Marisa looked at Wang Lian after stressing at her last words meaningfully.
''That's all?'' Wang Lian remarked casually.
''It's nothing ordinary thing, sir. Their household is in a upheaval. The wedding dates have been fixed, invitations sent out, and now young madam Yuyan is refusing stubbornly-so her father beat her up''.
''That's no reason for such punishment,'' he commented.
''You may think so, but for them it's a very serious matter. I feel so sorry for young madam Yuyan-such a nice, polite girl and now she's in such a mess. Master Li Zhen has locked her up at home. My daughter tells me that she's in a poor shape''.
Marisa went on about Yuyan's sad condition's in the hope that, believing her to be a sympathizer, Wang Lian may reveal some secret. But he was no one's fool and nor he was interested in Marisa's so-called sympathy.