

  No one had told her what to do and what not to do when she got here. She only met a lady who introduced the company to them and showed them their various offices, nobody ever mentioned what the boss likes or doesn't like.

  "I'm sorry sir. It's my first day here. No one told me anything. I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again" she pleaded

  Annie was shocked as he ignored all her pleas, she watched as he picked up the telephone and called someone.

  "James! My office now!" Damien ordered the person at the other end of the phone.

  She was scared as he slammed the phone down, without glancing at her. The atmosphere in the room was tense, she had no idea who James was. Her thoughts went to the security he saw on her way up.

  "Am I getting fired?" she asked herself as she wandered off.

  In no less than four minutes, James entered the office, at the sight of him. Damien rose angrily and lashed at him.

  "You had one job to do and you failed. How incompetent can you be James?"

  " I-I'm so sorry sir" James stuttered.

  "Shut the fuck up, you bollocks. You are fired. Get out of my office you two. Now!!!" Damien screamed. As they were about to leave the office he called out to Annie.

  "Hey, you, Yes you. What's your name again? You know what, I don't care. This is going to be the last time. It better not repeat itself" Damien warned her.

  "Y-yes, sir. I promise it won't happen again" Annie reassured amidst fear. She was visibly shaking.

  She grabbed the tray and dashed out of the office. This was certainly her worst day ever, she had woken up late on her first day at work and was being scolded by her said boss. She wasn’t sure about her stay here. It wouldn’t be long before she gets fired too, she had thought. Now she understood what Esme meant earlier about her lasting long, she probably wasn’t the first to receive such harsh treatment from him, they couldn’t handle the pressure and quit the job, who wouldn’t, he was mean and ruthless. He had no regard nor sympathy for anyone’s feelings.

  On her way to her desk, everyone was staring at her, they knew what happened because they heard the whole conversation. Annie became embarrassed and couldn’t hide the shame, some tried to console her by saying nice things to her while others showed less concern,

  “Welcome to our world miss, not everywhere is a bed of roses,” one said

  “Quit the job if you can’t handle the pressure, you won’t be the first anyway,” another said.

  Annie was disheartened by those words, she sat in her office and couldn’t hide the tears anymore, she burst into tears which drew the attention of everyone.

  “He’s going to fire you if you keep acting like a child,” one of the staff said to her.

  Annie ran to the restroom and cried her eyes out. She had never been humiliated before. Seconds become minutes but the stream of tears wouldn't stop. She was scared of working with him, she was also scared of making any mistakes.

  She was lost in thoughts that she didn't notice when Esme walked up to her and pulled her for a hug, Esme knew at this moment that the best thing to do was to try and console her.

  "Forget about what he said. He is probably in a bad mood today. Don't change your mind about this place yet."

  "Is this what you meant when you said 'I hope you last long here'". Annie asked as she was curious to know what she meant earlier on. "Is he always like this? Some of the staff are saying I’m not the first, how many have he employed so far and how many have he humiliated like this? How do you even cope with such a person?"

  "It's okay Annie, you don’t know him yet that’s why you are so pissed. As for others, they weren’t patient enough to understand who he really is. He's a really cool guy. He's friendly and has a kind heart" Esme said but Annie rolled her eyes in disbelief. Esme wasn't ready to see Annie quit like others. She had a good feeling about her.

  "He doesn't look friendly to me. He's arrogant and mean. I can't do this anymore. No one has ever spoken to me in that manner before". Annie said angrily

  "He is, trust me. He's just… never mind" she sighs " this is what you have to do to be on his good side. Be here on time, make sure his coffee is set just the way he likes it, and schedule all meetings before time, he doesn't like to be late for a meeting. Don't say a word unless he asks you to. He likes it when his employees look smart and active". Esme advised.

  "Are you two you know dating or something? You seem to know everything about him besides how are you so close to someone like that" Annie asked as she became even more curious to know about their relationship.

  Esme laughed, she was expecting her to ask just like the rest, many of the staff thought they were a couple while some thought she was the sister. She had gotten used to people saying different things about her relationship with Damien. They have the right to their thoughts, she would always say.

  Many ladies had approached her severally begging for an introduction with Damien, while some glared at her with the thought that she was his woman.

  "I've known Damien for years now," Esme answered. "We met in high school and we've been friends since then. He can be difficult but he has a sweet soul. I know that for a fact. You'll like it here. He is not a difficult person; you just need to understand him that’s all"

  "I don't think so," she shrugged. Her phone beeped, it was a text from her mother.

  “How is it going? Do you like it at your new workplace? Call me when you are free to talk” it read.

  “Boyfriend?” Esme teased. Annie laughed.

  “It's my mother, she wants to know how I’m faring here. If only she knew the state I’m in right now” Annie said in a sad tone.

  "hey c’mon, every day is not going to be like this. This is only your first day and it’ll get better with time. Like I told you, you need to be patient and understand him,” she consoled Annie “I'll talk to him, Ok? Trust me". Esme said with a smile. " Now wipe your tears and let's get back to work before we get our asses fired".

  “I feel guilty for his assistant, it’s my fault that he got fired today. I feel so horrible” Annie said

  “Don’t be that way, let’s just say today wasn’t his lucky day. Get yourself together girl, we have a long day ahead of us”

  Annie cleaned her tears, braced herself and they both went to their respective duty post. She hoped that the rest of her day won't get any worse than earlier on.