
The Billionaire's Amnesia

She was his everything. Until she disappeared. James Carter had it all: wealth, fame, and a face that made women swoon. But he only had eyes for one woman: the one who left him without a word five years ago. He never gave up hope of finding her again. He searched high and low, hired the best detectives, followed every lead. But she was gone, like a ghost. He tried to move on, but he couldn’t forget her. Her smile, her voice, her touch. He thought he had lost her forever. Until he saw her again. Working as a waitress in a dingy restaurant. With no memory of him or their past. She hated him at first sight. He was arrogant, rude, and persistent. She wanted nothing to do with him. But he wasn’t going to let her go again. He was determined to make her remember. To make her love him again. But it wasn’t that simple. She had secrets that could put them both in danger. And he had enemies that wanted him dead. They were caught in a web of lies, betrayal, and revenge. And they had to face the shadows of their past. Would he be able to win her back and protect her from harm? Or would he lose her again, this time for good?

Charlie_Sink · Urban
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12 Chs

03 | The Day After


Last night was a blast. We had a good time and after I got home we exchanged each other a couple of texts before our conversation has to end because there was an urgent business that he has to go to.

James has a really interesting sense of humor and that's what I liked a lot about him.

Wait, did I just say I liked him a lot? Layla, don't you think this is a little too fast? Didn't you just break up with Jake a couple of weeks ago?

Yes, Jake Valentine. The rising star of the music industry. We broke up because I can't handle his new attitude toward me since one of his songs blow up and both his fame and money skyrocket. Jake changed a lot in a span of a couple of months. We dated for a couple of years, so even though I am the one who ask to break up with him, it still hurt, I still love him, the old Jack Valentine.

"How did you snag that guy?" Angie whispers in my ear as I stoop down to clear the dirty plates and wipe the table.

"Snag who?" I say, playing dumb. I know exactly who she means, but I don't want to rehash my encounter with him.

"Oh, come on, Layla. Don't be coy. You know who I'm talking about."

"Honestly, I don't know. He just came in, talk to me like he and I used to know each other and when noticed that I had no idea who he was he then take one closer at me before he tell me he had mistaken me for someone he was really closed with." I tell her as I pick up the last dishes from the table and turn around to head back into the kitchen.

Angie's eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned closer to me. "So you met the second richest man in the world and he mistook you for his beloved? How intriguing." She whispered, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

I dump the dishes in the sink and grab a towel to dry my hands. I can feel Angie's eyes on me, waiting for more details.

"What?" I snap at her. "Don't you have tables to attend to?"

"Oh, relax, Layla. I'm just curious. Did he leave his number? Did he ask for yours? Did you enjoy the dinner?" She bombards me with questions.

"Yes, we exchange numbers, and yes and I enjoyed the dinner. He took me to Nobu so, of course, I love it." I replied curtly, hoping she would drop it.

"He took you to Nobu?...He into you then. Are you into him?" She teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Stop it, Angie. The only reason I went to dinner with him was because I spilled coffee on his suit and he said he would forgive me if I agreed to go out with him." I say and let out one big sigh.

"You seem really excited yesterday when I agreed to let you borrow my dress. I don't think this is a one-night stand, Layla." She gives me another playful smirk again.

"It was nothing. It's just a one-night stand, Angie. Now can we drop it?" I try to sound casual, but inside I'm still shaken by the encounter.

I feel a surge of anger and frustration at my co-worker's nosy questions. I don't want to admit it, but I can't stop thinking about him. His piercing hazel eyes, his charming smile, and his deep voice that sent shivers down my spine. He was so different from anyone I'd ever met. He was smart, funny, generous, and...dangerous. He had a power over me that I couldn't resist. He made me feel things I've never felt before.

How could he mistake me for someone else? He looked at me like he knew me as if he cared for me. And his voice...it was so familiar, so soothing. But I've never met him before in my life. Or have I?

But he's not for me. He's too rich, too famous, and too complicated. He has a whole world that I don't belong to. He probably has a girlfriend who looks like a supermodel and probably loves him more than I ever could. He's out of my league and out of my reach.

