
chapter 2


I wiped the sweat off my brows and crouched even lower behind the barrel by the pub blocking me from the view of anyone close by. My feet were already starting to get sore because I had been running from the village soldiers for more than half an hour now. I could hear the faint sounds of their loud gongs and the voices of the villagers as they ransacked home after home, searching for me —The Slayer, butcher or psychopath as I was now called.

I knew I couldn't stay here for long but I couldn't afford to be seen by anyone either. I strained my ears trying to listen and check if anyone was around, but all I could hear was the sound of my heart pounding inside my chest. I shut my eyes tight and for what might have been the seventh or eighth time that day, tried to recall what had happened last night. I squeezed my fists angrily, burying my fingers into the sand, my mind racing desperately, but I couldn't remember a single thing from yesterday. It was almost like my memories had been erased or something.

"Fuck." I cursed in exasperation. Why would they even think I could have killed those boys? It was ridiculous.

The soldiers had literally broken down the door of my house early in the morning, telling everyone in the neighborhood that I was a murderous psychopath. I had been in the barn and not inside when they came looking for me. I resisted the urge to challenge them for their behavior as a normal person would, and asked why they had barged into my home in such a manner but they just charged towards me the moment they saw me walk in, saying I was under arrest for manslaughter. I tried to be calm and explain that it was all a misunderstanding until they asked where I was the night before and I couldn't answer. Not because I was afraid or guilty but because I couldn't remember a fucking thing. I ran away when they tried to capture me and I've been on the run all day.

A chill ran down my spine when I imagined what would happen if they caught me. I had tried not to think about it but it was obvious; I would either be burnt alive, beheaded or worse — I shivered in terror — offered to those monsters on the other side of the rain forest as a peace offering. That was even worse, I had heard stories about what happened to villagers who stepped out of line or committed crimes, especially murder. People who were tied and taken there but never returned. That would never happen to me, I would make sure of it, because after all I was innocent. I nodded to myself and tightened my laces and loosened my brown hair, trying my best to look normal, then crawled out of my hiding place.

I avoided the main roads and took the dirt street instead and then took a right turn to Harrison Lane. After a while, I stopped in front of a small cottage and knocked twice on the door. Patrick was a bartender at the local pub, we weren't exactly friends but he owed me for a favour I did him a while ago and secondly, his house was the only place I could think of going without being handed to the soldiers immediately.

I knocked again desperately, looking sideways. Hoping, praying he was home. Then after a few minutes, he opened the door, looking surprised.

"Jessica?" He called in his rather shrill voice.

"Hi." I said quickly, shoved him aside, entered the cottage and shut the door behind me.

"Okay… What's going on?" He asked, now looking suspicious.

"Look Patrick, this might be a little too much to ask but I need you to let me stay here for a while." I panted, trying hard and failing to control my breathing.

"Wait, slow down. Start from the top. What happened?" He sounded more alarmed than worried. Not a good sign.

I took a deep breath, calming myself down. "The soldiers seem to think I've committed a crime and they want to arrest me but I'm innocent, I swear it." I added when his normally small eyes widened in shock.

"T-then i-if you're innocent, why do they think you're not? And why are you t-telling me this and n-not them?" Patrick stammered, his small, round eyes darting around the house nervously.

"I didn't bloody do anything for fuck's sake!" I said, a bit louder than intended. "Look man, all I ask of you is to let me stay here for ten minutes and I'll be out of here. You owe me that much for what I did for you last month." I said confidently.

His face immediately flushed in embarrassment. Some weeks ago, he was in dire need to repay an overdue debt and was asking people for help. I didn't have any cash when he asked me but I had given him a chicken from the barn to sell. He had been so grateful then and thanked me profusely, promising to return the favour one day. I didn't take his words to heart then, and to be honest I hadn't even thought about it for weeks but now, I was in much need of that favour and he was going to let me have it.

Patrick sighed but said nothing.

"At least sit down. Can I get you a drink?"

"I'll take water." I said, realizing how awfully thirsty I was after all that happened earlier.

He poured me a glass. I gulped it down hungrily and took another.

"Wow! You must have been really parched huh?" He said, trying to sound casual but it didn't work. I knew he was just trying to be polite, but my mind was racing.

"Shh." I muttered to him, trying to listen. The noise outside was gradually increasing. The soldiers were coming this way! I went to the windows and peeked through, there were people behind them, mostly villagers who heard what happened and wanted to see if I'd be killed on the spot or not. Some were chanting, some women were crying, the rest just followed quietly behind.

The soldiers had split up and we're searching all the houses in the quarters one by one.

"Jessica Malik! Facing the law is inevitable, so come out now to avoid increasing your already hefty sentence!" The sheriff shouted loudly as the other angry villagers echoed him word for word.

"What the fuck is going on Jess—"

"Shh!" I shushed him. Frustrated by how many people came out of their homes to watch me die.

The chief bellowed on; "And whoever is caught harbouring that murderer in their home will be considered her accomplice and will receive the same sentence as her!"

"Yes! Yes!" The villagers chanted.

"What the fuck Jess?" Patrick said in a strangled voice. "Murder? You killed someone?" He croaked as he turned to face me, his face had gone completely pale.

"Look I didn't do—"

"—And now I will be considered an accomplice to murder." He said more to himself with shock on his face.

I looked at the door, the villagers had already gotten to it and were now knocking on the door.

"Open up! We're searching everywhere." One of the villagers said.

Patrick faced me, almost at the point of tears and whispered, "What have you dragged me into? If I open that door, I'll be considered an accomplice and killed. If I don't, they'll break it down and… I'll still be killed! Oh God." He whimpered.

I stared at his helpless face. He looked pitiful, if he knew of all this at first he wouldn't have let me into his cottage. I just couldn't drag him into all this.

The noise outside increased as the soldiers banged on the door more loudly. It was only a matter of time before they broke through it.

"I'm so sorry about this, man." I said.

"Sorry doesn't change—"

"—Not this, Patrick." I said, looking around. "I'm sorry for this." I said and immediately struck him on the neck with my right hand. He passed out immediately. I wished I didn't have to do that but that was the only way to prove he wasn't an accomplice.

I winced, massaging my palms lightly. looking around for a way to escape as the banging on the front door grew louder and louder.

I found the back door and peeked through it; the rest of the villagers were stationed around there. It seemed like the entire village had gathered at this point because the number of people outside the house was unbelievable. Now I was trapped.

I had to choose between the front door, which was filled with soldiers and angry villagers trying to knock down the door or the back, which also had people stationed to keep an eye on it.

I took a deep breath and grabbed a weapon in the broom closet just as I heard the front door crash open and people swarmed in. Then with that chance I swung the back door open and ran for it. I would rather die than get captured by these people