
the billionaire's betrothed

A 19years old college student Melissa Michael is betrothed to her longtime enemy, Jeremy Robinson a son to her parent's closest friends and business partner He's a billionaire businessman, actor, and Real Madrid player known all over the continent What happens when they finally got married and are forced to live in the same house? Will their marriage be toxic? Will they develop feelings for each other? Fasten your seatbelt and grab your popcorn, it's a fun ride

Emelda_Orji · Urban
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4 Chs

the date 2


"Melissa open the damn door, you are 10 minutes late, a girl can't be late on her first date," my mom yelled banging furiously on my room door.

"Mom, am almost done give me a sec. I said laying comfortably on my bed.

Yeah, I was done preparing an hour ago and I've been here since then, laying on my bed watching the ceiling.

dad, mom, and Jeremy game on.

"Almost done doing what for the past three hours, Melissa open this door, or we break it down now," I heard another voice.

Wait, isn't that my dad's voice? I thought this man went to work.

Wow, wonderful, what a wonderful parents I've got, best among all.

You know that moment when you are laughing but then tears decide to flow from your eyes, that's the condition am in now.

My phone beeped, a message from Eric.

"Get your yourself outta that bed now".

 I take it my mom has already informed him.

I sluggishly got down from the bed, grabbed my bag, and went to open the door to my parent's glaring faces.

"You silly child," my dad scolded but then his angry face turned to that of horror on seeing what am wearing.

I chuckled inwardly.

Am putting on a Louis Vuitton baggy palazzo and a shirt, I made sure to purposely order for ××l and right now I look lost in it, 

I had my hair packed up in a messy ponytail, looking like someone who just woke up from sleep, I had no makeup done, and I wore a different color of flat flip flop and a different color of bag, all in all, I looked like someone who had been chased out of the house and can only feed by packing trash on the street.

Mind you my Louis Vuitton dress is quite expensive though. 

Wow, congratulations Melissa, on a wonderful job welldone, you are indeed an expert stylist, look at you looking all dashing.

Hey y'all, I officially present to you the newest stylist in town, at an affordable price, your happiness our priority. 

"What in Gods name are you wearing"? My dad half yelled.

"What in Gods name am I wearing"? I mimicked. 

"Melissa go back inside and dress properly now," my mom said. 

"No mom, it's either I go like this or I don't go at all, the choice is yours," I said with my hands at akimbo.

I watched as they glanced at each other and then focused their gaze back on me. 

"Uhm, princess can't you.... 

"Which one is it, dad"? The clock is ticking, tick, tock," I quickly cut him off. 

I made sure every of my word is laced with so much sarcasm. 

Oh lala, am so enjoying this.

"You can go," my mom voiced out like someone who is at the verge of tears. 

"I thought so," I replied catwalking past them, and off I went. 

Sorry mom, but I've decided not to be the only one getting emotionally drained by this whole marriage thing. 

we all are in this together. 

Getting outside, I met a man on a black outfit standing near a limousine,

Immediately he sighted me, he quickly opened the car door gesturing me to enter. 

I stood staring intently at him.

Mr Robinson sent me," he said when he noticed I wasn't making any attempt to enter the car. 

So jerky Jeremy couldn't even send one of his drivers to come pick me. 

Oh, Melissa, he hates you that much. 

I entered the car and he closed the door, then entered the driver's side and drove off.

"Melissa's POV"

We pulled up at the terrace of a big mansion on a private island owned by Jeremy. 

How can someone buy an entire island and make it his private property? 

That's how rich he is. 

He made it open to families and trusted friends only.

My parents have been here uncountable times for get-togethers with the Robinsons, birthday parties, dinners, and the rest. 

I've only been here once, that was during Alex's birthday party that was hosted here, and I couldn't miss his birthday for anything,

I hated being anywhere that is owned by Jeremy.

The driver quickly rushed to my side and opened the door for me. 

"Please come with me, ma'am," he said and started walking deeper into the island while I followed behind. 

I sighted quite a number of private helicopters at the far end of the island. 

