
The Billionaire’s Pregnant Ex-Wife

Yvonne Riley, a 25-year-old woman, finds herself living the dream when she marries her longtime crush-a man who has all the qualities any woman could wish for: loyalty, protective and undeniable handsome. However, her world shatters when she uncovers the shocking truth behind their marriage: it was a marriage born out of her dying sister's wish. Now faced with the complexities of love, betrayal, and unexpected motherhood, Yvonne must think about whether she can move forward.

Leslie254 · Urban
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157 Chs

Chapter 137

From the corner emerged a figure, stepping into the light. The figure was a tall man, his presence imposing. His eyes were sharp and observant, taking in every detail. "I have been here for a very long time, hoping that someone would come here." 

Alexis and Ezra exchanged nervous glances. "Who are you?" Alexis demanded.

The man gave a slight nod. "Owen," he introduced himself. 

"How did you get in here?" Alexis asked. 

"I have my ways," he replied, his gaze shifted to Alexis's mother. "But I agree with what this man was saying. It couldn't be Javier." 

Ezra looked at him, curiosity piqued. "Are you here to investigate?" 

"Yes," he confirmed. "I had to sneak in to conduct my investigation, and I reached the same conclusion as you." 

Ezra approached him, extending his hand. "My name is Ezra." 

Owen shook his hand firmly. "Nice to meet you." 

Alexis folded her arms. "Are you one of the men of Javier?"