
The Billionaire's Adorable Wife

Hedy Turner, once the world's number one genius, was ruthless and cunning. However, she was betrayed and met a tragic end. Reincarnated as a timid, seemingly useless, and overweight rural high school girl, Hedy faces bullying from classmates, double standards from teachers, and the scorn of those around her. But she surprises everyone when she sheds the weight, revealing her true potential. No longer useless, the principal of Ravenwood University personally recruits her. She originally wanted to experience an ordinary life but accidentally became the number one in the world. A sinister boss fell in love with her and protected her. Enter Sebastian Thorn, a cold, domineering, and ruthless billionaire whose very presence can silence a room. With piercing eyes that see through any facade and a meticulously crafted image, his swift and unyielding decisions leave no room for negotiation or mercy. Yet, beneath this exterior, Sebastian finds his match in Hedy. His eyes light up with warmth and affection whenever she is near, and when she's away, he feels a profound longing that only her presence can fill. Captivated by her intelligence and wit, he is constantly intrigued and inspired by her sharp mind and shrewdness. ~Excerpt~ Hedy: "Why do you keep looking at me like that, Sebastian?" Sebastian: "Like what?" Hedy: "Like you're trying to memorize every detail, every moment." Sebastian:(steps closer, his voice soft) "Because I am. Every time I look at you, I'm reminded of how lucky I am. you're the only one who consumes my thoughts, my dreams? Every moment without you feels like torture.” Hedy:(heart racing, her eyes locking with his) "Sebastian, you make it sound so... intense." Sebastian: (gently cups her face) "That's because it is, Hedy. You're my world, my everything. When I'm with you, everything else fades away. It's just you and me." Hedy: (breathlessly) “Am I enough for you?." Sebastian: (leans in, his lips inches from hers) "Then let me hold you forever. Let me be the one who chases away all your fears and fills your heart with nothing but love."

Ihateblue · Urban
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30 Chs


The invigilator was about to scold the disruptive student, but when he turned his head and saw that it was Hedy, his face immediately darkened.

He was about to reprimand her, but considering that it would disturb the other students, he held back and waved his hand in annoyance, signaling Hedy to leave quickly.

There was probably no teacher in the entire senior year who didn't know Hedy. Almost every teacher who had taught her would say the same thing with frustration, "I've never seen anyone as unintelligent as you!"

A score of five. In all his years of teaching, he had never seen anyone score so low. It was so bad that even luck seemed to avoid her.

Even guessing blindly wouldn't result in such a low score. The teachers wished they could crack open Hedy's head to see what was inside.

Not only were her grades poor, but her personality was also unlikable. She was always gloomy, with her hair covering her face, and her head always lowered.

It was deeply unlikable.

However, it seemed a bit different now,

She seemed to have lost weight, become more attractive, and her whole person seemed more spirited. She even dared to speak loudly now.

Unfortunately, it was too late for any changes now.

The invigilator glanced at the paper on Hedy's desk from a distance. There were only a few strokes on the draft paper next to the paper.

He shook his head. She's hopeless.

Kayla was writing furiously when she saw Hedy walking past the corridor outside. She first looked puzzled, then scoffed in disdain.

So what if she could play with computers and make some money? She is still a dimwit.

When Ethan finished his evening self-study and returned home, he immediately found Hedy.

Suppressing his excitement, he first asked about Hedy's exam.

"I finished at 16:30," Hedy said.

The school had given them a night off. It was the last relaxation before the college entrance examination. So as soon as she handed in her paper, Hedy came back.

Ethan quickly realized, "You handed in your paper early?"

The exam should have lasted until 17:30.

Hedy said, "Yes."

"Once the results come out tomorrow, no one will dare to say you did worse than the bottom of a shoe." Not even stepping on multiple-choice questions would result in only two correct answers.

Hedy felt that Ethan was a bit too excited. Ethan was usually quiet and reserved, not liking to show his emotions. But now his cheeks were flushed, and he seemed unusually excited.

"Do you have something to tell me?" Hedy asked him.

"Sis, you've been recommended for admission to Raven University!"


"The principal of Raven University and the mathematical genius James found me."

Hedy raised her eyebrows slightly, showing no reaction.

"Yesterday, I took a picture of the calculation process and answer to that problem and posted it on the Raven University Mathematics Forum," Ethan said, handing his phone to Hedy to see. "James found me last night, but mom was looking for me… He wants to meet you and discuss your problem-solving approach."

"Later, the principal of Raven University also contacted me, saying that if it's a student, they can directly report to Raven University. He also wants to meet you."

