
The Billionaire's Cursed Heiress

Zara Hansley had always believed herself forsaken by the gods due to the terminal illness she was diagnosed with. Every doctor she visited had declared she would not live past her 23rd birthday. Yet, when left with only a few months to live, Zara found out that the root of her illness was a curse, one which she could break. Just like that, she was given a new chance at life—she had to scour the earth for the cure in just a few short months or succumb to her fate. Fate, however, was a funny thing—it brought her to a stranger that would alter the course of her life forever, and his life by her. Born to an ancient family, Amir Frostcrown was cursed to bring misfortune to any female around him. Not only that, he was able to hear the thoughts of others, thus further drawing a line between him and other ordinary folk. As such, while these abilities amassed him an enormous wealth over the years, he was destined to live a loveless life of solitude. That all changed when his and Zara’s paths crossed. As someone that was completely unaffected by his curses and abilities, Amir Frostcrown was immediately intrigued by this dying girl. One dream, one vow, and two curses. That was all it took for Zara to tumble from the world of reality into fantasy. Would she be able to find her cure in time? When secrets are revealed, would Zara and Amir Frostcrown stand the test of time? *** “We were fated to be from the beginning!” he amusedly declared as he looked at her dotingly, eyes sparkling and only her image visible in his blue eyes. “I don’t believe in fate!” Zara mumbled softly as she looked to the ground, afraid of facing him and the undeniable truth he spoke of. “But don’t you see?” Amir asked. “Isn’t fate what led us to this very moment?”

GEEGEE · Fantasy
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158 Chs


Afraid of causing panic to her staff, she held her cry, though tears were streaming at that moment. That was the moment that her life changed forever.

When the bracelet shattered, the blood seeped into the bracelet, an action that caused her to stop carrying it as the scene was simply dumbfounding for her.

While she watched the terrifying scene unfolding in front of her, another wave of pain suddenly hit her and the pain was on her left wrist.

Zara was born with a strange birthmark on her left wrist and it was on that mark that she felt as if she was being ground by a sharp object.

She continued to hold in her cries and refused to cry. No matter what, something either good or bad was happening to her. And unless she decided to see what was going on, she wasn't going to call anyone.

And as a book lover, Zara had read a lot and the current strange phenomena reminded her of the characters in the books that usually got bestowed with a golden finger and things like that.

Maybe the deities had finally answered her prayers. That's what she thought as she watched everything unfolding.

When the pain vanished, she curiously touched the birthmark. Although nothing had changed, especially her birthmark, which looked the same, she could feel that something had indeed happened and she wasn't buffing.

After caressing the birthmark, repeatedly thinking of how to check if she had received some dimensional space with a farm and all that, a golden light suddenly blinded her eyes, shocking her into a trance.

It was only after a while that Zara finally understood what was going on.

She didn't get a dimensional space like what others would get in novels, but what she had received was a golden book, the book that had blinded her earlier. Her birthmark became a storage space for the book.

As long as she willed for the book to come out while she touched her birthmark, the book would come out.

It took her a while to understand what was going on with the book and when she did; she had already wasted a beautiful chance.

To utilize the book, she had to ask questions, and an answer would be provided to her.

The first question that helped her a lot and also wasted a great opportunity to get answers was; "How do I use this book?"

She simply asked out loud without thinking and shortly after, the book opened itself, revealing the white pages within.

The question she had just asked started appearing on the top of the page, showing that it was a question and below it, an answer started showing.

It was simply bizarre as she watched the blank page getting filled with an answer. It was as if an invisible force was writing, and that process instilled fear in her. But her desire to get better was stronger than her fear, so she persevered.

The answer was pretty long, but she was also grateful to have blurted that question, otherwise she would be in the dark without knowing anything.

However, after getting her answer, she also regretted asking that question. It was indeed very helpful.

The answer she received back then was that the book was called the Golden Book. It was a book of life and a book that the current owner can use to ask any three questions in a month regarding his or her life.

The Golden book would provide an answer, a solution and whatever the owner does with the answer, that wouldn't be its problem.

So, when she saw that, she was thrilled, as that showed that there might be a way for her to get healed. Whatever was happening to her was something that needed interference from a higher power, otherwise, she would surely die and she wasn't willing.

Since she now knew how to use the golden book, Zara nervously asked another question.

Q: I am dying. Is there a way for me to not die before my birthday?

To her, that question was very important. Before seeking a cure, she had to know whether she was doomed to die before her birthday or if those doctors and spiritualists were playing with her and her family.

A: Yes, you are dying. There is a way to extend your life, but it will be torturous.

When she heard that, time froze for her. Never in her entire life had she thought that she would hear something so wonderful like that.

Who cared if the method would be torturous? She had suffered too much, and she didn't believe that there would be any kind of torture that would surpass what she had already gone through.

So, for her last question, she thought about it for a very long time before she asked.

Q: If I want to live, what should I do now?"

Moments later, the answer started appearing on the page.

A: You first need to activate the spring water from your body. You will only receive a single drop every day. You choose whether to take it or keep it. However, taking it will be beneficial to your body. If you want to live, you need to travel and, in your state, that will be impossible. So, drink the spring water for a month first before you ask for the next stage.

Those three were the answers she received back then. Honestly, she was quite shocked and excited at the same time. Whether someone was playing a prank on her or what, she was going to believe and give it a try.

So that night, she spent an hour or so trying to find where the spring water was and it was only on the next day that she found out that her left forefinger was the source of the spring water.

If she hadn't felt her glove wet at that moment, she wouldn't have known that the spring water was hiding there.

And since she had found it, Zara began to drink diligently the water every night, and the effects were miraculous.