
The Billionaire's Charming Wife

jalen_Z · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 1: Dead, and Alive Again


A loud slap echoed.

Jane was slapped heavily to the ground by Dauna.

"Jane, you wicked woman! You dare to drug Evelyn and send her to someone else's bed. If we hadn't discovered it in time, Evelyn's innocence would have been ruined!"

Jane, dragging her frail body, weakly spoke, "No... Dad, I didn't! I really didn't!"

"You're still stubborn!"

Dauna kicked Jane's stomach again.

Jane was kicked until she vomited the stale water she had eaten the night before.

Suddenly, the small room was filled with a nauseating sour smell.

Dauna had no sympathy for this, a murderous intent appeared in his eyes, "If anything happens to Evelyn, I will kill you!"

"Dauna, don't bother with Jane, quickly... quickly go to the hospital to see Evelyn!"

"I know!"

The door of the room was slammed shut.

Jane was left alone lying on the cold floor, curled up like a shrimp, foaming at the mouth, murmuring, "I didn't... I really didn't hurt Evelyn..."

Overwhelmed by extreme cold and fatigue, Jane fell asleep in pain.

Time ticked away.

Suddenly, Jane, who was in a coma, felt a tearing sensation on her scalp.

Jane opened her eyes to see it was Dauna, she struggled and screamed in pain, "Dad! Let go of me! Let go of me! It hurts..."

"Do you hurt? Do you think you hurt as much as Evelyn? Thanks to you! Your sister is now in the ICU, her life hanging in the balance!"

"You beast of a daughter, why did I bring you back, why!"

In his rage, Dauna was deaf to any words.

He dragged Jane's powerless body, under the contempt of the servants at home, from the basement to the rooftop.

Along the way, Jane's body was covered in bruises and even bloodstains, which Dauna ignored.

Dauna slammed Jane's head against the glass on the rooftop.


Jane felt the world spin.

Her forehead was gashed open, and blood gushed out.

It looked terrifying.

Dauna stepped on Jane's hand, ignoring her painful howls, and spoke viciously, "Jane, I'll ask you one last time, do you know you were wrong!"

"I... I didn't... Dad, I really didn't..."

"You didn't! Very good! Kneel here for me! You can only get up when you realize your mistake!"

Dauna left Jane, who was covered in wounds, on the rooftop and locked the door.

In December, in S city, snow began to fall during the day.

Jane was wearing Evelyn's old pajamas, which had been torn by Dauna and barely covered her body, exposing fresh wounds.

Jane was shivering from the cold, stuttering, "I didn't... I didn't..."

Every word was like a stab to the heart.


Why didn't her biological family believe her?

This was the affection Jane was longing for.

Qin's family had tried so hard to find her.

Why did things turn out like this?

The light in Jane's eyes was slowly fading.

She didn't know how long she had been left there.

The door was violently pushed open.

Seeing who had come, Jane's eyes finally lit up, "Brother, I..."

"You bitch! You dare to harm such a kind and innocent Evelyn, I'll kill you!"

A slap landed heavily on Jane's face.

Then, Jane's neck was strangled, she couldn't breathe, her eyes rolled back, and she foamed at the mouth.

The other brothers didn't stand idle either, they punched and kicked Jane's body.

Stomach, kidneys, lungs, thighs... no place was spared.

Jane, frozen and broken, was kicked until her eyes were bloodshot, and her body temperature was gradually fading.

"Throw Jane off the roof! I never had such a wicked daughter! When she falls to pieces, feed her body to the wild dogs!"

Dauna's angry and ruthless voice echoed in Jane's ears.

Jane barely raised her eyes and saw Dauna and Huo Yunxin standing at the entrance, looking at her with eyes that wished to tear her to pieces.

These... were Jane's own brothers!

These... were Jane's biological parents!

Their rage was only because of something Jane hadn't done, which had harmed their favorite daughter—Evelyn!


What was Jane?

Didn't she also have Qin family's blood flowing in her?

Why was she less than a finger of Evelyn?

Since the Qin family already had their precious daughter, Evelyn, why did they shamelessly say they had found Jane after much difficulty? Every time Jane wanted to give up in despair, they gave Jane a little hope, then pushed her into hell!

How ridiculous...

How ridiculous!

The moment Jane was thrown off the roof by her furious brothers.

In the moment of free fall, Jane revealed a relieved smile and closed her eyes.

In this life, living in the shadow of Evelyn, living in the longing for affection, being brainwashed time and again, Jane was too tired, too tired.

If there is a next life...

Never want such a life.



Jane died.

Jane came back to life.

Now, Jane was in a changing room.

Jane was reborn, back to the twenty-seventh day when she was recognized and brought back to the Qin family.

June 21, 2030.

It was her mother, Huo Yunxin, who brought Evelyn and Jane to Soggy to buy the latest Chanel clothes.

The feeling of being smashed to pieces and being torn apart by wild dogs in her previous life was still vivid in her mind.

Jane closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and it took her a great effort to accept the fact that she was "reborn".

When she opened her eyes again, they were clear and determined.

Since it was another chance given by heaven.

This time, Jane must seize it, she can't lose it again!

At this moment, the curtain was suddenly lifted.

"Jane, you've been in the changing room for so long, Evelyn thought you fell asleep~ Here, this is the latest Chanel shirt, Mommy asked Evelyn to bring it over for you to try~"

Facing Evelyn's seemingly innocent smile, thinking about what would happen next, Jane simply replied, "I know."

Taking the Chanel shirt, Jane immediately pulled the curtain back up.

Leaving Evelyn's smile slightly stiff.

What's going on? Jane seems to have changed?

When she first came back to the Qin family, Jane kept calling "Evelyn sister", like a sycophant, trying to please Evelyn.

Just now she dared to speak to Evelyn in that tone! Hmph!

Thinking about what was going to happen to Jane, Evelyn's mouth curved into a cold smile.