
The Billionaire's Little Angel

Ever heard of a Gentle dove?, An angel in human form??, the most kindest being ever??, If you have heard of such, then that's the perfect way to define him. And he is no other person than, Gerardo Steinfeld, the youngest Billionaire in France, He is 28 years old and you can call him a fallen Angel cause of his dashing looks. He is the real definition of a Gentleman, the number 1 philanthropist in France, He is the CEO of KINGS IMPORTS one of the most biggest Wine Company in Europe. Money is not his problem, just one word from him and everything is settled the way he wants. His Father President Marcelo is One of the most Richest man in Europe and also the current president of France, so that alone defines how powerful he is. Despite being rich Gerardo suffers from sicknesses he don't know how to cure, he's Asthmatic, suffers from insomnia and Lastly he is allergic to anything made of flour, or citrus fruit. But everything changed after he met her. Who is she??, and How did he met her??.

RoyalPraiz · Urban
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51 Chs

Gender Switch Party


It's finally the long awaited day, the day the students of Sliver line college had been waiting for.

The Gender Switch Party, students are walking in and out of the school all of them dressed in different attire.

Some are dressed in Chinese attire, Korean attire, Japanese attire, India and many more.

Some are dressed as footballers, business people, singers, and teachers, like many types of attire.

A black car stopped in the school and a Girl came out dressed completely like a boy, you can hardly know she is girl of you didn't look well.

She is dress in an Indian attire looking so beautiful, the left door of car opened and her partner walk out dressed in the Indian Sari, looking so sexy, he is using butt pad, so he is looking so sexy like a girl, with curves all over, he also had a navel ring on.

The girl took his hand and kissed the back of it before the walk into the hall, with students cheering them.

Another car stopped in the middle of the school and Lyena Came out of it, dressed in a business suit, her hair was turned into curls making it to look short, her make-up is a light one and that made her to look more like a boy.

She walk to the other side of the car and opened the door like a gentle man, she offered Avalon her hand which he took like a girl and get down from the car.

Students eyes widened and their jaws dropped as they behold the pretty guy in front of them.

Avalon changed from a boy to a girl that you will never know he is the one if you don't look closer.

His makeup artist did a great job, his face change completely and he is looking so sexy, he had eye lashes on and even his nails are the artificial ones.

He is putting on a red Palazzo trousers suit holding a red suitcase, he is also wearing butt pad so he got crazy curves and his white high heels stood out.

Is this really Avalon?

No it can't be, maybe it's another person!

"Can we go now my Lady?" Lyena asked like guy.

"Of course" he said in a girlish voice and Lyena bowed and took his hand before walking in the hall.

The students followed them cheering them as the walk, and to worsen it all, Avalon is swaying his ass as he walks.

A blue Jeep stopped in the garage and Reign came out of it with a big frown on her face.

She is putting on a ripped jeans trousers with a black armless Polo and a red sneakers.

She is carrying a guitar and her short hair was styled to the left side, she looks good no doubt.

She marched to the other side of the car and opened the door, Phil took out his hand hoping she will take it, but she grab his neck and push him out of the car.

"Gosh, can't you be so romantic?" He asked and she closed the door with a loud thud.

"Romantic my foot, take a look at yourself, you can't even where butt pad like others, am totally disappointed in you" Reign said and Phil hissed adjusting his clothe.

He is wearing a short pink leather gown and a white knee length boot, her backside looking as flat as a slippers, he had a nose stud on and he is chewing gum too, his makeup looks quite good but his mode of dressing is nothing to write home about.

"You know what, avoid me till this party is over" he said.

"Even better, go your way" Reign said and start walking away.

Phil chased after her immediately trying to control how he walks on heels.

He got to the entrance door of the hall and when he made to walk in, his heels slipped and he fell down flat, the foam pad that was added into his breast fell out and everybody burst into laughter.

Reign turned and walk back to Phil, she helped him up and he smiled at her but that alone got her more annoyed.

