
The Billionaire’s Stripper

Pearly Gates was in the strip club minding the business that pays her when Alexander Bass, the Billionaire who is a business tycoon during the day and a pleasure-seeker at night summoned her to the VIP section for a strip dance. All she went for was to make her money for the night, but she left there with a contract proposal that left her confused. Will she accept the proposal? What length is Alexander willing to go to make Pearl accept the proposal? Will they be able to overcome all obstacles together? What will Alexander tell Gabrielle, the fiancée his mother has arranged for him? Will it end in ‘till death so us part’ between Alexander and Pearl? A lot of questions that can only be answered in this book.

Rachealwrites · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Betrayal


Alexander listened to his operation manager and accountant blather about some business deal that needed to be closed before the end of the week from behind his mahogany desk in his office.

'Operation has been looking good on the Warson's deal.' said Mike, my Operation Manager.

'Though, the maintenance cost is exceeding our budget.' replied Sarah, my accountant.

Back and forth, they went between each other. It felt like a conversation held miles apart from me.

Although I was physically there, my attention was on the Picasso painting Les Femmes d'Alger hanging on a spotless, large wall across from me.

I had redecorated my father's former office to suit my exquisite taste when he left me in charge of the company after he became too sick to handle business again.

My eyes wandered on how Picasso's talent had given life to a kaleidoscope of women, their figures fragmented and reassembled into a harmonious, complex dance of forms. The use of rich, bold colors - deep blues, vibrant reds, and earthy browns - added an air of sophistication and drama to the room.

However, my thoughts have now wandered to the conversation I overheard between my mother and fiancée, Gabrielle, a week earlier.

"I can't wait for all of these to be over so I can finally be free." I heard Gabrielle say in her famous high-pitched tone.

''My dear, patience is all we need. Orson will get his last supper as soon as he signs off the will to Alexander.'' I could hear my mother's elegant yet stern voice. 'I can't keep waiting for the sickness to take his life. It's taking too long.'

'That's where I come in as a bride to seize the day.' Gabrielle crooned.

'And the property.' added his mother.

He heard them both burst into laughter at their perfectly hatched plan.

Behind the ornate elegant doors, I stood frozen in shock. As soon as I regained myself, I could feel my heart pounding with anger at their betrayal. I had a strong urge to barge in and stop them dead in their plans, but I've always been a calculative person, and I knew this was one of those situations that required caution.

Back in my home office, I remembered how Gabrielle came into my life a year ago. It was a Sunday morning when my mother coarsed me into attending a friend's birthday dinner with her.

'You need to mingle.' I remember her saying in a final tone that left no room for argument. She always complained about me having no social life and being too focused on my career.

It was later that night that I realized why she was so adamant about me attending the party with her.

The warm summer breeze hit my mother and I that evening as we stepped out; she looked stunning in a red off-shoulder dress.

I was mingling with some family friends when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder from my mom standing with a tall-looking lady with grey eyes and curly blonde hair running down her shoulders.

'Do you remember Gabrielle?' My mom asked as we stood in the middle of the party amongst chattering guests.

With a confused look, I silently asked her if she was someone I should know. She looked familiar, but I could not place it.

'She is Mrs. Hodge's daughter. You went to high school together before she relocated for college.' my mother said.

I vaguely remember her as the quiet, mysterious girl who mostly kept to herself in High School.

'Oh, Yes! I remember her.'

'Hasn't she grown beautifully?' My mother asked, swatting my arm to pay her a compliment.

'Oh! Mrs Bass, you've always been so kind with your words.' Gabrielle finally spoke. Her voice felt high-toned in a slightly strange way.

I turned to Gabrielle, realizing why I couldn't recognize her. She has changed from that mysterious girl who looked tiny to a full-blossomed woman. She wore a silver shimmering short dress just above her knee that complemented her curves beautifully. Her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders was in symphony with her grey eyes.

'You look stunning, Gabrielle.' I said to her, sincerely mesmerized by her transformation.

Her eyes met mine, and she smiled shyly.

'I will leave you two to catch up.' My mother said with a sly smile and glint in her eyes while walking away with a spring in her step, showing her mission was successful.

For the rest of the night, Gabrielle and I spoke at length. Our conversation flowed seamlessly from high school to college, relationships, business, and careers.

'A big shot accountant, are you?' I teased her.

'Simply following your footsteps, Mr. Incoming CEO.' We both laughed.

'Who would have known the shy, mysterious girl would have gone into the world and made a big name for herself? I must say I'm proud of you.'

She jokingly curtsied, 'Thank you, Mr Popular.'

We forgot how time had gone till my mother came to interrupt.

'Well, we have to get going, Alexander. It was nice meeting you again, Gabrielle.'

I could swear I saw her wink at Gabrielle like they shared a secret I didn't know about.

I said goodbye to Gabrielle, and we left the party.

Lost in thought about how much Gabrielle has changed and how well we connected tonight when I heard my mother's voice pierce through my reverie.

'I hope you enjoyed your night?' My mother said in a knowing tone.

'Yes, I did. Mother.' I responded, knowing where the conversation was leading.

'Gabrielle has grown so well. I sent an invitation for lunch to her for tomorrow. I hope you will be present.'

I felt a flutter of anticipation and responded, 'Yes, I will be.'

Memories of that night that eventually led to me proposing to her after 6months came to me. I vowed never to let any woman get easy access to me again to the extent of betraying me.

That is where Pearl comes in. My mother and Gabrielle won't know what hit them.

I was brewing my revenge plan when my phone ringing jolted me back to reality. I realized my accountant and Operation Manager had left my office.

'Hello, I have your package ready, sir.' I heard the voice on the other line say before the click of the call ended.

The call brought a feeling of satisfaction. My revenge plan is in full motion, and tables are about to turn if all goes according to plan.