Ashley Gusman, a determined young Filipina, was driven by her sole ambition to provide a better life for her family. She was willing to go to great lengths to achieve this goal, even taking on the role of a surrogate mother for a Billionaire Heir. ***~*** CEO Tanaga Jones, who needed an heir for his empire, was adamant about not wanting a wife. Ultimately, he contracted with a woman to bear him a child.
The impact of the blows Ashley delivered to his handsome face left Tanaga in shock. He wasn't able to utter a word. Instead, he slowly lowered his hands and stared at his cupped palms as if they were still cradling Ashley's breasts.
She, on the other hand, sat with her mouth agape, stunned by what she had just done. It's a woman's instinct to backtrack the moment after an incident occurs. She stood by the door, shaking and feeling as though she might have a seizure from fear of what Tanaga would do to her in return.
Tanaga's mind chose not to remember the tenderness of his cheeks. Instead, he could only think about the softness of her breasts in his hands, and the pleasure touching her had brought him. As he thought about it now, his fingers moved unconsciously as though he was still holding them in his hands.
His driver watched him through the rearview mirror. Feeling nosy, he couldn't resist the urge and interrupted his daydreaming boss. "Sir Jones, are you alright?" asked the giggling driver, who had witnessed the entire encounter. He chuckled to himself as he watched his boss gawk at his hands, caressing empty air.
"Huh?" Tanaga interrupted from his daze, shook his head back and forth to stop his mind from replaying how wonderful her soft, supple, perfectly-shaped breasts had felt.
"Ashley, aren't you coming? Or do you want me to carry you in?" Tanaga spoke just a bit too loudly, but he was distracted, trying hard to divert his thoughts.
Ashley, still shaken by the incident, panicked at the sound of his loud voice. She quickly stepped in, moving too rapidly, resulting in another mishap. This time, her foot caught under the step board. Bam!
"Ah! Oh, no!" She cried, hastily throwing her hand forward to keep from falling face-first.
"Ouch! Shit!" Tanaga yelled, wincing in pain. Ashley's hand had managed to protect her face but at Tanaga's expense. Her hand landed unmercifully between his legs.
Poor Tanaga. His face was contorted in agony. The driver felt his boss's pain when he saw the expression on his face and looked away.
Ashley pulled her hand up quickly and sat in silence. Though it had been an accident, she was mortified that she had hit Tanaga in the groin. Tanaga writhed in agony as he sat covering his precious family jewels, the source of their future child.
"Let's go," Tanaga said, barely more than a whisper, to the driver who barely understood his command.
Ashley sat perfectly still, her spine straight as a board, next to a slumped-over, groaning Tanaga. Oh, how she wished she could stop breathing or hide in fear at this moment, so afraid of the repercussions she would face from Tanaga later.
The car was silent. You could've heard a pin drop. Ashley's imagination ran wild, thinking of herself in a prison cell, waiting for her turn in the gallows. Her head and hands were sweating despite the air conditioner being on as high as it would go.
Unfortunately, Tanaga was too. Beads of sweat were forming on his forehead. Although he was brought on by the throbbing pain, he felt, unlike Ashley, whose cold sweats were a result of nerves.
He was praying to every being he could think of to pray to that the pain would disappear by the time they reached his office. He hoped more than anything that it would.
When the driver stepped on the breaks, Ashley looked out the window. When Tanaga saw the look of astonishment on her face, he smiled to himself.
"Wow!" Ashley exclaimed as she hurried out of the car. The excitement was racing through her. She was in awe at the sight of the twenty-story building and its' intricate design. This was the first time she's seen such a towering work of art.
"It's only a building, and you're this excited. How are you going to react when you find out that this is only one of my properties?" Tanaga snickered to himself as he exited the car. He walked directly into the building, not paying attention if Ashley followed him or not.
His employees, both young and old, bowed respectfully as they stood in a line inside the glass door. This was a daily occurrence for Tanaga. He passed without looking at anyone in particular and headed straight to his private elevator.
When he reached the last in the line of his employees, he realized there were no footsteps following him. He walked back to find his companion.
The sight of their boss with his brows wrinkled caused employees to gasp in horror. What had upset their boss this time? Alarm bells rang in their heads as they followed his every move with their eyes. The building began to buzz with murmurs.
"Who is he looking for?" asked a man in a formal black suit.
"No idea, was there someone with him? I didn't see anyone come out after him," replied another man wearing a gray suit.
"Are you all blind? There, that's his companion," an older man said as he pointed to Ashley as she walked behind the line of employees.
"Who is that girl?" asked the Director of H.R., with raised brows.
You all know what motivates this author to work so hard and provide you all a wonderful story for stress relief...
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