
The Billionaire's Charming Wife

jalen_Z · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 3: Misunderstanding

Evelyn was desperately pulling Hebe's arm, choking out, "Mummy, don't be mad at Sister Jane . She didn't mean it... I think Sister Jane was just too angry to act like that..."

This sentence temporarily suppressed Hebe's anger.

Thinking back to what had just happened, Hebe did indeed overreact.

She shouldn't have accused Jane of stealing in front of so many people.

"Okay, if you really didn't do this, I'll apologize to you!"

Hebe was not unreasonable, it was just that she had been really angry earlier.

If she had indeed wronged Jane , she wouldn't refuse to apologize.

Jane only gave Hebe a cold glance, didn't answer, and followed the staff to be searched.

Evelyn pretended to hesitate, her eyes red, "Mummy... don't you think... Sister Jane seems to have changed?"

"I saw her true nature a long time ago. After all, she was lost for twenty-one years and didn't grow up by our side... Even if she was obedient and pleasing when she first returned to the Qin family, over time, you can tell whether she is a person or a ghost."

"Evelyn, your sister is still a Qin, we can't abandon her, but the only shining daughter of the Qin family is you. You must not be influenced or corrupted by Jane ."

Just now, Jane had directly called Hebe by her name and was indifferent towards Evelyn.

What Hebe feared the most had indeed happened.

Hebe had always felt that Jane was suppressing herself in the Qin family.

It didn't take long for her true nature to be exposed... Hebe really had no idea what she would become in the future.

With red eyes, Evelyn shook her head incessantly, "Mummy... Evelyn thinks that Sister Jane is good by nature. Evelyn doesn't believe that Sister Jane would steal... Evelyn doesn't believe..."

Hebe sighed softly and stroked Evelyn's head, "Evelyn, you are so innocent, naive, and kind... In the end, it's because we have protected you too well..."

Seeing Evelyn like this, Hebe's dislike for Jane increased.

She even began to regret why she had brought Jane back.

They were clearly people from two different worlds.

At this point, Jane came over.

The store manager personally accompanied her and apologized to Hebe, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Qin, it was our mistake... We didn't verify the tag for this piece of clothing, we're really sorry! We will offer you the biggest compensation..."

"Ah, this..."

Hebe was stunned.

She had thought of countless possibilities.

But she didn't expect...

It was just a tag that wasn't properly attached?

This was a major work mistake!

Even the good-tempered Hebe couldn't help but raise her voice, "How do you guys work!"

"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..."

Evelyn's eyes flashed with an unknown horror.

How could this be?

She clearly saw that Evelyn had secretly...

Facing Jane 's cold gaze, Evelyn's heart jumped, and she quickly said, "That's great, Sister Jane , the misunderstanding has been cleared! Mummy, Evelyn said that Sister Jane wouldn't do such a thing! Right?"

Hebe was embarrassed for a moment, "I... I'm sorry, Jane , just now I..."

"Let's go home, I have something else to tell you."

Jane coldly threw down these words and walked out of the Chanel store first.

Hebe gave the store manager a glance, "I'll settle the score with you later!"

The store manager was really crying without tears.

Such a mistake, if it were someone else, it would be fine, but it happened to be the wife of the chairman of the Qin Group!

They were in big trouble!

When Jane and the others left the Soggy.

In the car, seeing the tense atmosphere between Jane and Hebe, Evelyn took the initiative to say, "Sister Jane , can you not be angry? Mummy didn't mean it just now..."

"Evelyn, what were you doing just now when you secretly put the limited edition lipstick from the Chanel store in your bag?"

Jane suddenly interrupted coldly.

Evelyn's face changed, "Ah? Evelyn... Evelyn didn't..."

Hebe frowned and was about to speak, but Jane suddenly grabbed Evelyn's bag, unzipped it, and dumped it on the seat.

Then she saw the two limited edition lipsticks that had just been on display in the Chanel store.

Jane pointed at them, "What is this?"

Evelyn kept shaking her head, her face pale, "This... Evelyn really doesn't know..."

Hebe quickly protected Evelyn, "Jane , without evidence, don't slander others. If this really is the lipstick that Evelyn took, why didn't the security check react just now?"

"Because the limited edition lipstick is not for sale, it doesn't have a tag attached, so naturally it won't trigger the security check. Evelyn, you really know how to choose..."

Jane deliberately provoked Hebe, and Hebe really fell for it, speaking without hesitation, "Enough! Jane , Evelyn must have taken the lipstick by accident! We'll return it later! You are not allowed to bully Evelyn!"

"Bully? Just now, the security check sounded, and Mrs. Qin said I was a thief. Now it's Evelyn's turn to be caught red-handed, and Mrs. Qin said it was an accident?"

"If it was an accident, it would be okay to take one, but why take two? Mrs. Qin, your skill at distorting facts and favoring Evelyn is truly impressive."

"Jane ! We have tons of these things at home, and we send a large pile to Evelyn every quarter! How could she possibly steal!"

"And Evelyn has been living in the Qin family since she was a child, she has everything she wants, she's not like you, I won't allow you to slander your sister!"


Tsk tsk.

Looking at Hebe's full trust and unshakeable belief in Evelyn.

Jane really doubted whether the Qin family had recognized the wrong child.

But that damned DNA test report was all too real.

Jane was the child the Qin family had lost for twenty-one years, and she was indeed the biological daughter of Hebe and Dauna.

Even though Jane and Evelyn were both children of the Qin family.

The treatment they received was as different as night and day.

Evelyn was always right in whatever she did.

Everything Jane did was wrong.

Just a suspicion, and Jane had to kneel and apologize.

When it was Evelyn's turn to be caught red-handed, she received the Qin family's unconditional trust.

After being reborn, it was still the same.

It was laughable.


After today, it wouldn't matter anymore.

Jane quietly turned off the recording button on her phone and looked coldly at the scenery outside the car window.

"Mummy, I really don't know anything..."

Evelyn hid in Hebe's arms, sneaked a glance at Jane , and cried even harder.

Hebe just held Evelyn's hand and comforted the sobbing Evelyn, "It's okay, Mummy believes you, Evelyn would never do such a thing..."

When the Rolls-Royce returned to the villa.

As soon as they entered the villa, they heard a cheerful voice, "Mummy, Evelyn, did you have fun today?"

As for Jane , she was directly ignored as if she were air.