
The Billionaire’s Substitute Bride

[MATURE CONTENT/R18+] “Sis, I can’t marry him! Please help me convince Mom not to marry me off!” Melody cried helplessly in Penelope’s arms. Penelope looked at her younger sister in distraught. She knew how much Melody was in love with her current boyfriend, but it would be difficult to disobey their mother, considering the massive debt their father left behind prior to his death. However, on the day of the wedding day, Melody didn’t show up and ran away with her lover. In order to give her family some face, Penelope Dimitriou had no other choice but to step forward to fill her sister’s role. “Mr. Hendrix, my sister ran away. Do you mind marrying me instead?” The man lifted his dark eyes and stared at her for a long moment before his lips curled into a dashing smile. “Sure,” he said with an amused laugh. “But you better not regret it.” Penelope stiffened under his gaze but kept her expression neutral. Regret? That was the word she was trying to remove from her vocabulary, but if marrying this stranger could spare her sister from trouble, so be it.

anjeeriku · Urban
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87 Chs

Runaway Bride (1)

Melody protested by not going out of her room and refusing to cooperate with her mother with the wedding preparation. She insisted she wouldn't marry Raven Hendrix and threatened her mother that she would harm herself. 

Penelope could only watch as her mother and younger sister argued about how Melody was wasting her life and her time with Oscar, as he would never give her a secure future. With Priscilla busy at the hospital and Clara busy finishing her master's degree, Penelope was left alone to deal with the problem at home and act as a mediator between their mother and Melody. 

It had been a week, and there was no sign that Melody was willing to budge. Penelope grew increasingly frustrated and concerned for her sister's well-being. She knew that if Melody meant to harm herself, she needed to intervene. 

With a heavy heart, Penelope decided to speak to Melody, ignoring the tension lingering in the air from the previous days. She knocked gently on her sister's room door and waited for a response. Finally, she heard the faint sound of scuffling footsteps, and the door creaked open. 

Melody's eyes were red and puffy, and her face was flushed with frustration. Penelope was met with a wave of stale air and the lingering scent of Melody's favorite candles as she opened the door. The room was cluttered with clothes, books, and papers, a stark contrast to the orderly living spaces Melody had always maintained. 

Swallowing hard, Penelope tried to find the right words. 

"Mel, I just want to help. I know you're upset, but you're hurting everyone around you. Mom is worried about you and about the wedding. We all are. We can work something out if you want to make things right." 

Melody scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"There's nothing to work out. I'm not marrying Raven Hendrix. Mom knew I was seeing someone, so why did she choose me to marry off instead? She wants to punish me, isn't it?" 

Penelope shook her head, trying to calm down her angry sister. 

"Melody, I don't think that's true. Our mom loves you and only wants the best for all of us, but she's blinded by her obsession to keep our family afloat and doesn't consider how it would affect us. Mom said Mr. Hendrix agreed to pay off our family's debts so long as he could have a willing and dutiful wife." 

"I won't marry him just because Mom thinks it's the best match. I deserve better than that, Penny. You know that." 

Of course, Penelope knew. She did her best to convince their mother to change her mind, but their mother wouldn't budge. Their mother was desperately clinging to the fact that it would lift a heavy burden for their family as soon as Melody married Raven Hendrix. 

"You should understand me better than anyone, Penny. I love Oscar and do whatever it takes to make things right with him. I can't marry another man, especially Mr. Hendrix." 

Penelope sighed, running a hand through her hair. She knew deep down that Melody was right—she deserved better than what their mother was offering. But their family's financial situation was precarious, and their mother saw this as a lifeline for the family. 

The thought of taking Melody's place as the bride crossed Penelope's mind. Not because she was attracted to Raven Hendrix, but because it would solve everything—the family's debt, their mother's obsession with the marriage—and maybe even save Melody from making a decision she would regret for the rest of her life. 

"Mel, I understand where you're coming from," Penelope said softly, choosing her words carefully. "I don't want to see you hurt, and honestly, neither does Mom. But we have to think about the family's well-being too. If we don't accept Mr. Hendrix's help, you know what could happen to our family." 

Melody's eyes widened with understanding, and Penelope could see the tension in her sister's shoulders begin to dissipate. 

"I know you're trying to do what's best for all of us, Penny. But I can't do it. I can't marry Mr. Hendrix, and I can't hurt Oscar by marrying him too. ." 

"Have you reached out and talked to Oscar about this? Maybe we could convince Mr. Hendrix not to pursue a marriage with you if you and Oscar were committed to each other." 

Melody nodded slowly, her expression thoughtful. 

"That's true. I never considered that option. If I could show Oscar our family's financial situation, maybe he would understand why Mom is pushing for this marriage. He loves me, and he'll want to help us; I'm sure of it." 

Penelope smiled lightly, relieved that her sister was starting to see a possible solution. 

"We need to come up with a plan, Mel. Something that doesn't involve betrayal. We have to find a way to communicate with Mr. Hendrix and explain the situation. Maybe he will understand and be willing to let you go with Oscar." 

Melody considered this for a moment, then gave a small nod. Oscar also came from a reputable family. Though the Milliani family wasn't as wealthy and influential as the Montgomery and Hendrix families, they were still significant players in the city's business. 

"You're right. I'll talk to Oscar tonight and see what he thinks. And I'll also talk to Mom about the condition. Maybe Mr. Hendrix will listen if she takes it off the table." 

Penelope nodded in agreement, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos that had engulfed their family. 

With a grateful smile, Melody hugged her sister tightly. 

"Thank you, Penny. I don't know what I'd do without you." 

Penelope returned the hug, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but seeing Melody willing to stand up for herself and fight for her happiness gave Penelope hope. She could only hope things would take a turn for the better.