
The Billionaire's Ex' Biggest Mistake

Laura Courtney a twenty-one year old businesswoman who got divorced with her longtime boyfriend and highschool colleague after being deceived by her best friend Blanca Suarez to cause tantrums in her marital home. Things turned upsidedown in Laura's life when realization hit on her that her best friend was only trying to fool her out of her marital home so she could get married to her ex-husband instead. What happens when Laura found out that she's pregnant just few months after her divorce and now works at her ex-husband's company unknowing to her that he is the CEO of the company she's working, and her bestie works there as his deputy?

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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22 Chs

5| Blanca is pregnant?

"Blanca is pregnant? How come?"

"The one that baffles me the most is knowing he was your ex you talked about and his deputy your former bestie which is the betrayal here." Emily sighed.

"I feel like giving my soul up." I wept. "Infact, I don't need the bloody job anymore."

"No, no, no, come on chill." Flora pats my back. "It's not the end of the world. Besides, this is just to tell you how much he hates you."

"And how much he has moved on with his life." Rebecca sighed. "I'm so sorry about your condition, Laura. We all are. But you have to understand one thing. That guy doesn't love you anymore."

"But I still love him." I stormed. My voice echoing in the hallway. "He is my everything. My all in one. Blanca came to steal him away from me."

"He was." Rebecca corrected. "If he still had feelings for you, he wouldn't have fucked her or got her pregnant."

"Yeah, Laura. Becca is right." Flora agreed. "If Mr Anderson truly loved you, he'd have find out the root to what lure you to do what you did."

I composed myself, wiping my tears and sniffing my nose. "What was that thing you called payback time again? Oh, revenge, right?"

"You said you don't do revenge—"

"And it'll be my pleasure to." I narrowed my eyes at Emily.

Rebecca is not in align to my cooky mindset. "I'll advise you to back out from whatever you're planning to do, Laura. Revenge sometimes ends up ruin the person who took it first."

"And that would be Blanca?"

"Not Blanca." Flora chuckled sarcastically. "It's you, Laura. She's pregnant and any slicing mistake? Boom! You're toasted."

I narrowed my eyes and moved closer to her with a devilish smirk, "Wait and watch what I'll do."


Somehow, somewhat, my three friends helped me with Dawson's address when I asked for it.

As they say, Blanca has been on leave since a week now. Maybe because of the pregnancy? But do I look like I care?

She took what's rightfully mine. She has to give it back and I don't care how that's gonna happen.

I want my man again. I want my marriage back.

When I reached his place….. perhaps, it is an elegant of fineness. I know he has good taste for everything. That's not my focus right now.

Blanca is no where in the mansion.

I know she won't be any other place rather than the family mansion, so I drove the black Mercedes Benz C-Class he left for me to his parents place.

When I entered, all the staffs in the mansion gave me weird looks like a bandit just broke in.

Am furious and my head is not in the right place for now. I don't know how or what am intended to do but all I know is, am gonna take Blanca down today.

I won't keep quiet. My parents didn't bring up a scary rat.

"Ah, it's so good to see you after a very long time, Laura." Dawson's devilish mother Luciana walked down the stairs magnificently.

"I want to see Blanca Suarez. I know she's here."

"Uh uh," She waved a finger at me. "Pronounce her name in full with all due respect. Blanca Suarez Anderson or Blanca Dawson Anderson. She's a renowned member of this family now. So add some respect to spice it up."

My chin clenched. I wish I could break her head with the degree of anger boiling inside of me now.

But she's not my prey. My aim is on Blanca.

"Where the hell is she?" I repeated. "Make her come out before I do."

Luciana laughed out loud. "Oh my, look at this poor thing that can't even hurt a fly. What are you capable of doing? Threatening me I guess?"

"Mom? What's this…." Dawson's younger sister, Jenner came out of nowhere with Blanca behind her. "Thing doing here?"

"What a great honor to have you show up in the Anderson's mansion today." Blanca scoffed. "What would you like to have? Coffee? Tea? Water? Acid? Or even poison?"

"I would rather eat sand all the days of my life than to taste anything from this mansion." I gritted my teeth, moving towards her with boldness.

Jenner pushed me backward, "Stay where you are, spill out whatever you gat and disappear from here."

I peeped from her shoulder, "Blanca, tell them what you made me do. Tell everyone you lied to me and you're responsible for the tantrums and dramas I committed."

Blanca flipped a strand of hair over and sneered at me. Causing Luciana and Jenner to mock at me.

It pains me so much that I had to walk my way furiously and held her right on the shoulders.

"Tell them you made me lie to the media and called the Anderson thieves. Tell them you made me hide Dawson's property papers under my bed. Tell them you made me set his birthday car on fire. Tell—"

"Enough!" Luciana shut me up with a sound slap.

My hair covered my face as I turn to the ground.

"Get out now before I do something I'll end up regretting."

Tears dripped down my face when I never expected. I stood my ground and pushed Luciana for laying her filthy hands on me.

But who would have thought that Luciana lost her balance and accidentally pushed Blanca who was standing behind her, thinking it was a wedge?

Blanca fell down with a loud gasp, smacking her stomach against the tiled floor.

Our eyes bugged when we saw blood rushing out in between her thighs.

"Call the ambulance!" One of the staffs suggested.

While Luciana was helping Blanca up from the ground, Jenner looked at me with eyes filled with hatred. "What have you done?"

Huh? Me? I….I didn't do anything.

I didn't push Blanca directly. It was Luciana who—

"You've succeeded in doing what you came here for." Luciana cried. "You've killed my unborn grandchild. I swear today, you'll pay on every cost, read my lips. You won't go free with this, Laura."

Jesus. Save me. I'm being screwed.

You know this is a big lie. I can't judge this on my own. I didn't do it.