
The Billionaire's First Love(She‘s the one.)

Alayna is the leader of the city's best street dancers, and she dances for a living to support her younger sisters after her mother died in a car accident. She dreamed of having a beautiful love life, getting married, raising a family, and being happy after her terrible dating experiences, but the expectations of her fantasies changed after meeting a mystery guy at a nightclub.

Leefanisha · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 14

The Doctor approached them to discuss Darla's health.

Dominique interrupted and said, "It's cool.

"Can we start the surgery right away?"

The Doctor responded, "Absolutely, I'll prepare immediately."

He responded, "Thank you."

Alayna turned to him and said, "Thank you, Dominique.

"I owe you a big one."

He responded, "You're repaying me with a child.

"That's enough."

She said to him, "Shuu, I haven't discussed this with Kathy yet."

Kathy approached and asked, "Discuss what?"

"Kathy, I- uhh- I'm Pre-

"I don't know how to explain this to you,"

Alayna responded.

She asked, "You're what?

Alayna looked at Dominique and responded, "I'm pregnant."

Kathy responded, "Yeah, right!

"Who's the dad?

"What the hell did I miss?"

Dominique grasped her waist and pulled her close to him.

Alayna said, "Yeah! We- I-"

"We're still figuring it out, but the main decision is were keeping the baby," Dominique responded.

Kathy said, "Could you give us a minute?"

Dominique shook his head and approached Darla.

Kathy drew her to the opposite corner and said, "You're dating him!?"

Alayna said, "What?


"Look, I didn't want this, but he doesn't want me to get rid of it."

Kathy smirked and said, "It's not a bad idea.

"I mean, he's rich and hot, and you've fucked him countless times.

"Now you're pregnant!"

"This is so not adding up right now."

Alayna laughed and said, "I know, but he isn't a family guy."

Kathy looked at him talking with Darla and said, "He does seem like he'll be good at it.

"Maybe you just need to show him you're different."

Alayna responded, "I don't know what to do.

"I think he just wants a kid, and that's it."

Kathy responded, "You're so dumb, Alayna!

"Can't you see the guy like you?

"He likes you, but I guess he doesn't know how to show that."

Alayna responded, "I'm so not listening to an 18-year-old who's never been in my position."

Kathy said, "Yeah, but I'm saying!

"He likes you, Alayna.

"He's probably obsessed with you."

Alayna looked over at him and said, "Maybe, but I don't know.

"I don't feel it's like that."

The Doctor came to take Darla to the surgery room.

Alayna said to her, "You'll be okay!

"Don't be afraid, okay?

"You're a strong girl!

"You got this."

She hugged and kissed Darla.

They awaited after Darla entered the room to begin the procedure.

Dominique sat beside Alayna and asked, "Are you feeling okay?"

Alayna said, "I'm okay.

"I'm just thinking things right now."

He said, "I understand.

"Everything will be fine."

Kathy approached and asked them, "So you got my sister pregnant?

"Are you going to be a part of the kid's life?"

Alayna said, "Kathy can you stop?"

Kathy responded, "I'm just looking out for you, Alayna.

"You know relationships don't work with you.

"I don't want you to make decisions you'll regret again."

Alayna responded, "We're not in a relationship, okay?"

Kathy said, "So you're pregnant for a guy who doesn't want to be with you?

"Then I thought I was the stupid one."

Alayna said, "Watch your mouth.


"I'm so sick of everyone's behavior, ugh!"

She walked away as Dominique said to Kathy, "we're figuring things out.

"I promised her I'll be there for her and the child."

Kathy responded, "Yeah, they all say that, and when the child is born, they dip."

"I swear if you hurt my sister, it's going to be the end of you because you men don't seem to know when you have good women in your hands.

She walked away to find Alayna.

Kathy approached her and said, "Alayna, I'm sorry, but you understand that I'm just looking out for you, right?

"You're all we got."

Alayna sat on the bench and said, "I know, Kathy.

"It's just that I'm so confused right now, and you're right.

"I don't know him that much.

"But something is just telling me to keep this child."

Kathy said, "I'm surprised.


"Please don't," Alayna responded.

Kathy said, "How can I not?

"I watched a guy rape my sister in front of me when I was 15.

"Alayna, you've been through so much trying to protect us.

"After that abortion you had, you've changed!"

Alayna responded, "Don't ever talk about that again!

"I did what any caring sister would do to protect her younger sisters.

"I would never stand there to see anyone hurt you or Darla, and that-

"I don't want to think about that.

"That's in the past, and I'm trying to move forward."

Dominique overheard their conversation.

He approached them and said, "The doctor wants you."

They got up and rushed to the room.

The Doctor said, "The surgery was successful.

"She's going to be okay, but she needs some medications.

"We advise you to bring her once a week for treatment."

Dominique responded, "I'll handle that Doc.

"Thank you."

The Doctor said to them, "You two are responsible young parents!

"I love seeing that."

Alayna said, "We're not a-"

"Yes, we are," Dominique interrupted and responded.

She looked at him as the Doctor smiled and said, "Alright, she'll be awake in an hour, so until then, you can wait."

They nodded as the Doctor left.

She turned to him and asked, "Why did you say that?

"We're not."

He smiled and said, "I think everyone thinks we'd make a cute couple.

"Don't you agree?"

She responded, "I swear, you're one of the world's most confusing individuals."

He laughed and said to her, "Come on.

"let's go wait until she's awake."

Kathy said, "You two make me sick."

They made their way to the waiting area down the hallway, and they laughed.