
The Billionaire's Beautiful Mistake

When Marissa Diáz, decides that having a one night stand with a stranger at the club, is the only way to avoid dying a virgin for the rest of her life. she clearly isn't prepared for the rollercoaster of dramas that follows after finding out that she's pregnant for a stranger! ~~~ Giovanni Russo, is a notorious playboy who would rather sleep with a chicken than to sleep with the same woman twice, nor commit himself in any relationship.  But when his one night stand shows up at his office, with the evidence that she's pregnant for him. He isn't prepared to see his daddy instincts coming to life, when he's forced to either settle down with the girl or give up his inheritance to his cousin. Marissa Diàz, a waitress and a commoner who dreams of a barbie life finds herself tangled up in the complicated life of the Russo family, after sleeping with the playboy grandson of a third generational business tycoon. At finding out that she's carrying the future heir of the next line of the Russo family. Marissa isn't ready for unplanned motherhood and also playing wife to a man, who's heart is devoid of any emotions. In a bid to not not lose his inheritance nor his child, Giovanni would have to take extreme measures and that was suggesting a contract marriage arrangement between him, and his baby mama for a year. Marissa has no option for abortion, nor did she intend on marrying a casanova like him. But maybe she could come to terms that a contract marriage for a year, is all she needed to be in the life of her child. But when love, trust and betrayal come to play a vital role in their planned marriage. Giovanni would have to come to the conclusion, that he isn't planning to let Marissa leave him nor their child after a year. But is being just a mother to their child all that Marissa wanted? What if she wanted more than what the contract forbids? When she doesn't want to be Mrs.Russo just in papers, but in Giovanni's heart? The only woman in his life, that wouldn't come so easily but who says love doesn't conquer all? ~~~ Excerpt: "Just so you know, sweetcheeks. I'm not the kind of man who's going to treat you like a queen, take you out on dates. Buy you flowers, or give you kisses every morning."  Giovanni closed the gap between them, as he saw the way her breath hitched at seeing how close he was to her. "But i promise to give you the sweetest pleasure your body would crave every single day of your life. I'm not promising you my love or affection, sweetheart. All i can provide is my time for you and the baby, so what would it be?" His words made her know how heartbroken this man was, but then she's not promising him that she would love him either. He's nothing but her baby daddy, and she's just a wife to him in contract only. "My answer is yes, Giovanni. I will be your wife." ~~~ #Book one of the baby daddy series. Author's Note:Hi everyone, this story comes in a series, and be assured for a satisfying journey right here. Any resemblance to any person is a mistake. Everything documented is nothing but the mere imagination of the author. Be warned! i take plagiarism of my work seriously and please endeavor to keep the hate comments away. If you don't like the story, move on to the next room.  My other books: *365 Days To Love. *A Mommy For Hire: The heiress must get married. *Narika:The Ghost Bride. Instagram ID: IrreplaceableSassy. Discord ID:Jayden#1882 Email: oluchij222@gmail.com.

Jayden222 · Urban
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Chapter Nineteen: Definitely Not A One Night Thing!

Mature content!!!

The moment Giovanni stripped down to nothing but his briefs, the big print of his bulge did tell Marissa that he wasn't little. He's a big man and she didn't know if that was something to be scared of.

She's a virgin, and he didn't know.

"Like what you see?" Giovanni asked, a proud smirk plastered right on his face, before he approached her like a vulture approaching his prey. His Adams apple bubbled up in acute hunger watching her all layed on his bed, desperate and inviting him to touch her, which was what he's planning to go.

Marissa saw the way his eyes diluted, and all that was replaced in that emotionless orbs of his was nothing but the lust and want screaming right there, for her!

She felt satisfied, knowing that he was this aroused for her and that is not just her who was dripping wet like a bitch in heat, so to spice things up she sat on her knees, before tracing her hand down from his chest to his nipples, then before coming down to the print.

"Can I?" She asked for his permission, to which his stare was what she needed before her hands slipped into his briefs before bringing it down, and just to confirm her suspicion.

He was big!

He stood proud, big in width and beautifully curved, with the veins carved around it and precum leaking from its tips, her lips watered to taste him, something she hasn't done before and Giovanni has been eager to feel her lips wrapped around his dick.

