
The Live-In Experimental Success!

"Cassiopeia Bennett, my star, my moon will you marry me and be my constellation forever?"

Is this real???

His hair is muffled as if he ran his long fingers through them.

His eyes were the bluest with warmth, I have not seen before.

I nodded my head yes.


My voice is almost incomprehensible.

He slid the ring on my finger.

As a lone tear slipped down my cheek.

I am laughing like a fool!!

Oh my gosh!!

I take his face and kiss him.

Mold me to him. Inseparable from now on.

His hands glide down my body.

"This ring belongs to my mother, she received it from my grandmother. I knew it is made for you the second I saw it."

"Vince. I - I"

"You are mine now. Now the world can see it and you belong with me."

His lips trace my neck and I am lost in hid trance.

"My turn,"

"By all means," Vince agreed, tugging his tie off and opening the top button of his crisp white dress shirt.