
the billionaire's betrothed

A 19years old college student Melissa Michael is betrothed to her longtime enemy, Jeremy Robinson a son to her parent's closest friends and business partner He's a billionaire businessman, actor, and Real Madrid player known all over the continent What happens when they finally got married and are forced to live in the same house? Will their marriage be toxic? Will they develop feelings for each other? Fasten your seatbelt and grab your popcorn, it's a fun ride

Emelda_Orji · Urban
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4 Chs

marriage discussion

"Melissa's POV" 

I sat in the dining munching my food slowly and steadily, I was already dressed up for school, 

Yeah, I have decided not to skip school, Eric was right, am the badass Melissa, I scare people and not the other way around, no one has the right to make me miss lectures.

I started hearing footsteps and murmurings approaching the dining.

Great, the mood spoilers are here, I better get going.

Grabbing my designer's school bag, I sneaked out through the other way that leads out of the dining.

"Hey, young lady," I heard my mom's voice. 

I thought these people were heading towards the dining?

Were you planning to leave for school without saying goodbye to your parents? My dad said.

'Yeah, parents indeed, parents giving their child nightmares and daymares', if there's any word like that.

"Morning mom, morning dad," I grumbled.

"Morning princess, we are driving you to school," my dad dropped the bomb.

"What? I nearly choked on my breath.

 What in heavens sake is wrong with these people?

"What is what? Today is your last day going to school for the rest of the week, you have to prepare for your upcoming wedding," my mom chirped in.

"Erm, what has that got to do with you driving me to school? I asked.

"We want to make sure you will be safe, rumors are spreading around that the marriage is forced on you both, so we want to clear the air on that," my dad replied and I chuckled.

"Oh really? Wow, that is so thoughtful of you, am so impressed, please by any means, can you tell me what you are clearing the air on? Is it that the rumors are fake and the marriage isn't forced or what"? I lashed out.

They glanced at themselves and kept quiet 

I've had it with these people, I will be serving them hot from now on.

"Go on please, I really wanna hear it," I urged.

Now they are speechless.

"I hate to love you both," I mumbled turning around and started walking away.

"We love you too!!!!!! I heard them shout after me and I laughed.

Yeah, I can get angry at them all I want but I can't stop loving them, these are my buddies for life. 

 * * * * * * * * * 

Pulling up at the school parking lot, I suddenly developed cold feet.

There will definitely be hateful glares and hurtful murmurs.

This is just too much for me to handle.

Closing my eyes I slowly breathed in and out.

'You can phase through this Melissa'.

I came down from my car and locked it properly before walking into the school.

"The bitch is here! 

"She dares try to steal Jeremy from me! 

"She has always been such a theif!

"Gosh, I hate her! 

"Oh poor Jeremy, how can he live with someone like her! 

"I wish am in her shoes! 

This and many more were murmurs coming from every single person I came across as I made my way to my class.

They can murmur all they want but no one, absolutely no one has the guts to say it to my face, that would be a death wish.

I came across a girl standing with her boyfriend, she kept glaring at me.

"Hey, if you don't want me to add your boyfriend to the list of guys that will be forced to get married to me, then I suggest you turn the fuck around," I fired at her and she quickly held her boyfriend and they walked away.

'That's more like it Melissa, more grease to your elbow'.

Walking into my class, another round of murmurings and glares started.

"Hey y'all bunch of potential fools," I yelled climbing on my desk.

"Since y'all have nothing to do, no classwork or assignment to attend to, other than to glare at me and muster nasty things about me, well congratulations, the queen is here now, let's do this more gently and appropriately, shall we? If you have anything to say to me, raise your hand and I will permit you to voice it out, and then I will give you the answer that best suits you," I said in the most sarcastic way possible.

"Now ladies and gentlemen, shall we? I added waiting for the unfortunate soul that will speak up so I can use them to set a very good example for the rest.

Well fortunately for them, no one spoke up, they already know what I had coming.

"It's a pity though, y'all went dumb now, but when I walked in, I could sworn each and every one of you muttered something about me, now am offering you the opportunity to speak up in a platter of gold and you are letting it slide? That's a shameful one though," I said and jumped down from my desk.

"Best, you are the real deal!!!! Eric screamed rushing toward me and we did our signature.

"Yes best, you can say that again," I boasted and we busted into laughter.

'It's good to be savage you know, that way people don't get to mess with you, you will always be in charge'.

"What's going on here," we heard the voice of a teacher behind and everyone scampered to their seats.

Melissa's POV 

Eric and I sat at our favorite table in the cafeteria having lunch.

Eric hungrily devoured his meal while I bit into my hamburger once in every eye warning from him. 

"Just because you are getting married against your will doesn't mean you should starve yourself to death you know," Eric said cleaning his mouth.

"Am not starving myself Eric, am just not hungry," I replied.

"Oh really? You are not hungry? Since when did....

He suddenly trailed off with his eyes fixed on a particular spot behind me.

I turned around following his gaze.

Oh, gracious, it's his longtime crush, the school SUG president Sean Salvatore, the most popular and hottest guy in school, he is a popular model and influencer, though he's in the same grade with us, he doesn't come to school every day, am sure he bribed his way to the post of the school's sug President.

He's also an open gay and so is Eric.

Eric has been crushing on this dude for the longest time, but him on the other hand detests Eric with passion, all he does is bully him and make fun of him at every little chance he gets 

I've tried so many times to talk him out of it but this best friend of mine has fallen so deeply for that jerk.

I noticed him and his two friends Mara and Carolina are walking toward our table.

I quickly turned back to info Eric only to meet the idiot drooling over him with his mouth widely open 

He's a complete idiot when it comes to Sean.

"Eric gets a grip of yourself, they are coming our way,". I told him but the dude is on another planet.

