
The Billionaire's Kidnapped wife

David Anderson and Joanna Macbeth were forced by their family into an arranged marriage. They knew nothing about each other but yet, they both had to ditch their one true love and face the reality of life together. It was difficult at first but just when they were starting to get acquainted, Joanna was kidnapped and sold at a human auction to a Mafia boss. What will happen when Vladimir fell in love with Joanna and will go to any length to keep her? What will happen when David will stop at nothing to get his wife back. And what will happen when Joanna realized she is pregnant with David's child but still at the devil's nest? You don't wanna miss this!! ********** "About last night" Joanna blushed but was interrupted. "Was a mistake" David said curtly. Joanna stared at him. She couldn't believe her ears. "I beg your pardon?" "Last night was a Mistake" David repeated, his face expressionless."Do not think anything of it" "Get out," Joanna said bitterly. "I am sorry Joanna but we shouldn't have done it" "Get out damn you!" Joanna yelled. She didn't know she had much venom in her. She watched as David hesitated before leaving.

Queeynsalmerh · Teen
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65 Chs

Chapter 8...Settling in

"Good morning Anna" David came towards Joanna and kissed her temple. He smiled and she almost fainted because when his smile appeared, she was completely taken aback. His dimples appeared as his mouth stretched and he flashed his perfectly straight. perfectly white teeth. It completely transformed his normally hard features. What was he trying to do? To let them know that they were fine? She saw Charlotte wink at her and she blushed.

"We need to get going. Jared will be home soon" Evelyn announced.

"Do you mind if I go with them and get some stuff?" He asked her." The maids will keep you busy, Alright?"

"Uh..huh" She replied confused. Since when did he care? He had been disappearing without informing her so why now?. It was just for a gig and she smiled knowing she had to play along. He was just putting up a show.

"We will see you again Honey" Evelyn hugged her."Mum and Dad are so proud of you. Here is your phone" Evelyn said and passed it to her. She squealed, getting a look from all of them.

"What? At least I won't be bored" She said defending herself.

"You will tell me all about it. I knew it happened" Charlotte whispered as she hugged her too.

She watched with tears in her eyes as they left her all alone and she hugged herself. She felt homesick. She checked her phone and there was no message from Jasper. It was like the messages he kept sending stopped after he saw her got married. She tried his number again and it went straight to voicemail.

Hello freak! If you are not a friend then hang up. She smiled at his ridiculous voicemail message. She wondered what other people think of it.

"Ma'am?" She looked up to see it was Sofia. "What will you like for breakfast?"

"I think I will go for a pancake but I want to make it myself".

"No..please" Sofia looked horrified." If..if Mr. Anderson Senir gets to know of it, I will lose my job".

"Who will tell him?" Joanna smiled at her. There was something about Sofia that interested her but she couldn't place her finger on it. Maybe it was her innocent bold eyes and her simplicity. She was a pretty woman and looked just a year or two older than Joanna.

"He won't know I promise" Joanna assured her as she carefully placed her phone on the couch. Sofia was still not comfortable as Joanna linked their arms together and made Sofia lead them to the kitchen. She was still to know her surroundings.

Joanna got the Banana flour and started making a batter out of it as Sofia watched. Although cooking was not Joann's favorite, she does enjoy making it occasionally. She had attended a culinary school and knows a lot about dishes.

"Where are the rest of the staff I saw last night?" Joanna asked to ease the tension in the kitchen. Sofia kept peeping at the kitchen door.

"We take turns," Sofia explained. "Mary will be here in two days and Susan a day after that and then myself".

"Well, if not for my selfish self, I would love to have you every day" Joanna smiled as she lit the fire and put on the pan, pouring an amount of the mixture inside.

"I will love that but I have an orphan brother at home," Sofia said innocently and put her head down. "I am sorry Ma'am but I need to spend time with him" .

"Totally. I am sorry, I understand." Joanna said as she flipped the pancake over. It smelled nice and her mouth watered just by looking at them. She smiled as she placed them on a plate and spread her Nutella. She kept repeating the process until she was done.

"Here, help yourself" Joanna invited Sofia. Sofia nodded as she fetched a plate and served herself from the lot waiting.

"This is nice" Sofia's eyes opened wide in surprise as the tasty mixture of Banana and chocolate melted on her tongue."I am sorry but I never thought...that..you.."

"I know... I never thought I could cook too" Joanna winked.

"Has Mr. Anderson eaten before he left?" She didn't know why she asked and mentally slapped herself for prying. Who cares if he ate or not?

"No ma'am and he said not to expect him anytime soon".

"What can you tell me about him?" Joanna asked. She knew that if the marriage had to work, then she must try on her own to know him. It was up to her. He has been avoiding her since at the church and if she did the same then she would just be tied to a void marriage and ruin her chance at finding happiness. The only thing she was certain of was that Jasper would never take her back. He hated her.

"I don't know ma'am..."

"Joanna please or Anna. Do not call me ma'am".

"Ok ma'am" Mary replied shyly and Joanna rolled her eyes. She had to get used to it.

"I know nothing about him except that he seems nice" .

Joanna scoffed. "Nice? And he couldn't even tell you apart from Mary".

"It was a mistake and he only saw us last night" Sofia Insisted and laughed. Joanna laughed with her. Sofia's presence was helping her a lot.

"Right, a mistake" Joanna shook her head. She was done with her breakfast and washing her hands. It was the most satisfying meal she had eaten since she knew of her wedding.

"I need to check this whole house if I am going to spend the rest of my life here," She told Sofia. "You can get on with your work and forget I am here..See you around".

She went upstairs and went through some of the clothes Evelyn brought earlier that morning and was lucky to find some baggy shorts and tops. She quickly changed and went on her quest to explore the house.

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