

  Annie hummed as she pulled into the driveway of her workplace. The early morning traffic had been steady but light, making it an enjoyable ride to work.

  She was in an inexplicably good mood this morning. Perhaps because today was her birthday. She barely celebrated her birthday, to her it was just a regular insignificant day. This year's birthday wasn't insignificant in any way.

  Her mother and sister had called to wish her well on her birthday. Naomi too had woken her with loads of presents.

  At her office, she prepared for the day's work swiftly. She had loads of emails to reply to and meetings to attend with Damien.

  Speaking of Damien, she had made up her mind to let things be the way they were. He didn't want her so she wasn't going to push further until he did otherwise. She checked her email and realized that all the emails had been attended to. Damien was the only one that had access to the email asides from her.