
The Billionaire's Little Angel

Ever heard of a Gentle dove?, An angel in human form??, the most kindest being ever??, If you have heard of such, then that's the perfect way to define him. And he is no other person than, Gerardo Steinfeld, the youngest Billionaire in France, He is 28 years old and you can call him a fallen Angel cause of his dashing looks. He is the real definition of a Gentleman, the number 1 philanthropist in France, He is the CEO of KINGS IMPORTS one of the most biggest Wine Company in Europe. Money is not his problem, just one word from him and everything is settled the way he wants. His Father President Marcelo is One of the most Richest man in Europe and also the current president of France, so that alone defines how powerful he is. Despite being rich Gerardo suffers from sicknesses he don't know how to cure, he's Asthmatic, suffers from insomnia and Lastly he is allergic to anything made of flour, or citrus fruit. But everything changed after he met her. Who is she??, and How did he met her??.

RoyalPraiz · Urban
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51 Chs

King Antonio Reason's

"Really?" Jolene asked faking a smile, if she steps foot into their house then that means, all the arguments with Luke will have to stop and she had to act as a lovely wife, cause Luke never told her about their fights and Everything.

"Yeah, anyways this is for my grandchild" she said giving a pack of chocolate and candy to Luke.

"Make sure you gives it to her when she wakes up" she said and Luke nodded.

"Sure Mom" he said and she smiled.

"I will get going, I have a meeting to attend" she said and entered her car, she waved at them before her driver drove off.

"Ahhh, that was close I nearly hit her thinking she is someone else" Jolene said and Luke smiled.

"You are Jealous?" He asked.

"No way, carry Jewel already my hand is getting weak" she said and Luke took Jewel from her.

"Let's go to where I parked my car" he said and she nodded.

She held Luke's left hand and cross the road with him.


Raya finished setting the lunch in the dinning and went upstairs to call Millie, whom she came back later with, she is surprisingly the chef in the house cause Fredrick found some trust in her.

"Will you eat much?" She asked Millie.

"Not too much, I will eat more later" she said and Raya nodded before dishing out her food.

"Eat up" she stroke her hair and she giggled before she start eating.

Fredrick walk downstairs to the dinning room and Raya swallowed as her eyes met with his cold eyes.

"Good afternoon sir" she greeted and he nodded before sitting down.

He looked intently at Raya and she looked away not understanding the way he is looking at her.

"Serve him" Millie said understanding the stare he is giving.

"Oh, am sorry sir" she said but he didn't say anything.

Raya served him with shaky hands as his gaze moves with each of her moves.

Right now she feels like fainting in front of him, it looks as if he is staring directly into her soul and she can't help but shiver like a wet Dove.

"Done sir" she said.

"You don't have to say it out, I know" he said and she swallowed moving back in fear.

Fredrick took his spoon and start eating without looking at any of them.

"Stop being too cold Dad, you are scaring her" Millie said and and Fredrick looked at her and smiled.

He made to talk but chocked on the food and start coughing, he looked around for any water, but there is none.

"Am sorry sir, am sorry I forgot" Raya said and rush to the fridge and get some water for him, he drank some of it and throw the remaining one on her face.

"Daddy!" Millie called.

"Learn to serve water when serving food, stop being Stupid and dump" he said coldly and walk out of the dinning.

"I hate you daddy, I hate you, I will make you pay, how dare you do that to her, I hate you I will go stand under the sun till I pass out, Why always cold, don't you talk to me again I detest you!" Millie shouted at him and he turned.

"Don't come close to me" Millie said and walk to Raya.

"Let's go change your wet clothe" she said and walk upstairs with Raya, throwing glares at Fredrick.

"I hate you" she mouthed and he sighed looking at her till she is out of sight.

"Whatever" Fredrick said and walk upstairs too.


Princess Diana walk into King Antonio's room with a frown on her face, her mother is sitting on the couch chatting with her father when she walk to them and stood in front of them.


"Tell me why you are keeping me indoors, tell me right now I need answers" she said making crying face, she is still a young girl of 20.


