
The Billionaire's Amnesia

She was his everything. Until she disappeared. James Carter had it all: wealth, fame, and a face that made women swoon. But he only had eyes for one woman: the one who left him without a word five years ago. He never gave up hope of finding her again. He searched high and low, hired the best detectives, followed every lead. But she was gone, like a ghost. He tried to move on, but he couldn’t forget her. Her smile, her voice, her touch. He thought he had lost her forever. Until he saw her again. Working as a waitress in a dingy restaurant. With no memory of him or their past. She hated him at first sight. He was arrogant, rude, and persistent. She wanted nothing to do with him. But he wasn’t going to let her go again. He was determined to make her remember. To make her love him again. But it wasn’t that simple. She had secrets that could put them both in danger. And he had enemies that wanted him dead. They were caught in a web of lies, betrayal, and revenge. And they had to face the shadows of their past. Would he be able to win her back and protect her from harm? Or would he lose her again, this time for good?

Charlie_Sink · Urban
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12 Chs

05 | The Offer


It's been two days now since the day the Paparazzi finally found where I work and come to harass me about that false scandal that they accused me of. Mr. Brown kindly gave me two more days off from work in hope that the paparazzi would have lost interest in me, but I'm so wrong. As of today, they were still lurking outside the restaurant.

Ever since that tabloid had published a photo of me hugging Henry, who they mistakenly for Aanton, the real Jake's bodyguard, I had been hounded by reporters and photographers who wanted to know if I was really cheating on my famous boyfriend.

I loved Jake, and I know he loved me back. We had been dating for a year and a half but his career suddenly take off causing our relationship to spin out of control. Jake was nothing but sweet and supportive.

I grabbed my apron and purse and got out of the car. I walked briskly towards the back entrance of the restaurant, hoping to avoid being spotted. I hated how this scandal had affected my job so much.

I enjoyed being a waitress at La Dolce Vita, one of the most popular Italian restaurants in West Hollywood. I liked serving customers, chatting with my co-workers, especially Angie, and earning tips. But ever since the story broke out, I had been harassed by rude customers who wanted to gossip about my personal life or take selfies with me instead of eating their meals.

My boss had been understanding and allowed me to take some days off, but I couldn't afford to stay away forever. Even if my aunt is a close friend of my boss I don't know how much longer he's gonna tolerate this.

Most of the time, I enter my workplace through the front door but this back door seems to be a really good option for me since those Paparazzi bastards basically camp right across from the restaurant with their cameras and microphone ready to shove it right into my face.

I reached the door and knocked three times. It opened slightly and a familiar face peeked out.

"Hey Layla," said Tony, one of the chefs. "Glad you're back."

"Thanks, Tony," I said with a smile. He opened the door wider and let me in.

"How are you holding up?" he asked sympathetically.

"I'm okay," I lied. "Just trying to ignore all the noise."

He nodded and smiles again. Seeing his smile makes me want to smile and be happy all the time just like him too. God, I missed my old life.

"Well you're welcome here anytime," he said. "We're like family here."

I appreciated his kindness.

"Thanks, Tony," I repeated.

I walked past him and headed towards the locker room where I stored my belongings and my work outfits. I hoped that today would be a normal day at work, without any drama or distractions since our boss hired one more security, fully armed to guard the door. It made both our customers and me, especially me, feel a lot safer working.

But as soon as I entered the dining area, I saw them.

Three guys with cameras and microphones stand near the entrance, scanning the room for me. The two security guards try to hold them back, but they're too pushy.

They see me as I walk out of the kitchen with a tray of food for a table near the entrance. The cameras start clicking and flashing like crazy.

"Layla! Layla!" they shouted. "Do you hear about Jake's comment on the scandal last night?"

I begin to feel a surge of panic and anger.

Not again!

After carefully delivering the meals to my customer I immediately turned around and ran back to the kitchen.

I slam the kitchen door behind me and lean against it, breathing hard. My heart is pounding in my chest like a drum. I can still hear them outside, shouting my name and asking me questions I don't want to answer.

Why can't they leave me alone? Why do they have to ruin my life?

I wipe away a tear that escapes from my eye. I don't want anyone to see me cry. Especially not Jake.

I felt a vibration in my pocket, interrupting my thoughts. I reached for my phone, wondering who could be calling me at this hour. I glanced at the screen and felt my heart skip a beat. It was a text message from James Carter, the billionaire tycoon who had swept me off my feet a week ago. The date had been magical, but he had disappeared after that. I had given up hope of ever hearing from him again. Had he changed his mind about me? Or had he discovered my secret?

I opened the message and read it with bated breath:

Layla, I'm sorry for not contacting you sooner. You've been on my mind every day since our date. You're the most amazing woman I've ever met and I can't let you go. I also know about your scandal and I have the power to make it vanish forever. But there's one thing you have to do for me: you have to marry me for one year.

I gasped and dropped my phone on the floor. This couldn't be real. Why is he took interest in my scandal, my dirty laundry? How could he offer to fix it so easily? And why did he want me to marry him? Was he serious or was this some kind of twisted game? Did he have feelings for me or was he just using me for his own agenda?

I felt a wave of anger and curiosity wash over me, along with a glimmer of hope. Maybe he was telling the truth and he could save me from this nightmare. Maybe he was the miracle I needed.

I picked up my phone again and typed a reply:

James, what are you saying? How can you erase my scandal? And why do you need me to be your wife?

I waited for his reply, feeling nervous and anxious. What would he say? What would he do? What would I do?

After a few minutes, my phone buzzed again. I opened his message and read it with trembling hands:

Layla, I don't have time to explain everything right now. Trust me when I say that I can make your scandal disappear with one phone call. I have connections and influence that you can't imagine. But I need you to marry me for one year. It's the only way to protect you from your enemies and to secure my future. It's a win-win situation for both of us.

I stared at his message, feeling stunned and confused. He could make my scandal disappear with one phone call? Who was he? What kind of enemies did I have? And what did he mean by securing his future? What was he hiding from me?

And why did he want me to marry him for one year? What would happen after that? Would he divorce me and forget about me? Or would he fall in love with me and stay with me forever?

I didn't know what to think or feel. I didn't know what to do.

I typed a reply:

James, this is crazy. You can't just ask me to marry you like this. We barely know each other. How can you expect me to trust you?

I hit send and waited for his reply. I wondered what he would say. Would he try to convince me? Would he get mad? Would he give up?

After a few seconds, my phone rang. It was him. He was calling me.

I hesitated for a moment, then answered the call.

"Hello?" I said, trying to sound calm.

"Layla, it's me. James." His voice was deep and smooth, making my heart flutter.

"James, hi." I said, feeling nervous.

"Go to the back door. There's a car waiting for you there."

"What? I'm still at work!!! I can't leave. Do you want me to get fired or something?" I said through clenched teeth.

"I already talked to Daniel. He won't fire you. I promise."

Daniel? How did he know my boss's name?

The phone was still against my ear as I walked to the back door. And there it was, just like James said, a black Range Rover parked on the side of the road with a driver already opening the door for me.

"I see the car."

"Now get in." His response sounded so authoritative but I was too stunned to process that emotion.