
The Billionaire's Charming Wife

jalen_Z · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 9 Hebe, Your Sister is Awesome!

The man walking in front was more sunny and handsome, while the one following him was morerestrained and introverted. They were dressed in classic punk rock attire, with long hair and ear studs, looking quite handsome.

"Hello, Jane. I'm Sun, the lead singer and rhythm guitarist. This is my brother Moon, the bassist of the band. Since Sister Ling vouched for you, we trust you. We're counting on you," Sun greeted Jane warmly, revealing a bright smile.

Moon nodded in agreement.

Jane nodded and said, "Sun, Moon, Sister Wei, I'm ready. Let's get in sync."

Ling clapped her hands, "Alright, everyone get ready. We only have twenty minutes left, and only one chance to get this right. If we're going to do it, let's do our best, OK?"



The first band finished their thirty-minute performance. There was a fifteen-minute break before the second band, [Secondhand Rose], took the stage. After the first band's performance, the atmosphere at [Starry Sky] was incredibly high.

Sipping on orange juice, Hebe sat next toYan and spoke softly, "BrotherYan, why hasn't Brother Ken come back after such a long time? I don't know how Sister Jane is doing... I'm worried about them, should we go check on them?"

Yun Yan, sipping on his Martini, casually replied, "They're adults, what's there to worry about?"

Hebe's eyes darted around. If Ken had really succeeded... there should have been some news by now.

At this moment, the band [Secondhand Rose] took the stage, causing a round of cheers and applause. The lighting was a bit dim, and at first, Hebe andYan couldn't see clearly. They were chatting with their friends about the band. But when the spotlight fell on the four band members...

"Jane... Sister?!" Hebe was the first to notice and blurted out.

Following Hebe's gaze,Yan saw that it was indeed Jane standing in the position of the lead guitarist for Secondhand Rose, and his expression changed.

"What's going on? Why has the guitarist for [Secondhand Rose] become Jane?"Yan had seen [Secondhand Rose]'s performances before, and their guitarist was definitely not Jane.

Could it be that something happened to the guitarist, and Jane was called up to fill in at the last minute? But Jane didn't have the ability to cooperate with the members of [Secondhand Rose]!

"Oh my god, this is crazy, BrotherYan, we have to stop Sister Jane! We can't let her embarrass herself!" Hebe feigned concern.

So that's why Jane was able to enter [Starry Sky] and cut ties with the Qin family. She had climbed onto the high branch of [Secondhand Rose] and was able to support herself!

"I had high hopes for this band, but I never thought that the Xu twins would be interested in someone like Jane. They even let her be the band's guitarist..."

"I'm just waiting for them to embarrass themselves. If they mess up this performance at [Starry Sky], I'm afraid no one will want to hire this band in the future."Yan said with a sneer.

Just thinking about the fact that a woman like Jane had been engaged to him before she was even born madeYan feel sick. If he were to marry into the Qin family, his first choice would be Hebe. He wouldn't even give a second glance to a woman like Jane. She should've died out there a long time ago!

The moment the band began their performance, the explosive sound of the guitar instantly swept across the entire venue. Jane, with her head slightly lowered, was fully immersed in the performance, feeling each note as if it were a living sprite jumping around her, igniting the pulse of her blood.

Sister Xia, who had been praying under the stage, couldn't help but scream out when she saw that Jane was performing so well. Even Sun and Moon didn't expect that when Jane took the stage, her aura would become so strong, as if she had become a different person.

She completely overshadowed them. Even compared to Ling, she was not at all inferior. The thundering drum sound, coupled with Jane's wild and brilliant guitar sound, was about to blow everyone's minds.

"Holy shit! Hebe, your sister is awesome!" The men who were just convinced byYan and Hebe's conversation that Jane was just a woman who sold her body, were now completely conquered by Jane's skills.

"Ah, this..." Hebe's face turned dark. What was going on?! Hebe had originally prepared her phone, planning to shoot a video and then send it to the Qin family to see. But now! Jane was performing so well! A sharp slap in the face!

Yun Yan couldn't say a word either. He could only stare blankly at Jane on the stage, who was like a queen descending.

On the third floor, in the VIP room, Hosey returned with a deep and inscrutable look on his face. After checking the surveillance, the only one who matched the consumption records of [Charm] was Jane. Could it be... Jane?

Clare, waving his hand excitedly, said, "Ah Yan, you're finally back! Wow, this performance is excellent!" Hosey remained silent, not uttering a word. He simply walked to Clare's couch, looking down at the stage of [Starry Sky].

When his gaze fell on Jane, he was slightly surprised. Jane? Why was she performing on stage? Based on the schedule, now was the time for [Secondhand Rose] to perform. Hosey had seen the performance list, and there was no name [Jane]. Why was Jane on stage?