"You are always disgracing me Phil" Reign said.


"Take a look at other guys here, are they in anyway to be compared to you?" Reign asked.

"I am Phil, and I love doing my things my way" he said.

"Shame on you" Reign said and he smirked.

"Same to you" he said and Reign picked the foam pads on the floor before dashing out of the hall.

"Reign wait" Phil called going after her.

Seriously Phil is not normal!

I pity Reign!

Students murmured looking at Phil who is running after Reign.

A pink sports car drove into the school and Barbie came down from it, looking so good in her blue suit with yellow lining on the collar and the arms, she is putting on a short male's wig which is styled to the right said of her giving her a posh look.

She had a light make up on and her lips had pink lips balm on it, her white shoe is glittering with the morning sun and her beautiful green eyes, got black contact lenses on it

Wow, it's Barbie!

She looks so good!

Barbie smiled as she listened to the comments from the students.

She slowly walk to the car door and opened it, Pierce walk out of it, dressed in a pink round ball gown, a gown that is literally sweeping the ground.

It's so big that Pierce can barely walk with it.

"You okay right?" She asked.

"Yeah I am" he smiled his makeup glittering off.

Just like Avalon, he had eye lashes and artificial nails on, his nails is so long that he almost look like a witch with it.

He looks so much like a girl, that you will never knew he is Pierce, his high heels click on the ground as he walk as it look like he is a real lady.

He is wearing butt pad just like Avalon and he is the real definition of sexy right now.

He had human hair wig on and the way his stylist styled it gave him a dashing look coupled with the fact that his makeup suits him makes him looks like an angel.

Wow who is that?!

That's Pierce and Barbie!

No way!, That can't be him!

I thought I have seen it all in Avalon, now him!

Pierce should have been a female instead of a Male!

I just jealous his face and eyes!

Barbie is Lucky!

Students murmured and Barbie smiled widely.

"Let's go" she said and took his hand.

"Sure" he smiled and the walk into the hall together, with his gown dragging behind him.


Gerardo walk into the cemetery with Nellie, they are both dressed in black wearing black hats as they walk into the cemetery.

The got to a grave and Gerardo stopped before looking at Nellie.

"Is it here?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's here" he said.

"You mean, this is where my mother was buried?" She asked.


"Why didn't you tell me that she is dead all this while?" She asked.

"Am sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt" he said.

"But now am hurt" she said.

"Am sorry, I was just waiting for you to grow up" he said and she sniffed.

"I was even thinking she left you, not knowing that she Is dead.

"Am sorry Nell" he said and she turned to face the grave.

MELINDA AVERY STEINFELD is written on the grave body with sliver stone.

Nellie squat in front of the grave and sniff back the tears that are threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Mommy" she called and tears dropped from her eyes.

"I can't believe I didn't get to see you before you left me, you didn't even stay with me as other mothers" she said and tears rolled down her eyes.

"I miss you so much even though I don't know you" she said and stood.

"I promise to find the right one for Daddy, I won't let any bad person get close to him, I will get the perfect person for him" she said and Gerardo smiled.

"I love you so much Mom, and I promise to take care of Daddy for you" she said with a grin.

"Dad" she turned to Gerardo and he smiled.

"Stop crying" he said wiping her tears.

"I just wish, I saw her before she died" she said.

"I know but stop the tears, I don't like it" he said and she nodded.

"I love you Daddy" she said.

"I love you too" he said patting her hair.

They turned to the grave again and after spending some time there, they said a little prayer before leaving for their house.


Luke pulled out of Jolene and fell on her tiredly before giving her neck a kiss.

"Gosh, Luke get down from my body, you are so heavy" Jolene said pushing Luke away from her body.

"Try being romantic" he said.

"Romantic?, For real?" She asked and he nodded.

"Wow, you don't expect me to carry you around, for goodness sake Luke, this is the third round this morning but I didn't complain, now you want me to carry you on my body what if I die" she said and Luke chuckled.