
The Billionaire's Kidnapped wife

David Anderson and Joanna Macbeth were forced by their family into an arranged marriage. They knew nothing about each other but yet, they both had to ditch their one true love and face the reality of life together. It was difficult at first but just when they were starting to get acquainted, Joanna was kidnapped and sold at a human auction to a Mafia boss. What will happen when Vladimir fell in love with Joanna and will go to any length to keep her? What will happen when David will stop at nothing to get his wife back. And what will happen when Joanna realized she is pregnant with David's child but still at the devil's nest? You don't wanna miss this!! ********** "About last night" Joanna blushed but was interrupted. "Was a mistake" David said curtly. Joanna stared at him. She couldn't believe her ears. "I beg your pardon?" "Last night was a Mistake" David repeated, his face expressionless."Do not think anything of it" "Get out," Joanna said bitterly. "I am sorry Joanna but we shouldn't have done it" "Get out damn you!" Joanna yelled. She didn't know she had much venom in her. She watched as David hesitated before leaving.

Queeynsalmerh · Teen
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65 Chs

Chapter 6.... Tolerance

Joanna got into the passenger seat, her heart slamming. Was she going to be alone with him on the ride to wherever the house was? How could the journey be? It was awkward enough at the church when she had to marry him and she didn't forget how she kissed him hungrily. How could she face him after she did that?

Joanna immediately faked sleep when she heard someone fumbling at the car door and then got in the driver's seat. She still remembered the smell of his cologne at the wedding and she knew it was him. She felt him bend close to her and she almost screamed, thinking he wanted to consummate the marriage right there and then but she felt him retreat and start the car. She breathed a sigh of relief. She refused to believe she married a pervert.

The drive to the house was still awkward, the car was silent except for the screeching of tires as they bumped on the road. She had no idea where they were heading but she refused to let him know she was awake. Her parents were to be blamed. One minute she was with them and the next, she was with a stranger going to an unknown destination.

The car stopped after a while and Joanna saw him go out, leaving her alone in the car. The voices outside were hushed at first until she heard him speaking to someone there with him.

My.. umm..." David stammered. "There is a lady in the car. Will you mind waking her up?"

It felt ridiculous. Why didn't he wake her up? Does he think he was out of her league and felt too powerful to even wake her? What was he thinking?

"No need. I am here" Joanna said as she got out of the car and slammed the door shut. She was pissed but he didn't seem to notice. He ignored her completely.

"Would you mind escorting Mrs. Anderson to her room? Ummm" He waited and the maid standing close to him knew it was a clue to get her name.


"Yes, Mary. I need you to escort Mrs. Anderson to her room" He spoke quietly.

"Yes, Sir" The maid answered. "Let go, Ma'am".

So she was Mrs. Anderson now. Was that how she was going to be addressed? She didn't give it a thought as she was fuming. He dared to address her as his wife but couldn't even wake her from the car! She was about to speak when Mary's voice interrupted them.

"Am sorry Sir but only..only one of the rooms was made Sir" She said, her head down.

"Huh?" He asked, trying to process what she said.

Joanna almost laughed at the expression on his face but then it hit her! They fix one of the rooms for them thinking they would be spending the night together.

"Fine." He said. "Take her to the room, I have something else to take care of" and he disappeared into the house immediately without giving them a second glance.

It was going to be a hell of a marriage, Joanna thought. That was the second time he was disappearing on that day but she was too tired to care. Her wedding dress and her sleepy eyes were her worries.

She followed Mary behind as she led her into the house. The room she was taken to was on the top floor.

"Your bath is ready" Mary announced and stayed. Joanna stared at her. She expected her to leave.

"I am supposed to help you with it" She explained.

"Oh no... I can't, that will be all. Goodnight" She dismissed Mary and laughed. How could she allow another lady to bathe her? It only happened in fairy tales.

"I will just lay out your nightgown then and I will be gone before you come out".

Joanna only nodded and went into the bathroom and immediately regretted letting Mary go. She needed help with the corset but after fumbling for a while she got it and stripped before getting into the tub. That was all she needed. The water was relaxing and she found herself moaning as she felt her sore muscles going slack.

She didn't want to leave the bath but she was very tired and needed to be in bed. She came out of the room, with a towel around her and saw an orange nightgown laid out on the bed. Her hand trailed the smoothness of the silky material and immediately fell in love with it.

As she was putting it on, David strolled in. She froze, her brain resetting. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. The towel was already lying at her feet. She quickly pulled the duvet off the bed and covered her body, her face red with embarrassment. David only seemed amused.

"You..you are not supposed to be here" She stuttered.

"Are you so sure about that Mrs. Anderson?"His voice suggested seductively. "Last I remember, the room was for the both of us" Mischievousness was visible in his blue eyes. She was right, his eyes speak. She knew what he meant. It was their wedding night and they were supposed to be spending it together.

'I...Um...I" She couldn't put her words together. Her heart was beating loudly and she was scared he might hear it.

David strolled towards her, his grin wide on his face. She couldn't do anything except press the bed cover to her chest. She felt her cheek flush.

She held her breath when he came close, his face inches away from her. She closed her eyes waiting for what he was about to do. He leaned towards her and his hands went about her waist. Her heart dropped to her stomach in anticipation but then she felt him withdrawn. Away from her.

Joanna opened her eyes slowly and saw that he had reached the door in two strides and was facing her. His face was expressionless. He was holding a pillow. That was why he was in the room. She didn't understand why she felt excited when he came close and then disappointed when he moved away.

*Goodnight Joanna" He smirked and she noticed the dimple on his left cheek. It was deeper than she thought. Damn! He was hot.

"Night...Jerk!" She muttered under her breath and watched him leave.

She climbed into bed as she smothered her nightgown but couldn't sleep for a while. She did not understand how her husband of one day could make her feel that way. She knew she was not in love with him but the way his presence made her feel was worrisome. Her heart belonged to Jasper and so she thought was her body but it was trying to betray her.

Exhaustion overrode her thought and she fell into a deep sleep.