
The Billionaire’s Stalker

A woman of 36 years old named Monica Parker who's husband died a year ago . Her husband’s death turned her life upside down . She always wanted to have a perfect life and family . After her husband's death , she became so lonely and broken that she lost her job and everything which changed her into a complete different person ,she became selfish , obsessive and cruel so she decides to marry again . But this time she wants to marry a billionaire for whom she wont have any feelings .Then on one fine day she saw the billionaire named Stefan kingston on tv .Stefan was unmarried but not an easy catch for Monica so she crossed all her limits and started stalking him everywhere as much as possible . The day they met each other for the first time changed their lives completely. So start reading this story of a stalker Monika and billionaire Stefan to know whats going to happen Will Monica be successfull in her mission ? or her life would turn into one of her worst nightmares?

Rubani_Gandhi · Fantasy
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Chapter One - The Turning Point

My Name is Monica Parker and I m 36 years old half -Indian, half-American, half- Britisher but when I got married to a Jewish guy, I became half-Jewish too. I don't look like that I could be in the '30s. I don't even have wrinkles and I have fair and glowing skin as it has always been since the day I entered my 20's. I don't have any white hair or low eyesight, I still look young and pretty with brown straight hair colour and blue eyes. My appearance makes me look like a little bit Indian. I always wanted to have a perfect life and a perfect family like my parents had when they were young and alive but I think it was never written in my destiny so now I am going to tell you about the day when my happiness was snatched away from me and everything changed.


On 16th April 2013 in New York at 8 am in Monday morning when I woke up, I found that I was late for work but didn't know why the alarm clock didn't ring and even my husband Peter didn't come to wake me up, he knows that I have to get up early for work otherwise my boss would fire me if I reach late for work so I called out his name and asked him to make breakfast for us because I was already very late so I had no time to make breakfast but when I didn't hear anything from him so I started looking for him everywhere in the house but when I didn't find him anywhere, I called him on his cellphone. He didn't answer any of my calls which made me worried for him, my heart started pounding, I was nervous so I dialled 212 on my phone and I immediately called the cops from my cellphone. The cops arrived our place after 20 minutes and I explained them everything, they asked me to gave them a photograph of Peter so that they could find him with the help of his identification moreover they searched our entire house and they asked me about our relationship with each other which took me back into the past and to that day when Peter and I met for the first time.


It has been 7 years of our marriage, Peter and I were both working and busy so we didn't think of planning to have kids. 12 years ago, on 15th March 2001 at 8 p.m in Bangkok, Thailand I lost my parents in a car accident and my parents were the only source of happiness for me, my mom and dad met in Bangkok, they had a love marriage. My dad Sam Shroff and my mom Davina Sinclair were doctors but my dad was half -Indian and a half -Britisher because my grandfather was Indian and his name was Sandeep Shroff which later he made it short to Sandy and my grandmother Olivia Lancaster was a Britisher as she was from London, United Kingdom and we all know that Britishers ruled Indians for so many years but my grandfather was very kind-hearted and he used to think that it wasn't her fault that the people from her country ruled us and he also said that he was destined to meet her, love her and marry her. My grandmother came to visit India and there they met each other for the first time. My father and my mother came to Bangkok for becoming a doctor and my mom was American but one can become a doctor in their own country or city it seems like that they both were destined to meet there and then after some time they dated and they got married then after 2 years of their marriage, I was born on 15th August 1977 which was the day of freedom for Indians from the rule of Britishers and this day is celebrated as independence day in all over India. My parents gave me everything whatever I wanted they always supported me and my dreams as I was their only daughter so they loved me more than their life but I think that god became jealous of me so they took my parents away from me after their death I became orphan and I was feeling lonely, there was no one to support me also I had no money. At that time I was a 24 years old postgraduate student but I was well educated so I got a job in a good advertising company. I felt broken and I was sad because I had no time to even cry for my dead parents and remember the time we all had spent together for so many years. I wanted to make my parents proud so I worked my ass off. After doing so much of hard work for continuous 4 years I got a big promotion and I moved to NewYork -The city of dreams where I always wanted to live and work in one of the most reputed and big advertising company in NewYork. They really liked my work. Then after some days I thought of exploring Newyork city and I went to a club named Peter Dillon's where I saw him, he was very fair and handsome, he had a beard and was also he had brown hair colour in a taper way form and blue eyes which were really intoxicating. He wore a white formal shirt, black trousers and black sports shoes. When I saw him, he was sitting at the bar while ordering drinks for the customers and that guy was Peter Parker and he was Jewish, we were of the same age, we both really liked each other and we had a love at first sight.


Peter owned a club named Peter Dillon's near Time square so we met there only, we met a few times and then we dated for months. He was such a caring, loving and pampering boyfriend also the quality which I liked in him was that the one he loves he doesn't leave that person ever moreover he was so kind, understanding and helpful. After few months of dating he proposed me to be his wife then he told his divorced parents about me, his parents refused to accept me because after their divorce they did no longer support love marriage and they didn't want their only son to repeat the history by himself with me but Peter and I headed over heels in love with each other and we didn't care of anybody so we got married in a Jewish way on the beach without telling anyone and we became lawful Mr and Mrs.Parker earlier my surname was Shroff before marriage. 5 years passed and we both were very happy with each other as a couple. Our life was perfect and we both were working so there was also no financial problem but then one night we decided to have a candlelight dinner at Peter's Bar because we didn't go out for having dinner for such a long time.


