
The Billionaire's Kidnapped wife

David Anderson and Joanna Macbeth were forced by their family into an arranged marriage. They knew nothing about each other but yet, they both had to ditch their one true love and face the reality of life together. It was difficult at first but just when they were starting to get acquainted, Joanna was kidnapped and sold at a human auction to a Mafia boss. What will happen when Vladimir fell in love with Joanna and will go to any length to keep her? What will happen when David will stop at nothing to get his wife back. And what will happen when Joanna realized she is pregnant with David's child but still at the devil's nest? You don't wanna miss this!! ********** "About last night" Joanna blushed but was interrupted. "Was a mistake" David said curtly. Joanna stared at him. She couldn't believe her ears. "I beg your pardon?" "Last night was a Mistake" David repeated, his face expressionless."Do not think anything of it" "Get out," Joanna said bitterly. "I am sorry Joanna but we shouldn't have done it" "Get out damn you!" Joanna yelled. She didn't know she had much venom in her. She watched as David hesitated before leaving.

Queeynsalmerh · Teen
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65 Chs

Chapter 05...After party

Ever since the wedding, Joanna hasn't set eyes on her husband. He had left her at the church and that was it. She was annoyed. He made it seem like she wanted the marriage and he was the only one forced into it. If he wasn't going to tolerate her neither does she.

A black limousine meant for the couple was parked at the church entrance but because David was nowhere to be found, she held on to Charlotte and they were taken to the Anderson mansion. The house was beautiful and bigger than her parents. She still remembered it from her sister's wedding. The after party was done there. Now it was her turn.

The Andersons were welcoming and kept fusing about her. Joanna had met Mrs. Anderson just once and it was four years ago at her sister's wedding. She loved her privacy but Mrs. Anderson was not someone who understood that so she stayed away from her and never visited her sister at the house. She wondered how her sister had been coping with the petite woman. Mr. Anderson, on the other hand, does come over to their father's house and they occasionally bumped into each other. She never knew that he had plans for her. Plans that involved getting married to his son, just like he got her sister married to his other son.

"OMG!" Charlotte gasped."This house is freaking huge!" She squealed. The living room was so big that it could accommodate as many as 200 guests and there were a lot of people. Joanna knew it was going to be a long night.

Charlotte pulled Joanna to the ballroom where some couples were dancing.

"You still don't get this right. You know you suck at dancing right?" Charlotte complained.

"I wonder why you always bother to do this knowing fully well that I will keep on stepping on your toes" Joanna laughed as they swayed awkwardly to the slow music.

"It is better than having to fake a smile and greet everyone out there," Charlotte said. "I just saved you".

"Yeah, I know, I know" Joanna rolled her eyes. "I need to get off these clothes, it is draining".

"Just so you know, you are the worst dance partner I have ever had".

"Just so you know, you are the worst best friend I've ever had" Joanna retorted equally.

"Well, darling" Mrs. Anderson interrupted them. "I've been looking for you. Will you mind coming with me. I need you to meet some guests".

"Yes. Of course" Joanna said but not before turning to see Charlotte smirking at her. The escape plan was useless.

Charlotte was already passed out by the time Joanna came back. She has been by herself entertaining guests and making up excuses for David's absence all through the night. Somebody she barely knew. She was so exhausted and the corset of her wedding gown was uncomfortable. She had to meet Mrs. Anderson who was kind enough to help her escape to David's old room when he was living with them. Although he has gotten a new apartment, his room was never touched.

She sipped her wine and went through some photos that were framed and standing on the board beside his bed. She was able to recognize him because of his blue eyes and could tell he had been a happy but quiet child. In all the pictures she walked by, he wasn't smiling but she could tell he was happy, his eyes told her. Although she had seen his eyes just once at the church, there was something about it that spoke even through the pictures.

One of the pictures got her attention and she carefully placed her wine glass on the board before picking it up. Her hand trailed his face. The picture was taken when he was about 7 or 8 years old. He was holding Michael by the neck and pulling him towards the ground. His face was full of Joy and it was the first picture she saw of him smiling and was surprised when she saw traces of dimple. A little girl was laughing at their side holding a doll. The picture was captured at a perfect moment.

The door jerked open and Joanna was so stunned that she dropped the picture. It was Mrs. Anderson.

"I..I..am sorry Mrs. Anderson...I" She apologized profusely as she bent to pick the picture. Luckily it wasn't broken. "I.. didn't mean to intrude...I".

"It is fine" Mrs. Anderson smiled at her. "Please call me Victoria. No need for formalities" She patted her hair. Joanna had noticed she did that a lot.

"Who is she?".

"Oh. That was Bella. Anabelle. She died when she was 5" Victoria answered sadly.

"I am so sorry".

"No. It's fine. Her brothers took it hard, especially David. He blamed himself for her death even though I don't understand why. She died of pneumonia".

"I am sorry".

"He thinks he let her play in the cold too much" Victoria forced a laugh but Johanna could detect sadness laced in it." David is a good man. He cares a lot".

That Joanna could not say and she couldn't imagine the pain he must have gone through, losing someone. She hadn't lost anyone but she refused to imagine what it would feel like if she lost Evelyn. She was the only sister she got and the realization hit her hard; that was the only thing she knew about David. Her supposed husband. His pain was the first thing she learned about him. She felt the knot in her stomach. How would she be able to live with him when she knew nothing about him? Absolutely nothing.

"Come, David is here. You need to get home and have a rest" Victoria announced.

Her heart skipped a beat. He was here. He was the last person she wanted to see.

"The guest..." Joanna started to complain but Mrs. Anderson interrupted her.

"I know" She giggled like a child." We are using the back door, come". She said pulled Joanna through the empty doorway to the back door and into a waiting car. It was empty.

"Good night Honey." Victoria kissed her cheek kindly.

"Thanks, Victoria. Regards to Mr. Anderson".


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