
The Billionaire's Cursed Heiress

Zara Hansley had always believed herself forsaken by the gods due to the terminal illness she was diagnosed with. Every doctor she visited had declared she would not live past her 23rd birthday. Yet, when left with only a few months to live, Zara found out that the root of her illness was a curse, one which she could break. Just like that, she was given a new chance at life—she had to scour the earth for the cure in just a few short months or succumb to her fate. Fate, however, was a funny thing—it brought her to a stranger that would alter the course of her life forever, and his life by her. Born to an ancient family, Amir Frostcrown was cursed to bring misfortune to any female around him. Not only that, he was able to hear the thoughts of others, thus further drawing a line between him and other ordinary folk. As such, while these abilities amassed him an enormous wealth over the years, he was destined to live a loveless life of solitude. That all changed when his and Zara’s paths crossed. As someone that was completely unaffected by his curses and abilities, Amir Frostcrown was immediately intrigued by this dying girl. One dream, one vow, and two curses. That was all it took for Zara to tumble from the world of reality into fantasy. Would she be able to find her cure in time? When secrets are revealed, would Zara and Amir Frostcrown stand the test of time? *** “We were fated to be from the beginning!” he amusedly declared as he looked at her dotingly, eyes sparkling and only her image visible in his blue eyes. “I don’t believe in fate!” Zara mumbled softly as she looked to the ground, afraid of facing him and the undeniable truth he spoke of. “But don’t you see?” Amir asked. “Isn’t fate what led us to this very moment?”

GEEGEE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
151 Chs


[Welcome to my channel and thank you for coming in large numbers,] the melodious female voice sounded in the room as the familiar voice found its way to his ears and all the way to his heart.

It had always been like that. Everything that she did, whether it was talking, sleeping, sitting or any other action of hers, its impact on him was always that great.

He had not seen her for over a week. He missed her voice so much and hearing and seeing her even though it was on the screen; he felt alive and rejuvenated.

[I know that a lot of you have questions, but please let's wait for a while. I hope that you listen to me for now and cooperate with me,] she said slowly before stopping to catch a breath.

At that time, he saw several comments highlighting how PRINCESS might be indeed sick seeing how she was struggling to finish a sentence.

When he saw that, all he wanted to do was fish those people out and deal with them ruthlessly, but when he thought of Zara's instructions, he decided to cool down.

[Before I get into much detail, I want to say thank you to everyone who has followed me from day one. It's been ten years since I met some of you. The majority of you joined along the way but I still want to express my gratitude.]

[If it wasn't for you, my life would have been very lonely and the days would have been longer. So, for keeping me energized, thank you.]

[Like I mentioned the other day, I will be broadcasting my trip this time. It's also the first time I have gone somewhere in a very long time. So, I am very excited.]

[I will be broadcasting for hours but when it's nap time or nighttime, I will go offline. So, everyone, you will be seeing me every day until you get bored with me.]

Upon hearing that, a smile hung on his face as he found that mischievous side of hers slowly appearing.

[And speaking about that, I will answer a few questions of yours that I am seeing frequently. Since I have decided to reveal myself, I know that a lot of you are very curious about whether I am the real PRINCESS or not.]

[I can assure you that I am the real deal and no one is impersonating anyone. I am indeed very rich and there is nothing to hide about that.]

[Whether I am a minor or an adult, let's leave it at that. I will keep this as my secret.]

[Hehe, am I dying? That's a tricky question but I can surely say that there is fifty percent of that happening, though I hope that the percentage would reach zero.]

[I can't hide it but I am indeed sick and as for what illness, I am not at liberty to say. Let's not concentrate on my illness. I am here to spend some time with you, make memories with you and above all show me the places I have never been.]

[I just hope that we won't bring up the matter of being sick again and let's talk about something better and mood-relieving than stressful matters.]

He watched her as she talked with a smile hanging on her lips. Her eyes carried no sad emotions, especially when she was talking about her illness.

He knew her very well, and she had gotten tired so much about the illness that she was no longer fazed by it.

Of course, she hated being reminded about it, but she wasn't that shaky whenever she heard someone talking about her illness.

He really understood and felt for her a lot. He had been with her even before she got sick. He had seen how that vibrant little girl who had saved him from the clutches of death suddenly fell without any warning.

He witnesses how she started as being desperate to get better until her illness became something that felt normal to her.

From how she started not feeling her legs and hands, and how her organs started failing. He watched as she desperately hung to life, even when her hair turned white all of a sudden one morning.

He watched as she could no longer eat any solids and had to survive on drips. She couldn't move herself and someone had to do it for her.

The proud princess turned into something else that made his heart ache so much. And for years, he had watched her holing herself in the villa. Although there was no way out for her to leave safely the villa and be well, he knew that she hated it.

Instead, he started doing everything that she wanted to make her happy.

So, what if it was dangerous? As long as she could smile, praise him and weakly give him a pat on top of his head, he was satisfied with anything.

She was his princess and no one, even her biological family, wasn't allowed to take that away from him.

And he would make sure of that.

Back in the RV, Zara reached out slowly for the water bottle that was just a short distance from her and the struggle was real.

It took a while for her to take the bottle, unfasten the lid, and take a few sips through the straw, but she was happy as she did all that.

The fact that she could do all that on her own was enough to make her laugh the whole day.

And when she looked at the comments after setting the water bottle on a pillow near her, she couldn't help as she burst into a peal of laughter.

"Oh! There is a curious kitty here!" Zara said in a mischievous tone before she read the comment. [Just how sick are you that you need to spend hours drinking water?]

Zara tilted her head before she chuckled, finding this commenter's question to be very interesting.

"I understand your curiosity. After all, if I ever see someone like me, I would be curious as well," Zara answered slowly, as doing it fast would only take a toll on her health.

"If you haven't listened from the beginning, it is to the point that I might wake up dead. Anyway, let's stop talking about this. I can get angry too!" she said sulkily as she read the comments.

[Ignore them, PRINCESS.]

[Yes. Ignore them. Let's talk about other things.]

[Where are you going?]

[Will we be able to see you?]

[Yes. How about holding a fan meeting?]

Seeing the suggestions coming in, Zara immediately forgot about the curious cat she wished to strangle to feed to the fish.

How dare they ask about her illness?

Another one!

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