
The Billionaire's Deal

Driven by a desperate need to support her single father and three younger siblings, Seraphina Sheldon-Wallace embarks on a job hunt. Unbeknownst to her, this quest will lead her to a fateful encounter with Patrick MacDowell, a self-made billionaire and her father's boss, setting the stage for a life-altering journey. Patrick, the enigmatic force behind the lavish Ricky Empire, is grappling with mounting pressure. His mother's relentless push for him to settle down and his friends' increasing curiosity about his personal life are pushing him to the edge. He's in dire need of a solution, and he needs it now. When Seraphina unexpectedly enters his life, he sees a potential answer to his problems, setting the stage for a high-stakes romance. A deal is struck in a twist of fate: Seraphina will pose as Patrick's girlfriend for 30 days. It's a simple arrangement, driven by Patrick's need for a cover and Seraphina's financial desperation. But as they dive into this charade, sparks fly. Heat meets cold, and the lines between pretense and reality blur. Their attraction grows stronger with each passing day, and resisting temptation becomes an impossible battle. Can they keep their hearts in check and stick to the deal, or will their facade lead to something neither of them expected? Explore the rollercoaster of emotions and drama as an arrogant billionaire and a determined woman navigate their turbulent 30-day journey together.

Ivy_Ima · Urban
Not enough ratings
154 Chs


Sewing the outfit that belonged to her friends, Phina sat in front of her machine. In only one week, one of her friends would get married. She also decided to create the bridal gown they all chose, albeit in exchange for a little price. 

Her younger brother entered and sat on the bench before her sewing machine.

"Hi, Phina." He stated.

"How are you doing? Where have your been? Still peddling her machine, she asked. 

"I'm doing OK. I merely went to the field to play football with my friends," he said. 

She raised her gaze to her sibling. "Have I not told you always to quit playing this dirty ball? You must remain at home with the twins." 

"Sis, I'm not a nanny or anyone caregiver. Additionally, kids are with Madam Rose at all times." He muttered. 

"It's no secret that I'm busy. They shouldn't be left alone or alone." 

"I know. However, we are keeping an eye on them." He stated. He noticed the worried expression on her face. He attempted to reassure her. "Phina, everything will work out. I'll be alright, I promise." 

She sighed and nodded. Using her scissors, she tore a thread from the sewing material. 

"Phina." Her sibling gave her a call. 

"Uhm." She did not look at him, but her tone was in response. 

"On my way home from school, I ran into my Mom, Amanda. She instructed me to remind you that you owe her money for the groceries you purchased using credit." 

Phina let out a sigh. "I didn't forget it. When Dad gets paid at the end of the month, that's what I promised her." With sadness, she said. 

Samuel grumbled, "I don't like how we collect things from those women." 

Sam, do you also enjoy it? However, we must endure. Relax, everything will work out. Everything will work out just fine. 

He continued, "And Phina... Mom called me today." Glaring at her brother, Phina looked up from her work. 

"Haven't I warned you not to answer her calls?" 

However, Phina—she remains our mother to this day—she wants to help pay grandma's bill. With everything, she can assist." He begged. 

"Her money is hers to keep. We don't need it. Her money is not a problem for us." 

"Are you serious, Phina? Are you sure?" He inquired. 

"Sam, don't question me. As you know, I wouldn't say I like discussing this. The money is going to Dad. She needs to preserve her money." With that, she turned her back on her brother and resumed work. 

"She can help us if only you and Dad will accept." 

"You understand that she is merely acting this way to win our favor. It cannot change the reality that she caused pain to both our father and us." With anger, Phina said, "You can never buy your way out of that pain." I glanced at my father, and the anguish was still there in his eyes. 

Samuel sighed as he turned to face her. He tried so hard to understand his sister's suffering, but he was unable. However, he was aware of her pain despite her best efforts to hide it. He cherished her and wished for her happiness. To him, she had been more than just a sister. She had been his mother's twin, giving her everything for him, their father, and their young cousins. 

"If you say so. I'm famished." He complained. 

"I packed your food. I stored it where I usually kept it," Phina told her brother. 


Phina exited the room that she and the twins share. They had just heard a bedtime story from her. Ever since they were small, it had been a custom. They also did it every night, just like a few other parents with children. She enjoys doing anything that may provide joy to the children. That was among them, too. 

The mother was late, and the poor kids had no father. She had passed away during their birth. 