"Dude!!! I called again poking him but he ignored me and continued drooling.

"Close your trap little boy, flies are infectious," came the devil's voice as he got to our table.

Eric quickly closed his mouth.

"S. Sean, you are in School today," Eric stuttered. 

Oh my God, this Boy.

"I would have been coming to school every day if not for ugly faces like yours that I have to keep seeing, makes me want to puke," he blurted out and I chuckled. 

See what am talking about?

" Ugly face indeed, as if he's not cuter than you".

"Hey, soon-to-be little bride, no one called you into this conversation he snapped at me".

Jeez did I say that out loud,? 

"Oh you are having a discussion with him oh good lord,!! Look at me thinking you are bullying him, sorry my bad, !! I mocked and he glared hard at me.

Boy you can only glare.

"Uhm. Sean, do you wanna..... 

"Am never gonna wanna dumb boy, hang your coat where your hand can get, a piece of advice", he cut Eric off giving him light slaps on the cheek before turning around and walked away with his minions.

"He's such a dumb cat," I heard one of the girls mutter and they giggled.

your dad is a dumbest of them all," I fired back at her and she popped her bubble gum at me while I gave her the middle finger.


I turned back to Eric only to find the fool I was fighting for smiling and staring at Sean's retrieving figure, 

Gosh, boy is definitely hooked. 

"Earth to, young man," I scolded with a snap of my finger and he quickly turned around with a sheepish smile plaster on his face.

"He touched me, he touched my cheek, oh my gosh," he squealed happily.

Is this guy being serious right now, who touched who?

"He didn't touch you Eric he slapped you big difference," I pointed out.

"Oh please, which silly difference, his hand touched me that's all that matters," he said happily.

Okay this guy has got to get it together.

"Sean is a bully he is always bullying you and toying with your feeling, he has made it clear to you like a million times that he is never going to have anything to do with you, this same guy told you to your face that pretty hot boys like him don't do boys like you, why don't you ever listen? I said. 

"I don't listen because I can't listen, am deep into this guy I can't help it," he replied.

 "Oh please you can get over him if you truly want to, there are a bunch of guys that are willing to give anything to be with you, why not give them a chance, pouted.

"I don't want any of them, I want Sean, okay? He replied.

"Sean is never.... 

Well, it's none of your business okay? Stop poknosing," he quickly cut me off with a half yell.

He's getting angry.

"W. What? Of course, it's my business, you are my best friend," I said softly.

"This one right now is not your business, it's my private life, let me deal with it myself," he snapped.

"Fine whatever, when you are done dealing with it, you can as well shove it up your nose," I fired at him.

He's getting on my last nerves.

"Maybe I just might be shoving it up your... 

He was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing.

We glared hard at each other before I proceeded to bring out my phone from my bag.

Guess who's calling? 

The queen of all surprises, my mom.

Why is she calling me now? Must be one of her dangerous surprises I guess.

I let out a heavy breath before clicking on receive.

"Hey," I said bracing up for the worst.

"Hey baby, we are outside your school, come meet us asap, we are going over to the Robinsons they invited us over for the marriage discussion," came my mom's itching voice.

Did she just say we? That means she came with my Dad, have these two suddenly become jobless over this whole marriage saga?

"Hello, Melissa," she called when she didn't hear my reply.

"Mom, am here," I finally spoke up, my voice coming out low and pained.

"Good, come meet us now else we are coming in to get you and it's not gonna be pleasant," she threatened and hung up the call.

Is she threatening me now? Why? Why me? I used to be a happy and carefree girl, what's happening to me now? This is not how I envisioned my love life and marriage to be, if I was betrothed to someone I didn't know, it would have been better than being betrothed to someone you hate and it hurts so much to know that he hates you more, what the actual fuck is going on in my life? 

A drop of tear fell from my eyes.

"Hey, are you okay? What's wrong, what's your mom up to this time? Eric asked noticing my mood.

Don't you dare ask me any damn question," I snapped at him standing up and started walking out of the cafeteria, he also stood up and followed behind.

Walking out of the school, I sighted my parent's car parked at a corner.

"Over here baby," my mom shouted and stretched her hand out from the car window waving dramatically.

"Mom, when has it gotten to this extent, it's just lunch break and you are picking me up from school for some marriage shit, don't you think I have classes to attend? Today is my last day at school for the week and you couldn't even give me enough space to put myself together and say proper goodbyes, what the hell is going on mom, where are my parents that put me first in everything? I lamented painfully as I got to the car .

"Chill baby girl, it's just a week, and hello, who are you saying goodbyes to? You don't have friends," my mom chirped in.

Seriously? That's the only line she picked from everything I said? 

"And hey you don't swear at your mom okay? My dad added.

And the man of the house has just spoken.

Bravo, beautiful parents.

"Oh hi Eric," my mom waved at Eric with a sweet smile.

"Oh hello, marriage ambassadors, I was hoping you could arrange one for me one of these days," he snapped at her and turned around to face me.

"Be good yeah? He whispered to me then turned around and walked back into the school.

"That was rude," my mom said.

"Well, you can't be emotionally stressing his best friend and except him to be happy, can you"?I replied entering the car and my dad zoomed off.

"He's forgetting that if I hadn't given birth to you, he wouldn't have a Best friend to be rude to me about," she said with an eye roll.

"yeah, and you are forgetting that if you hadn't given birth to me, you wouldn't have a daughter to be marrying out in the worst kind of way parents can possibly marry out their daughter," I fired back at her angrily.

"Hey, young lady watch it, you are crossing the line, I suggest you zip it up," my dad scolded.

"Yeah, whatever," I muttered and looked out the window thinking of how miserable my life has become over this marriage issue.