That night we met an uninvited guest named Sarah Salinger who was Peter's ex-girlfriend from high school. Sarah was tall, pretty, bold and confident American. Her physical appearance was just like American, she had black long hair, black colour eyes and was holding a wine glass in her hand moreover she wore a black short dress with black long boots. She was a fashion designer but she lost her everything because she used to be intoxicated during work which was against the law so they kicked her out for good also it was very difficult for her to quit cocaine so whatever money she had she spent it on her treatment because she didn't want to die and she got so much affected after losing her job which made her realized the true importance of life. Earlier she was sweet and warm but then she started showing her true colours. I wasn't jealous of her at all, it was fine for me to see his ex-girlfriend as she couldn't do anything by showing her charm to Peter as we both were married but I was wrong she came like a storm in our lives and changed our lives forever.


In the beginning, she told us that she had no home, no family and not a big job moreover, she told us about her divorce with Ethan Grey who was Peter's best friend but then they ended their friendship in high school because Peter caught Sarah cheating on him with his best friend. Then after the high school, Sarah and Ethan got married but they divorced after 3 years because Sarah was used to be intoxicated and according to Peter, she also had few one nights stands because of her intoxication of cocaine She made us convinced that how messed up her life was but it was not true she was the only reason behind her messed up life. Humanity says that we are all humans and we should help each other in the times of difficult situations so we took Sarah to our place and gave her home but soon I caught Sarah stalking Peter everywhere in the washroom and in our bedroom which really annoyed me then after some time I came to know that Sarah kissed Peter while gaining sympathy from him and  Peter told me about that it was a mistake done by her also he told me that he politely asked her to move out of our place which Sarah agreed to it. It made me so angry that I felt like killing her but death would be so easy for her and I wanted her to suffer also I didn't want to lose my life, my job and my husband so I stopped myself from doing that but after some time I noticed Peter started acting distant from me so I kept a check on him and I found that Peter was having an extramarital affair with Sarah through their messages and calls.


Then one day when I came back from the office in the evening I saw both of them on our bed which really broked me from inside but I didn't make them see me watching them together nor I didn't talk about it with Peter but then I resumed my plan of destroying Sarah Salinger forever so I morphed her pictures and uploaded them on social media platform which made her show completely naked. The day when I uploaded the pictures on the same day in evening Sarah saw the pictures then she came to our place and blamed everything on Peter, Peter was confused and he actually didn't know about them but then Sarah confessed about her affair with Peter while blaming everything on peter. She was crying and she was so angry. When she confessed I made them realized that I was shocked, broken and angry which every wife feels when his husband cheats on her with his ex-girlfriend. Peter slapped her and ended their affair which made Sarah so angry that she left our place heartbroken, started the engine and drove off in her black B.M.W. She didn't even doubt me that was good for me but the blame could come on peter. Peter and I didn't talk to each other on that night. We had nothing to talk also I knew the answer which Peter would have given me if I asked him about their affair and the answer was the attraction towards his past and his ex-girlfriend, Sarah. If your past tries to come back in your life for example- ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend then you should not invite him in the first place otherwise it would tempt you again with its same attraction which could be harmful to your family and your life. Then on the next day, we found that Sarah committed suicide by jumping from her terrace building which was shocking and I had never thought that she could give up on her life so easily but obviously as she was been exposed on the social media so she lost her job which wasn't good but she was earning, her reputation, peter and the chance to live a normal life. Everything got ruined. I didn't want it for her when I met her also when she kissed Peter I still resisted but when I found them together on my bed which was not tolerable for me to at all also it just went out of control and I felt like that they both should be punishable for doing that with me. They crossed all the boundaries so I thought of taking the life of one of them which was Sarah. Technically I didn't kill her but I made her killed herself by destroying her and her life. Peter and I were interrogated by the police also I told them about peter's affair with her. Before coming to our place police already did the homework abut the naked pictures of Sarah but they didn't find any evidence from our place or from our PC's which made them feel hopeless also there was no one currently in touch with Sarah. So police handed over the body to her parents and they had to close the case while stating that someone unknown from the past wanted to take the revenge from her so he posted her naked pictures on the social media and that case remain unsolved which was an injustice to Sarah. The Parents of Sarah had a doubt that Peter and I were the reason for her suicide but nobody believed them because Peter and I didn't believe in sharing their personal lives with the outsiders so no one could come as a witness for them.


