

  Right when I returned to our house, a jeep arrived where I could clearly see my cousins ​​riding. They're all my relatives from my father's side. Actually, we are not very close to their side but it is fun that they are here. We are closer to my mom's side and we haven't seen each other for several years.

  The jeep riders got off and I just watched. My other cousin was smiling at me but I couldn't help but feel lonely.

  "H-hello guys.."

  I'm ashamed to greet you. I kissed and waved at them. Where is my mother? She should face this!

  "You really changed!"

  "Yes, Neng. You seem like you got a good job!"

  I'm expecting this. I just smiled. They looked down on us, so we sank into debt because they didn't want to lend us so we piled up our debt to others.

  "Hello, cousin!"

  I just smiled at my cousin, she's three years older than me. They are all trying to look expensive and sometimes overreacting. Psh.

  "Is this your house?"