"Open your lips, sweetgirl. Don't use your teeth, relax your throat only then would you be able to take me." He instructed her, to which she started off taking a little of him, her warm tongue circling around his dick like a wrapper, she licked him the way a kid would lick its favorite lollipop, making him groan in ecstasy.

"Fuck! I underestimated you, you are doing so good, princess." He said, grabbing her her hair for more leverage, before he started to fuck her throat. He watched the way she took him all good, without complaining how big he was, drops of spits slipped from her mouth onto her chest, while she did nothing but moan at the dirty words that came from his lips.

This was more than just a one night thing, Giovanni knew that, he hasn't fucked her yet and he was already imagining having her one more time. 

She has bewitched him!

She clearly was out here for a mission, and if truly that she was working for any of his family. Then he was long gone because he would love having her in his bed again, not just once. This woman had him hooked on her for the whole night, that he had forgotten all about the problem that had been bothering him for days.

Marissa felt his dick twitch in her mouth, before ropes and ropes of his warm cum  filled her mouth then did he move away from her, but not without tilting her head up to see her.

"Swallow." He commanded, his darkened orbs looked down at her, as she did as he instructed by swallowed that salty taste of his, that made her yearn more of him. 

This man has turned her into such a slut, and she wasn't complaining. She loved it, if this was what it means to be wild to meet his kind, Marissa wanted to do it more time just so this night he over.

She needed his name, his name was the only thing she could get then would she work on stalking him, if that was the only option that would get him to look her way after this night.

She was brought out of her thoughts when he pushed her down after sheathing himself with a condom, before hovering over her and spread her legs to accommodate him in between.

Her being nervous didn't help curb the hunger they both had for each other, that Marissa has forgotten to inform him that she was a virgin.

When the head of his dick pierced through her tight opening, she cried and that made Giovanni to be alert immediately. She's a virgin!

"You are a virgin?" The surprise on his face was to die for, yet he was happy that he was the first man to be inbetween her legs. That's a huge achievement for him.

"Surprise." She sing sung, which made Giovanni smiled before kissing her temple which she wished for it to be her lips.

"Breathe, princesse. It's only going to sting for a moment." He cautioned her, through this tough steps. Treating her like the princess she was, so why wouldn't she fall for him?

She was an easy lover, just like Ryan had won his way into her heart, and betraying the trust she had for him. Despite that, she wasn't afraid to say that she's eager to go through that step again,to fall in love.

When he filled her to the brim, she felt full.. so full of him, but he fuck her slow and fine making her adjust to him, before she gave him the go ahead order, then every guard he had died down, and he took her like his life depended on it.

"Fuck! You are gripping me so tight, princess. I can't get enough..mm." He groaned, while Marissa was long gone in a world of her own, as she wrapped her legs around  him. Her hands thread in his soft hair, holding him for dear life as he took her to heaven and beyond.

She moaned.

She cried for him.

"More..faster." she urged him, and he went ballistic in his pounding, she didn't mind the fact that this was her first time. She loved him fucking her so good, it wasn't long with his hand flicking his clit before she had her first orgasm for the night.

After chasing her high, she felt him go again at trying to get her to cum for him again.

"Let out some please, it's too much."she screamed, her eyes roared at the back of her eyes, a beautiful sight for Giovanni.

"No, you are going to take me, every beautiful inch of me in this tight pussy, sweetgirl." He growled, before taking her nipples in his lips, biting, grabbing and doing the deed on her clit that got her off and she cummed again.

Soon enough, he found himself cumming and she shuddered when she felt him fill the condom, she felt the warnmess and full ness he brought to her.

But most importantantly, the satisfaction that runned over her features that she was no longer a virgin, that too because of this fine specimen made her yearn for more.

She didn't see him wrap another condom, before she was pushed to her stomach, with her back arch, she felt him at her lining.

"Round two, I can't seem to get enough, sweetgirl. The night is too young." Giovanni said, and before she could say anything he went home, making her body jerk because in this new position she felt him, even in her stomach.

"Take it, you are doing so well, Bambi." He praised her, when she started to throw her ass back on him, with a spank to her ass and more dirty talk the two chased their world of enjoyment the entire night, that had them spent and yearning for more because this was definitely not a one night thing.

Finally done dusted, to fill all your horny minds. How's the chapter?

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