"Don't lie to me, say what i want to hear, or I will drink poison and die, I can't continue leaving like this" she said and Queen Olivia sighed.

"Calm down Diana" she said.

"Don't tell me to calm down, stop keeping things from me" she said and start crying.

"Sit down Princess, am gonna tell you" King Antonio said and she sat down beside him.

"Well it all started years back when your mother first put to bed, you know you are not our first child, but rather the second one"he said.

"And where is the other one?" She asked.

"Listen Diana" Queen Olivia said.

"Well that year, your mother gave birth, the hospital was set on fire and that moment was when your mother's child came out, the nurse who took the baby to clean her up was killed and the child was taking away from her, I don't know the gender of the child, and the doctor didn't tell us anything but I guess he was paid to do that" king Antonio said.

"So how is that related to me being indoors?" She asked.

"After the loss of the baby, I and your mother searched every orphanage and motherless babies home for any child who is related to us by blood or something but there is none, and that alone made us realized that the baby is dead or sold out" Antonio said and sighed.

"After that, the next year the same hospital was raided again and babies were stolen, and to worsen everything we always get treats from unknown number telling us not to let you out of the house or she is going to abduct you and sell you out like the first baby, you see now Diana that we are trying to protect you, you are not allowed to leave the house without me or your mother cause it's dangerous out there.

"Try enduring with us, I promise you that you will be able to leave this house some day, let's find the culprit First" King Antonio said and Diana sighed.

"I hear you Dad, but why not track the number" Diana said.

"It's invalid, we can't get the location no matter how we tries" Queen Olivia said.

"Ok I will start staying indoors but no all the time, try taking me out sometimes" Diana said.

"Ok, I will do that" Antonio said and she hugged him with a smile.

"I love you Daddy" she said.

"What about me?" Queen Olivia asked.

"You are too strict" she said and Queen Olivia rolled eyes.

"I will be in my room but don't take my husband away from me Diana" she said and she chuckled.

I promise you that" Diana said and Olivia smiled before walking out of the room.

"Why?, She is so beautiful" Diana said.

"Don't be Jealous" Antonio poke poke her cheeks and she giggled.

"I am not" she said and Antonio smiled stroking her full blonde hair.


Pierce's car stopped in the garage of the school and he came out with a charming smile on his face, this is his first day in school after his accident and he is perfectly fine now, he can walk freely and he can do things all alone without Susanna's help.

"Wow, it's really beautiful here" he said and smiled.

He pocketed his hands and start walking to the school building slowly.

"Heyyyyyy Pierce!!" Phil shouted and Pierce sighed walking faster.

He is not in for his drama's this morning.

"Hey leader" he called and hang his hand on his shoulder.

"Not now.....

"Wait where is your wheelchair, don't tell me you forgot it already" he said.

"Get off, are you blind to see that I can walk" Pierce said and push him off.

"But you should have come with it, I can ride on it you know" he said.

"Go home and take it, Chelina is at home" Pierce walk into the school hallway, girls sworn around him Immediately giving him sweet comments and gifts.

Oh my Pierce!

He is back!

Welcome back Honey!

I love you so much!

Wow looks at his hairstyle!

An autograph please!

Crazy fans threw flowers at him while some even hugged him.

"Hey stop it, come hug me instead let him go" Phil said and the girls faced him

My Phil!!!" They screamed and start running to him, Phil turned to start running but he saw another group of girls running to him they actually came from upstairs.

"No no!! Stop!! Mommy!!" He cried but it a waste cause all of the girls jammed him at once and they all went down together suffocating the hell out of him.

"Aarrgghh!! Somebody help me am suffocating!" He cried but more of the girl are still coming and when he saw this he fainted immediately.


Pierce walked into the hallway of their English lecture hall and he saw Barbie with three girls discussing.

"Hey!" He called and she turned.

"Excuse me" she said and the girls walk away.

"You are late!" She walk to him and hug him.

"Am sorry" he said and kiss her neck.

"Am not angry" she said and broke the hug.

"Let's go" he said and took her hand.

"Where is the Private lounge?" He asked.