

  I don't know where we are going. When he got close to me, he said goodbye to Hannah and pulled me away from the place of the village event.

  "Get in"

  He ordered after opening the car door for me. I just raised my eyebrows while wondering at his actions.

  "Where are we going?"

  I asked him. He just gave me a poker face. "I want to talk with you," he said seriously. You can also see the worry on his face so I have no choice but to accompany him first.


  Tyron and I went straight to the condominium. I don't know whose it is but it's actually the same building I stayed in. Same floor too. We just walked for a few minutes before stopping at a door. Actually, here across from my room. So I was more surprised.

  "Do you live here?"

  I couldn't help but ask him. He just sighed and shrugged. He turned and opened the door. I'm already feeling nervous because this is our first time together again.