
the billionaire's betrothed

A 19years old college student Melissa Michael is betrothed to her longtime enemy, Jeremy Robinson a son to her parent's closest friends and business partner He's a billionaire businessman, actor, and Real Madrid player known all over the continent What happens when they finally got married and are forced to live in the same house? Will their marriage be toxic? Will they develop feelings for each other? Fasten your seatbelt and grab your popcorn, it's a fun ride

Emelda_Orji · Urban
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4 Chs

the date

"Cover, cover, cover," I whispered to Eric as he kept covering me from the prying eyes of the students 

We ran to the back of the school building, immediately came out of the restroom.

I don't think am ready to face the students long questioning stares and glares, hurtful side talks, mockeries, and everything. 

"I can never know peace again in this school," I whispered to him and he chuckled. 

"What do you expect? The world precious Jeremy is about to be taken by you, girl you gotta be ready for enmity, hatred, and even death threats not just in school the whole country and beyond, worldwide to be precise, Jeremy is a sweetheart and he's got crazy female fans too," Eric said increasing my fear. 

"Damn Jeremy," I cursed fisting my palm angrily. 

"Coast clear!! Eric announced raising his head from the corner he's being peeping at, I peeped and heaved a sigh of relief on seeing the way that leads to the parking lot is empty with no students passing by, this is what we've been waiting for.

Eric held my hand and we ran all the way to the parking lot and quickly rushed into my car. 

"Thank you, Lord Jesus," I breathed out in relief. 

"You can't hide forever Lisa," he said. 

"Am skipping school for a week or two, this news needs to wash away before I show my face," I replied. 

Girl, you won't dare, you will keep coming to school till the wedding preparation starts.

"Ewww don't mention that W word again please," I said. 

Whatever, you are not skipping school and that's on period," he scolded. 

"Eric..... I pouted. 

Don't Eric me, you are a badass, you scare people and not the other way around, besides you should even be walking with your shoulders high, you Are getting married to a hot cake, every girl's dream, that's something to be proud of," he said.

"They all know it's an arranged marriage," I reminded him. 

"Well forget them," he replied. 

Immediately a call came on my phone and I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me that it was my mom. 

"I better get going before my mom comes to pick me up herself," I said igniting my car engine. 

"Alright then, go home and prepare for your romantic date sweetie," he mocked. 

"Eric!! I called angrily and he busted into laughter. 

"Sorry baby, you should go home before your mom uses FBI to come get you, I will call you," he said kissing my forehead and pulled me into a warm hug. 

Gosh, this is what I need right now. 

We pulled away from the hug and did our signature. 

"I love you," he said. 

"I love you more," I replied. 

"Be good," he said getting down from the car and I drove off. 


Jeremy's POV 

"I barely even agreed to marry her and now we are going on a date? Seriously? I yelled angrily at my dad who is busy munching his food acting like I was not even there. 

"Dad am talking to you, answer me!!! I yelled, banging at the table.

"Woah, chill boy, you don't yell at someone who is eating, I might choke or something," he mumbled with a mouthful. 

"Seriously? Is this man taking me for a joke? 

"Dad, you are beginning to annoy me you know that right? How will you set me up on a date with someone and then inform me on the day of the date, who does that? I yelled. 

"Maybe if you stop yelling, I might actually tell you who does," he replied. 

Ugh!!! Someone shoot me already, am losing my mind. 

"Dad!!!! I yelled banging the table hard again and guess what? He busted into laughter. 

Really? He's laughing? In a situation like this? God can I switch Dad please? am tired of this old man. 

I turned around to leave. 

"Fine, fine, I was just so caught up with the wedding preparations that I forgot to inform you," he said making me turn back towards him. 

Dad, you are lying," I replied staring intently at him.

I know when my dad is lying and when he's saying the truth. 

"What? Okay, fine, you caught me, I didn't want to tell you because if I did, you would run off to one of your mansions," he replied. 

Finally, someone is being truthful. 

"When you forced me into agreeing to marry her, did I run away? I asked. 

"Well you almost did," he replied with an eye roll. 

Speaking of which, can't we just call this thing off?

 "I don't want to get married to that little girl, she's rude, disrespectful and so bad mouthed, I can't deal," I said. 

"Did anyone hear that? Boy, you just described yourself, like hello, have you met you? He said dramatically. 

This man has got to be kidding me. 

"Whatever, she's not my type okay? Plus she's 19, still in college, so tiny, she ain't even pretty," I said.

"She's not tiny and small, you are just making up stories, and just so you know, I've never seen you with any girl half as pretty and naturally endowed as Melisa," he said standing up and turned around to leave. 

"Clear this plates," he added and started walking away. 

"Dad, common, we can do something about this," I pleaded walking after him.

No Jeremy, we can't do anything about it, this is what your mom have wanted, we can't deny her that," he replied. 

At the expense of my happiness? Really? My hands are tied now aren't they? 

"Go and prepare for your date my boy," he said entering his room and banged the door right at my face. 

"Just hope I don't go ghost mode on you all on the day of your wedding," I yelled. 

"My wedding? How is it my wedding? It's yours, young man," he shouted from his room.

"It's your wedding, all of you forcing me into this, it's all your wedding, not mine!!! I yelled and started walking away. 

"I am taking all of this because of mom, else I would have left this house ages ago and never return!!! I continued yelling.

"Can y'all stop yelling? Am tryna get a good sleep here," Alex shouted from his room. 

"Shut it, little rat," I yelled at him and walked away. 

 * * * * * * 

I sat in my car giving the whole marriage thing a thorough thought when a call from an unknown number came into my phone. 

I clicked on receive. 

"What? I snapped at whoever it is that is calling. 

"Whoah, what was that for? I heard a lady's irritating voice. 

"What was what for? You don't call me and question me okay? who are you? You have 5 seconds to clear that," I fired. 

"Jeremy, we are supposed to have a date today, why are you acting like this? Anyways, I called to remind you of it," she said.

Oh, yeah one of the ladies I promised a date today, I totally forgot. 

"We have a date today and you are calling to remind me? You are cheap and ion do cheap bitches so bye, and don't ever call me again gotta? I fired. 

"Wait, jer, am sor..... I quickly hung up the call. 

Cheap thing. 

Almost immediately, another call came in. 

For goodness sake, y'all ladies need to give me a break 

I angrily received the call.

"I ain't interested no more, don't call me again," I snapped and hung up, not giving her the chance to say anything.

Cheap ladies everywhere. 

Wait a minute, I have a proper date with Korean beauty, damn it, I almost forgot.

I had better rush off with this dumb date with Melisa, so I can prepare for it. 

I ignited the engine and drove out of the house.