
The Billionaire's Charming Wife

jalen_Z · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 11: Has a Dog Eaten Your Conscience?!

With a trusting gaze towards Ling, a warm feeling surged in Jane's heart. "Thank you, Lingr, I will seriously consider it."

After Ling and Jane finished packing and got into the BMW sports car, Jane's phone vibrated. She took it out and saw a message from Hosey. In addition to Hosey's villa address, there was also a photo. It was a captivating image of Jane playing the guitar under the spotlight on the "Falling Stars" stage. The angle and lighting were just right, creating a stunning effect.

Finally, Hosey sent another WeChat message. "Your performance was excellent." Jane looked at Hosey's pitch-black profile picture, pursed her lips, and typed a reply: "Thank you for your praise. I will arrive on time tomorrow."

After sending the message, Hosey took a sip of the red wine mixed by Yale and his gaze deepened. Jane... Are you really the "Charm"?

Back at Ling's apartment, Ling went to take a shower. Jane borrowed Ling's laptop and skillfully logged into the dark web. Looking at her own account, "Charm," Jane's gaze couldn't help but become hazy. Even though she had only bid farewell to the dark web for a month in this world, in her previous life, Jane had been away for several years. The dark web was too prone to attracting deadly troubles. When Jane was brought back by the Qin family at that time, she decided to quietly withdraw from the dark web and seal her account to avoid causing trouble for the Qin family.

Logging into the dark web once again, Jane closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had returned...

There was no time for nostalgia. Jane immediately immersed herself in her work, focusing on investigating Hosey, which was the natural course of action after everything that had happened today. Jane had been too busy to find time, even though she and Hosey were contractually married. In the eyes of outsiders, they were a married couple. When necessary, they had to live together, pretending to be a married couple in front of their respective families to avoid arousing suspicion. Therefore, it was crucial to uncover Hosey's true identity.

Half an hour later, Jane leaned back in her chair, and her eyebrows furrowed imperceptibly. "The CEO of I.E. Group, the youngest heir of the fourth branch of the Bo family, Hosey..." Thinking of his dignified and handsome appearance, Jane had an immediate sense that Hosey was not an ordinary person. She never expected him to hold such a remarkable position and background. How could someone like him post a fake marriage advertisement on a matchmaking app? Jane couldn't help but find it somewhat absurd.

Jane didn't ask Hosey about it. According to her investigation, Hosey had a very low public profile, and many people didn't know what the youngest and influential figure of I.E. Group looked like. It seemed that in her previous life, Jane had missed out on a lot of information...

She had lived a half-dead existence for the sake of the Qin family. Oh well...

On the other side, Hosey had already returned to his villa.

Open the computer and logged into the dark web.

Using hacker skills, Hosey couldn't crack the real identity information of the underground dark web's number one hacker, "Mei."

"Mei" has been missing for a month.

During this month, countless posts in the underground have been discussing the reasons for "Mei's" sudden disappearance.


When Hosey decrypted that "Mei," who had just left the dark web a month ago, had logged back into the account.

With hands intertwined and resting on her chin, her deep, dark eyes flickered with an interested light.

It seems that the impromptu wife Hosey picked up is really not simple!


The next day.

2:30 in the afternoon.

Jane and Ling arrived at the police station with their household registration as agreed.

Seeing that no one from the Qin family had arrived, Ling frowned slightly, "do you think they're standing us up? Give them a call and urge them. Let's quickly resolve this matter and go have fun."

Jane pursed her lips, "I don't have their contact information. They... have never given it to me."

Not to mention WeChat or family group chats, they haven't even given Jane a phone number.

It's more accurate to say that they simply didn't want to give it to Jane.

To the Qin family, Jane's existence is like a plague, to be avoided at all costs.

"Damn it! A plant! Jane, I'm sorry, I..."

Ling wished he could tear the Qin family apart!

As the precious little junior sister cherished by their sect, they would be heartbroken even if she lost a single hair!

How dare the Qin family treat Jane like this!

"It's okay, It's all in the past. Even if the Qin family doesn't come, I'll transfer my household registration to Hosey's side, just like what I told the Qin family. I'll go with the flow. I have a backup plan."

"Jane, have you really thought it through? Do you really want to live with Hosey? I'm not worried that he'll harm you, but I think you'll get involved in a troublesome whirlpool of a prominent family..."

"Lingr, what can the insignificant Buo family do to me? I just promised Hosey that as long as he doesn't do anything against the contract, I'll follow the rules of the fake marriage."

As they chatted, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

There was still no sign of anyone from the Qin family.

"Jane, I'll go to the restroom first. It seems like the Qin family has stood us up. Damn it, if I ever meet them in the future, I'll beat them up!"


Ling left.

Jane glanced at her watch.

Just one more minute.

Then it would be three o'clock.

Jane sent a message to Hosey, "No one from the Qin family is here. Looks like they're planning to cancel."

Just after sending the message.

Someone walked into the police station.

Jane squinted her eyes, put her phone in her pocket, and faced the person head-on.

Jane's biological father through DNA gene testing, Qin Haotian, and her biological mother, Huo Yunxin.

Following behind them, Ming, her fifth brother, stared at Jane with eyes full of hatred and disgust.

After seeing Jane, Hebe, who was the quickest to react, hurriedly rushed to Jane's side, tears welling up in her eyes, and said, "Jane, sister... please don't leave the Qin family, okay? It's all Hebe's fault... is it because Sister Jane cares too much about Hebe's feelings? It's Hebe who would rather leave the Qin family!"

"Get lost."

Jane was already tired of Hebe's pretentious act and spoke coldly.

Being scolded by Jane, Hebe blinked her eyes, her eye sockets turning red, and tears fell like broken pearls, "I'm sorry, Jane... Hebe didn't know you disliked Hebe so much... I'm sorry... but Jane, you can't leave the Qin family. This is your home..."

"Jane, you beast! Hebe's sister treats you so well, and you still scold her! Are you even human? Did a dog eat your conscience?"

Mingwas the first to object when his beloved sister was wronged. He rushed over to protect Hebe and glared at Jane.

If it weren't for Ming's policy of not hitting women, he would definitely slap Jane hard across the face!