I couldn't help but marvel at the amazing environment and beautiful settings.

The cool, soft wind relaxed my stressed out brain and my whole system. 

This is definitely the best place for this date, it's perfectly safe and private for Jeremy, 

Being a public figure, he can't freely go to places without being heavily surrounded by his die hard fans that would do anything to get an autograph from him. 

We took a corner that leads to the garden and I sighted him sitting on a table of two, looking moody as he operated his phone. 

This is not a date, definitely not, there's no candle lights, no romantic or flashy settings, just plates of covered foods and wines, he dressed casual as well. 

Melissa what do you expect, you are the last person Jeremy will ever think of getting married to, he doesn't want this, we are both being forced into it. 

He looked up on hearing our footsteps as we drew closer to him, and he rolled his eyes and focused back on his phone. 

No, this dickhead didn't just do that. 

"Boss, she's here," the bodyguard announced as we got to the table. 

"You can leave," he said waving him off with his hand not bothering to look up. 

Is this guy for real? Am I now invisible or what? 

Dude get up from that seat and pull out a chair for me you dumbo. 

"Are you going to stand there like a mannequin? You can stand anyway, ion care," he snapped with his face still buried In his phone. 

"Oh, and you look incredible by the way," he added eyeing me from head to toe. 

Did anyone hear that? Great, I just might be punching someone in the eye by the end of this dumb date. 

I slowly sat down facing the dumbo. 

"Cute dumbo you mean"? My mind teased me.

Shut the hell up!!! I fired at the damn mind. 

Seconds passed and we still sat there, not uttering a single word to each other. 

What have my parents gotten me into for goodness sake. 

I slowly brought out my phone from my bag and texted Eric. 

"We haven't said anything to each other since I got here,". I sent. 

"Make the first move, start up a discussion," he texted me back.

"How? He wouldn't even look at me," I texted him. 

"Well you can start by saying hi," he texted and I chuckled. 

Saying hi indeed. 

"You want him to notice you, fake a cough," he texted again and I laughed out forgetting that Mr grumpy is still here. 

He quickly cast me an irritating glare. 

"Oops, sorry I got carried away," I apologized and dropped my phone.

"If you are gonna chat with your boyfriend, do it less noisily, some of us don't like noise," he snapped angrily. 

"No, it's my best friend," I replied.

"Whatever," he muttered and focused back on his phone.

'Grumpy jerk'.

For another boring 20 minutes, we say there in silence. 

Well it wasn't so boring since I got the chance to ogle at his smooth and perfectly shaped face and his perfect masculine body tone and oh that heavenly scent emitting from him. 

Geez, Melissa, get a grip of yourself you are supposed to hate this guy," I scolded myself for having such nonsensical thoughts. 

"Gosh, I can't do this anymore," I heard him mutter to himself and stood up.

"Go home and tell your parents this date was a success, I have a proper date to prepare for," he said and turned around to leave.

Okay this is it, this one right here takes the cake, I've had enough.

"Why are you such a dooshebag!!! I yelled and he quickly stopped on his track.

"What? He exclaimed turning around to face me.

"Yes, why are you being such a jerk? Why are you acting like this whole marriage thing wasn't also forced on me? Or do you honestly think I want to get married to a jerk like you? Do you know how difficult it is for me to digest the fact that am betrothed to you? Am a teenager, Jeremy, and there are a lot of things I still want to explore before being committed, I want to have a beautiful teenage life, I want to fall in love, I want to live a peaceful life without being constantly hated on by your desperate girl fans, so look at it from the proper side, am the one who's supposed to be acting all grumpy and angry !!!! I yelled out angrily grabbing my bag and approached him.

I stood at a very close range with him and stared directly into his eyes.

"Don't worry, I will tell my parents that this stupid date was a success, you can now rush off to your proper date," I said walking past him, not without making sure that I brushed roughly against him .

I took few steps and stopped, turning back to him.

"You should have it in mind that am doing this because of aunt Cecile," I said and walked away.