your husband is actually not all that horrible. Although I'm sure Nick will make you laugh till you cry, keep in mind that your husband is also quite capable.

What's the deal with the whole husband issue, and what does it all even mean?

There are some things that are better left unanswered. After my meeting, I have a date with Caylee, so I must leave.

He needed to mention that, really? It was about time I adopted his outlook.

"Good times." We are running late since Nick and I also have plans.

"What are your plans?"

He said it's a surprise, so I can't tell quite now.

"You remember that you are still my wife, right?"

And you continue to be my husband. Nick is your friend, and you advised me to entrust my care to him. I'll let him take care of me in every way since I trust him.


I then disconnected from him. It was past time for him to experience his own punishment. He would no longer be able to dominate me. He was attempting to invade my heart; therefore, I had to keep it safe.

"Every sense of the word, huh?" Nick gave me a lethal smirk.

"I won't entertain any more inquiries."

"Aw, how sweet. Your husband irritated you.

"Nick!" I exclaimed.

Wow! He genuinely made you happier. He added, "I'm happy for you two," and I started to blush hysterically. Actually, I was happier now and felt glad that I had at least spoken to him.

Myrah, you are looking stunning right now. He said to me, "I adore your style."

"Thanks." What's for breakfast?"

Thanks, but no. I don't really feel hungry.

You must eat some food.

Strawberry jam will work.

I nodded in agreement when he replied, "Fine, but I'll make you a proper meal later."

Nick made the strawberries and a cup of herbal tea for me. I sipped the herbal tea first, then dove into the strawberry feast. His meal was a taco salad.

Who is Monica? I questioned while eating a strawberry.

She is engaged in a case. A teenage girl was killed and discovered dead in a warehouse. They are searching the scene of the crime for evidence.

Her line of work is both perilous and crazy cool.

She is very passionate about it, though. She's doing wonderful. I'm happy for her.

My older brother didn't think highly of me. I told him, "Monica is cool." I'd really like to be her friend.

When this situation is resolved, she intends to invite you to a sleepover.

Great! That would be truly incredible. What are we doing today, then?

You informed Val that I was planning a surprise for you. I truly intended to surprise you. I want to take you somewhere you'll really enjoy. I want to look after you till Val gets back. Your care is my concern.

Wow! I exclaimed with excitement, "I can't wait." I cherished surprises.

Nick continued to fixate on me, as I observed. With his eyes fixed on mine, he took my hand and gently kissed the back of it.

"I was terrified when I saw you laying in your bed in such a serious condition. My heart ached watching you in that situation. We don't want you to go away. You are still required to be here.

"Nick, I'm not sure what to say. How will I ever be able to make up for everything?

Keep your mouth shut. All I ask is for you to be honest with

me whenever you're ready. As a friend, I want to at least try to assist you.

What does Nicholas Calleiro's alignment of the stars mean for us?