She entered their tiny living room, banishing the image of the twins from her mind, and glanced up at the wall clock. It was 10:15 p.m. She chose to hold off on seeing her Dad. Whenever he was running late, she would do that, similar to that evening. He was meant to return. However, she was aware of the reasons behind his tardiness. One was the traffic on the highway. 

She had sympathy for the man. He had been putting forth much effort to provide for them all. Their brother, the twins' tuition costs, and other bills came first, followed by their grandmother, who was hospitalized due to a kidney issue and high blood pressure. In addition, there was the rent for the house and their food bills. 

Her earnings from making garments for others just served to offset the costs. They weren't much, and they were ineffective. After dedicating her time to studying fashion design, she quit her job. 

She wished she could assist him more effectively. 

Even yet, driving for a wealthy man was a dream come true for him. His employment salary had been a massive assistance to them. The man generously paid him. During the festive season, he even provided minor groceries, extra money. However, they were still paying off a sizable debt that they had when he was hired. 

A knock on the door startled her as she sat there, lost in contemplation and staring at the wall. She stood up in a hurry to answer the door. She heard her father's worn-out voice and sighed with relief. She got the door open for him in a hurry. He knew he was exhausted, so she gave him an instant hug. 

Despite being in his fifties, her father was exceptionally tall. He stood even taller than she did. 

When Phina laid her head on her father's chest, the elderly man warmly embraced her and grinned at her. She quickly moved aside to allow him to enter the house. 

"What is it, Seraphina?" He enquired. 

"Not a thing. I miss having you around. How was work today? She enquired. 

Entering, he placed his wallet and the bread he had purchased on the center table. 

"As usual. "Where are the twins and Samuel now?" He enquired. 

"They're fast asleep. It's time for you to take a shower. I'll arrange the table for you. To her father, she said. 

"Alright." With a nod, he got to his feet. He turned to head toward his room. 

Phina helped him arrange his meal on the table and went to the kitchen to reheat it. He emerged in good time and took a comfortable seat to dine. 

"How was your day, then? Did you manage to sew the clothes all the way through?" As he began to eat, he asked. 

"Not everything, but I will be done by tomorrow." She shot back. 

"OK." In reply, he shook his head. 

Silently, she observed her father eating his meal. 


He raised his gaze to her. "Yes, sweetheart. What's that?" 

"Dad, Madam Rose is already asking for her money." Quietly, she told him. 

The man hesitated a moment. Then he said something. "She had shown us patience. We'll pay her when I get paid." He rubbed his left forehead finger and mumbled something. 

"There's also the rent. We made the landlord a month-end guarantee." 

He needs to exercise patience with us. I still owe the hospital money for the dialysis your grandma received, and she will soon require another one," he said, appearing exhausted and powerless. He'll get it. Perhaps we might give him half the money when you get that sowing contract." He sounded upbeat. 

He didn't want his daughter to worry, even though he had already lost his appetite, so he forced himself to keep going. 

"I want to get a job." She gives a deadpan expression. 

"I assumed you wanted to start your store. How are you going to handle your sewing?" He enquired. 

"Yes, it is my desire, but I'm unsure when. I completed my studies in fashion design approximately eight months ago. I've been at home as well. I need to make more money to cover all of your costs. And I'll figure out how to manage my sewing." 

"Phina, it's OK. This is something I can manage. I appreciate all you've done for me; you've gone above and beyond. I'm accountable for the remainder," he said. 

"Dad I am twenty-two. It won't be long until I turn 23. I'm old enough to assist. Seeing you work on this by yourself is difficult. My sewing income is insufficient to help, but I still wish to help. I must find another employment. In addition, Dad, I still want to return to school," she says.

His eyes were sorrowful as he gazed at her. It was his goal for all of his kids to go to school. He wished for them to receive a top-notch education. And he would stop at nothing to make sure they succeeded. However, Phina had to wait two years before taking the next exam. Thankfully, this allowed her to be admitted to the University of Miami's English Language program. However, they could not pay for all the payments, so she was forced to leave school during her first semester. Her brother also became ill, and his illness was so severe that he was fortunate to survive. 

She recognized her family's situation and wanted the best for them, even if he knew how upset she was. Thus, she made concessions. 

"If you so specify. I will assist you in your job search as well. You can ask your friends or look at some on your own." He recommended. "Everything will be fine, Phina." As much as he attempted to reassure herself. 

She smiled at him. "That's right, Dad. For you to go and rest, you need to finish your meal." 

With a nod of agreement, he resumed his meal.