After a week, Peter and I started talking and we wanted to forget the past so we decided to bring our lives back to normal. We were in love so we were missing each other kisses and hugs which made us had sex and it felt amazing. It had been so long that we didn't touch or feel each other. We kissed so deep and passionate to make ourselves crazy for each other. We had sex twice in the night because we were craving more and more for each other then we cuddled and slept peacefully in each other 's arms. 2 years flew so fast that we didn't realize and we were living our life without any uninvited guests. We were so happy before something unexpected came in our life. Peter had a party at his bar so we both went there and there were two men who forced him to snort cocaine which peter refused in the beginning but while he was drinking he found me talking to a guy where I and that guy were laughing on the thing that we were talking. Peter took my hand and asked me to stop flirting with that guy which I didn't do but as he was drunk he was overthinking which was not right. He got so drunk that he started kissing me forcefully. He was humiliating me to show everyone that I was his property and a wife cannot control a man which made me slap him so hard that his ego got hurt and then he went to that men and asked him to give cocaine that ended with the full stop of our happy life. Soon he became an addict and he started hallucinating. His hallucinations were Sarah and his divorced parents and while hallucinating he tried to kill me while saying that I killed her which was true but I never expected that the hallucinations make that person see the truth and can also try to kill you for your own sin but he was so weak that he got unconscious while holding my neck and then he fell on the floor. I called the doctor because I was so scared and panicking but when the doctor examined him he said that he would die if he didn't stop snorting cocaine and he advised me to sent him to the rehabilitation centre for people who take drugs but I didn't want to live my life without peter but for our good and happy future I sent him there unconsciously because if he was awake then he would have refused to go. I was missing him in the beginning and the doctor said that he refused to take medicines also he used to hurt the nurses and ward boys during a few months. But then after 3 months, he started coming back to his normal state but he didn't use to talk with anyone. He was just a normal patient who was recovering very fast. His memories came back. After 6 months, he got discharged from the hospital and I came to pick him up also when I opened my arms to hug him tight, he ignored me and sat quietly inside the car. He was not himself or maybe he started hating me because somewhere else deep in his heart he believed that I made Sarah commit suicide.


Then after a month, I saw him outside kissing a girl whom I had never seen. He cheated on me again but when I talked to him about it he told me that our marriage was over that day only when I slapped him in front of everyone and he was no longer in love with me. He told me that he would have a lot of one night stands with different girls every night and he said that if I have any objection with it then I can leave his house. I felt so betrayed that I wanted to die but I could do anything for being with Peter so I lived with the fact that Peter had hate for me in his heart. After 4 months he stopped meeting girls but he used to drink and beat me a lot which really broked my inner soul. I got bruises and I was physically abused by my own husband who treated me like an object after his recovery or his enemy who could destroy his life but when the violence on me got out of control I filed a case against him and I wanted to divorce him also I tried to live my life with him as much as possible but that was just unacceptable for me. We didn't divorce but I was allowed to live in our house but peter spends 2 months in jail and then he lived at Sarah's place which was empty because nobody bought that house since 2 yrs of Sarah's death and our lives changed I only used to work, come back home, eat food, clean house and then sleep peacefully and my life got stable but it was incomplete without Peter. Next year on new year peter came back to me and he apologized to me for what he did. I allowed him to stay at our place but I could not forgive him. He tried to convince me by planning surprises for me but when I didn't get convinced he gave up because he felt that he failed me in his life.


But then after some days suddenly I started feeling love for him because as I was his wife and I had a soft corner for him so I decided to go to Sarah's place and forgive him but then I saw him again with another girl. I got so furious that I threatened that girl to leave peter forever otherwise I would destroy her life which she agreed to it and when that girl left that city then Peter came back to me and started living with me as my husband which made me happy but I knew that if he started seeing some other girl then he would go back again which I could not let that happen. So I started giving sexual pleasures to him and I tried to satisfy him as much as possible which he started liking but to be honest but the memories of his betrayal always haunted me and it even haunts me today but on that day when I woke up and he was not there in the house also I could not find him anywhere because I was already late for work. I told half-truth and half-lie to the police because they could have arrested me if they would have come to know about the real culprit behind Sarah's death and I just told them about our marriage, Sarah's return in our life and Sarah's return back from our lives after the kiss which Peter and Sarah had, Peter's drug addict problem, Peter's violence on me, the case filed against Peter and his one night stands.


The police investigated every place where he could be but after 2 days of investigation, they found Peter's dead body and his car which was dumped into the water at the Rockaway beach. I got devastated by Peter's death and believed that it was murder . I talked to the police and they didn't find any mark on his body or evidence that could prove that he was murdered and Peter's case also remained unsolved stating that it was an accident due to the break fail but I knew that it was not an accident. It was an injustice to my husband which really haunted me, it broked me and changed me completely. I also lost my job because I didn't go to the office for a week as I had to do the last rites of Peter.


I always dreamt of a perfect life and perfect family but from that day I decided to live for myself to find my happiness which made me want to get married again. But I wanted to rule so I decided to marry a rich guy for having a perfect life and who would buy me all the gold I want but I would not have any feelings for him and I should not be able to get myself lost in love for another guy because of which I had to control myself and be selfish, a gold digger woman who would have no longer any sense of right or wrong just like Sarah but I also convinced myself  about that if anyone tries to come in my way then that person would no longer breathe for a single day and Peter's death was the turning point of my life which changed me completely as a person. As I already know that I did wrong things but what all I did was just to protect my marriage. I didn't plan it though but it did happen to me.