

Ever since James Barrington the third was a small child, he hated being told what to do. Yes, he was a rebel, a wild child. His mother died when he was in his teens, barely fourteen and his father… Well, suffice to say, he tried his best to tame James, make him into his image. He failed. Miserably. The more he pushed, the more James pulled. Then there was his grandfather. James’ father was his clone. To top it all off, he was the only child. The heir to the Barrington billions. Now his grandfather and father were setting an ultimatum. Give up his philandering and wild ways, get married and take over Barrington Enterprises. Or face being disinherit-ed. Even arranged for him to meet Marcy Davenport, eldest daughter of Richard Davenport, one of the richest and most influential families in Westwood. He loved his freedom he was twenty-six for heaven sakes. So, James being the rebel he was, promised himself to marry the first woman he runs into who didn’t know him from a bar of soap, just to shut the old men up. Destiny Johnson is a girl from the other side of the track. Growing up in a poor neighborhood, Destiny was used to having very little. Now she lives in a trailer park and works at a convenience store. James sets out to turn her into the perfect girl to impress his grandfather and father, the James’s as he calls them. But as he tries to change Destiny to fit his mold, she is slowly changing his universe around. With her different outlook on the world, she slowly reels James in, making him into the man he was meant to be. Call it fate or call it Karma… An accidental meeting changed both their lives in an instant.

Charmeleon · Urban
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128 Chs

Birthday Bash


"Have you seen James, Luke?" I found Luke in the bright, sunlit kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. His smile was contagious, hinting at the happiness he must have felt from visiting his friend's last night. "Good morning," he greeted, turning to face me.

"Saw him leaving when I came in this morning. He seemed to be in a hurry," Luke replied cheerful-ly, his voice blending with the clinking of the coffee mug against the counter.

"That's strange. His court appearance is only next week," I pondered, the sound of my voice trailing off. Unless something unexpected came up. I reached for my cellphone, intending to call James, but a notification from social media caught my attention. It was James' birthday, a fact that had slipped my mind. Why hadn't he reminded me?

"Oh, shit..." Regret washed over me. How could I have missed this?