I shake my head and try to push him out of my mind. It was just one night. A mistake. A fantasy that will never come true. I have to forget him and move on with my life.

But as I turn around to face Angie again, I see her holding my phone with a shocked expression on her face.

"Layla," she gasps. "You have a text from him."

After I finish taking the order from the customers that just walk in and pass it to the chief, I quickly head back to Angie and snatch my phone from her hand and glare at her. "Angie, what are you doing? That's my phone. You can't just read my messages."

"Sorry, sorry," she says quickly. "But look who it is. It's him. He texted you."

I look at the screen and feel my heart skip a beat. It's him alright. His name and number are displayed at the top of the message.

I open it and read what he wrote.

"Hey, Layla. I hope you're having a good day. I can't stop thinking about last night. You were amazing. I want to see you again. Can I call you later?"

I stare at the words in disbelief. He wants to see me again? He can't stop thinking about me? He thinks I was amazing?

What does this mean? Does he like me? Does he want more than just dinner? Does he want to be with me?

Or is he just playing with me? Is he bored with his girlfriend and looking for some fun on the side? Is he using me for his own amusement?

I don't know what to do. I don't know what to feel.

I look up at Angie and see her smiling expectantly at me.

"Well?" she asks eagerly. "What are you going to do?"

I felt a surge of panic and excitement. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to see him. But I also wanted to be careful. I didn't want to get hurt.

I typed a reply and showed it to Angie.

"Hi, James. I'm glad you had a good time. I did too. Sure, you can call me later."

She nodded approvingly.

"That's good. That's casual. That's cool."

I hit send and put my phone away.

"Come on," she said. "Let's get back to work."

We walked out of the staff room and into the busy restaurant.

I tried to focus on my job, but I couldn't stop thinking about him.

James Carter. The handsome stranger who had asked me out last night.

The charming man who had made me laugh and feel special.

God, why are his stupid face and our stupid interaction the other day keep replaying in my head?

I wondered what he was doing right now. Was he with her? Was he thinking about me? Was he planning to call me?

I felt a pang of guilt and jealousy. I didn't want to be the other woman. If he already has a girlfriend, I didn't want to ruin his relationship.

Did he mean what he said to me last night, about the compliments he can't stop himself from giving to me?

Or was I just a fling?

A distraction?

A mistake?

I didn't know.

And I was afraid to find out.

There are too many strange things happening since he walks through that door.

The waitress last night also mistook me for someone close to him. She said James and I used to come to Nobu but as far as I remember, last night is the first time I went there.

Am I his girlfriend before I lost my memories in that Ice Skate incident? Is he the guy I go skate with that night?

Markle told me I have a boy friend that I really close with. Is he that close boy friend of mine?

Stop thinking about this nonscene, Layla. Focus back on your job. You have work to do and bills to pay. If you keep doss off into your fantasy in the middle of the shift like this, you gonna get fired.

"Layla, look!!!" Angie's voice is shrill with panic as she grabs my arm and points at the TV screen.

My eyes widen as I see my face plastered on the news channel, next to a headline that makes my blood run cold.

"According to an exclusive report from a tabloid source, Layla Stanfield, the former girlfriend of Hollywood heartthrob Jake Valentine, was caught in a steamy affair with Jake's bodyguard. This shocking revelation is said to be the reason behind their bitter split last January." The reporter announces with a smug smile.

"No...no...this can't be happening," I whisper, feeling a surge of nausea and disbelief.

This is a lie. A horrible lie. I never cheated on Jake. I loved him more than anything. We broke up on our own accord.

I feel my knees buckle and Angie catches me before I fall. She wraps her arms around me and tries to comfort me.

"It's okay, Layla. It's okay. We'll get through this. We'll prove them wrong." She says softly.

But I can't hear her words. All I can hear is Jake's voice in my head, telling me he loved me, telling me he wanted to marry me, telling me he would never hurt me. But after his career took off... he change.

Not change. He lied. He lied about everything.

And now I'm alone. Alone and exposed to the world's judgment.

I...I...Can't breath...why is Angie spinning...I...