When Ethan received the private message from the principal of Raven University, it was just a few minutes before evening self-study. He was so excited when he saw the message that he wished he could run home from school to tell Hedy.

However, Hedy's tone was indifferent, and there was no emotion on her face. "Recommended admission? I'm not interested."

Ethan was slightly stunned: "Why?"

"I'm not interested in mathematics, and I don't have that much time to do research with a bunch of old guys. I have a lot of things to do."

Ethan asked, "So will you take the college entrance exam for Raven University?"

Going to Raven University had always been Ethan's dream.

Hedy slightly narrowed her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking. After a while, she said softly, "Raven University, sure."

The strongest branch under Viper Shadow was hidden in Raven.

She couldn't wait to reunite with her beloved organization and give them a surprise.

What kind of surprise should I give them?

How about delivering a hundred pounds of TNT?

Just like they buried a hundred pounds in the underground laboratory in Brookhaven.

A hundred pounds of TNT delivered to my beloved headquarters.

Bang, it must be beautiful.

Hedy's eyes flashed with a strange and bloodthirsty glint.

Ethan didn't notice anything unusual about Hedy. After a moment of silence, he said, "Sis, whatever you choose, I support you."

With Hedy's real grades, Ethan didn't think it would be a pity to give up this recommendation.

Hedy looked at her cute little brother, her lips curling.

Seeing Hedy's expression, Ethan felt that she was about to mess with him again. He instinctively wanted to dodge, but in the end, he didn't move.

His shy and obedient appearance was very much like a cat waiting to be stroked.

"So, how should we reply to the principal of Raven University and James?"

Hedy asked him, "Do you want to go to Raven University?"

Ethan was not stupid; he instantly understood what Hedy meant.

He nodded heavily, a rare seriousness on his face. "I do," he said, "but I want to get into Raven University through my own efforts."

Hedy laughed nonchalantly.

In fact, even if Ethan took her place at Raven University, Hedy wouldn't say a word.

She was always generous to those she approved of.

But who wouldn't like a cute little brother who is upright, principled, and ambitious?

Hedy said, "Then I'll wait for you at Raven University."

Ethan was holding his phone, worrying about how to respond to the principal of Raven University and James.

Since Hedy didn't want this guaranteed admission, he naturally couldn't reveal Hedy's identity to avoid those people coming to disturb her.

After much deliberation, Ethan chose the simplest refusal.

In the lab, James was frequently distracted, his gaze occasionally shifting to the phone beside him.

The phone screen was lit, paused on the forum chat page with Ethan.

In his peripheral vision, the screen suddenly flickered.

James immediately looked over, and when he saw the reply from Ethan, he grabbed the phone.

Sorry, it's not convenient.

James had been waiting by the phone for a day and immediately became anxious and quickly started typing.

Alright, but is it simply not convenient now, or...

Regardless of what he suggested, whether it was proposing to communicate through text without disturbing his life or simply asking a few questions for five minutes, Ethan apparently no longer responded.

Exam results were promptly released.

The results were posted, and students gathered around the notice board.

First place: Melissa Sanders, 139.

As expected.

However, everyone was surprised to discover that the school madonna, Catherine, had dropped from the top twenty into the ninety-ninth position with a score below one hundred.

It seems that the previous incident had a significant impact on her.

Kayla was influenced by Hedy who had almost strangled her that morning and had no sleep for two consecutive days. Naturally, she didn't perform well on the exam.

She only scored 122.

She felt depressed but then noticed Hedy's name prominently displayed at the bottom of the list.

Zero points.

Kayla almost burst out laughing.

Zero points? How did she manage that??

As soon as the class bell rang, the teacher entered the room with the papers. "The class representative will distribute the papers, and then we will go over the main points."

"Has everyone received their papers? Good. Let's first address the main question right, which I have explained multiple times in class."

"I have a question," a female voice interrupted amidst the commotion.

The teacher looked at Hedy, expressionless. "What's your question?"

"Zero points? Wow, a new record low."

"Unbelievable, I thought five points was the lowest; I didn't expect there was still room for decline."

"Have you heard about the anonymous genius who amazed the entire Raven University math forum the night before last? How can there be such a stark difference between people?"

"What forum? What genius?"

"You don't know yet? It's been trending. The principal of Raven University and the math genius James are searching for the solver online; they're just short of offering a bounty."

The teacher banged on the podium, wearing a stern expression as he addressed Hedy, who was disrupting the class order. "I graded it. Don't you know why you received zero points?"

Hedy's fingers loosened, and the paper fell onto the desk. She looked at the teacher, her tone neither light nor heavy, but resolute, as she said, "I don't know."