
The Billionaire's Kidnapped wife

David Anderson and Joanna Macbeth were forced by their family into an arranged marriage. They knew nothing about each other but yet, they both had to ditch their one true love and face the reality of life together. It was difficult at first but just when they were starting to get acquainted, Joanna was kidnapped and sold at a human auction to a Mafia boss. What will happen when Vladimir fell in love with Joanna and will go to any length to keep her? What will happen when David will stop at nothing to get his wife back. And what will happen when Joanna realized she is pregnant with David's child but still at the devil's nest? You don't wanna miss this!! ********** "About last night" Joanna blushed but was interrupted. "Was a mistake" David said curtly. Joanna stared at him. She couldn't believe her ears. "I beg your pardon?" "Last night was a Mistake" David repeated, his face expressionless."Do not think anything of it" "Get out," Joanna said bitterly. "I am sorry Joanna but we shouldn't have done it" "Get out damn you!" Joanna yelled. She didn't know she had much venom in her. She watched as David hesitated before leaving.

Queeynsalmerh · Teen
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65 Chs

Chapter 55...Club

"It is already a week since David told me the papers would be ready". Joanna sighed. "I have not heard from him and no divorced papers were delivered to the house".

"Chill Ann, why are you in a hurry?" Charlotte burped as she sipped on her drink. "I mean if he does send it or not, it is his loss".

Charlotte had picked Joanna up at home and was out for dinner at a private club where Charlotte happened to know someone who happened to be a member of the club and had given them a free pass. They had been working at the hospital nonstop and were given the day off. They were seated at a private booth away from the dancing floor.

Since Joanna came back home, she had been trying to be normal but thoughts of David refused to leave her mind. The more she tried to let go, the more she fell in love with him. He had not contacted her since the day he told her about the divorce and she never wondered why. She knew why; it was because he really wanted her gone.