
The Crash Landing Part-1

"Mommy!! Wake up! Daddy, why is she looking so blue?"

"Sweetie, Mom, is resting; come back here."

"We must say goodbye to her; you see, sweetie, you remember how I explained that your mom was suffering from a disorder?"

"Yeah? But she took all her medicines."

"Cassie, you are so intelligent, try to understand that medicine cannot cure everything, and your mom suffered from a complicated disorder and took all her drugs altogether. "

"No, Mom is supposed to take three medicines every day. That was the rule doctor had said. She is dying!!!!!!"

"Cassie, your mom, is on the ventilator now, but doctors said we need to let her go so that she can rest. Finally, peacefully rest."

"I don't want to! I know she beat me up sometimes, but she always meant well; she gets all confused; the doctor can save her right, they said she was fine!"