
The Billionaire’s Enchanting Wife

A novel full of suspense, romance, and emotions. The story revolves around the CEO Daniel Harris and his delicate wife, Zelvini Sinclair, and is filled with love, hatred, and emotional entanglements. Zelvini Sinclair is an ordinary and kind girl, while Daniel Harris is a powerful and mysterious CEO. Initially, their relationship is full of misunderstandings and conflicts, but as the story unfolds, they gradually unravel their differences and their feelings for each other warm up. The clash between the CEO’s dominance and the wife’s stubbornness triggers many hilarious moments and deeply emotional scenes. Readers not only experience the thrill of the suspenseful plot but also the sweetness and warmth of love. The selling point of this novel lies in its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and the sweet love between the CEO and his delicate wife, making it impossible for readers to resist and immerse themselves in it.

Ye_Hong · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 11

Why does Dad believe these two people so much? They don't look that simple. Is Dad really getting senile, or is he just pretending?

Cervinia turned around and went upstairs, no longer looking at the two people. Entering her room, she took out her phone and called Henry.

"Dad? When are you coming back?"

"Cervinia, I'll be back soon. Are you home?" Henry sounded quite excited to hear Cervinia's voice.

"Yeah, I just got home."

"Just got home?" He seemed a bit surprised and then asked, "So, did you just break up with Young Master Daniel? What do you think of him? Daniel is a good guy..." Henry immediately started praising Lucas.

Cervinia couldn't help but feel amused. She hadn't even exchanged a few words with Young Master Daniel before being interrupted by that pig. If she told her dad she couldn't stand being there for more than ten minutes, would he be furious? But her dad never forced her to do anything. When she wanted to go abroad, partly because Chu Mingqi was going and partly because she didn't want to stay under the threat of her stepmother and stepsister, she told her dad, and he agreed after just a brief consideration.

But this time, it seemed like Dad was in a hurry to marry her off. Why? Could it be, as her stepmother said, that the company was in trouble?

"Dad, is something wrong with the company?"

On the other end, Henry seemed to pause and sighed faintly, "Who told you that?"

Harris Group CEO Office

William placed a document in front of Daniel. "These are some internal documents of Sinclair. If we acquire now..."

"William..." Daniel interrupted him instantly, raising an eyebrow at the man standing in front of him. "Didn't I say not to mention acquisitions? Who said anything about acquiring? The one acquiring Sinclair is the Far East Group, not us at Renyuan..."

"Ah? Yes..." William answered respectfully. Far East? Isn't that still under his control? It bears Oliver's title, but secretly, he's the one pulling the strings. "By the way, help me arrange a meeting with Theodore..." Daniel said, looking up from the documents.

"The... Theodore?" William was a bit shocked. He couldn't figure out what Daniel was up to. His father had served Daniel's father all his life, and now his father wanted him to serve Daniel. Growing up together, attending school together, and then working together, he could never guess what Daniel was thinking or planning. Was it because he was slow-witted? The man sitting in front of him always appeared nonchalant and carefree, but his actions were always beyond William's expectations.

What could he possibly have to discuss with Theodore? He didn't want outsiders to know that Far East Group was acquiring Sinclair, but now he was stepping forward himself. What was he planning? Besides, the chairman of Sinclair is Henry, not his brother Theodore.

"Why Theodore and not Henry?" William asked, puzzled.

Daniel smiled and casually tossed the documents onto the table. "Although Henry is the chairman of Sinclair, it's just a title. Almost fifty percent of Sinclair's shares are now controlled by Theodore and Cai Yaqin... Only Henry would be foolish enough to trust Theodore and Cai Yaqin. Those two have him so confused that he wouldn't even know if they sold him and the company..."

"Then why are you meeting Theodore..." William was increasingly unable to understand the man in front of him.

William was stunned. Wasn't this obvious? Who doesn't know Harris Group? But he's acquiring, and he's stepping forward to help? What kind of game is he playing?

"Don't look at me with that dumbfounded expression..." Daniel frowned, gazing out the floor-to-ceiling window at the bright sunshine, a smile playing on his lips. He had only one goal in mind. "But... why are you cooperating with them?"

"My target is only one, and that's... Cervinia." He narrowed his eyes, looking into the distance. His deep gaze sparkled as if he were staring at his prey.

Cervinia? Henry's eldest daughter? The one he had him investigate? Has his taste changed? He's secretly acquiring while stepping forward to help. He's doing all the good deeds, and no one would suspect him. And he gets what he wants. Daniel, oh Daniel, you're the real old fox here, not Theodore.

William stood there, shaking his head and sighing. He had never spent so much effort on a woman, but this time, was he overdoing it?

Thinking about the call he received just before coming in, he was speechless. One romantic affair wasn't over, and another was already underway.

"Mr. Henry, your schedule today includes two more meetings. Should we arrange the meeting with Theodore for the afternoon or noon?"

"You arrange it. The sooner, the better..."

"Okay. Oh, and Miss Hannah called, reminding you not to forget your date tonight..." William's face showed a restrained smile. With so many women, one day, he would surely taste the bitterness of it.

A bright smiling face flashed in his mind. Could it be her?

Cervinia couldn't believe what she was hearing. She stared blankly at Theodore, who was still talking. How could he say such things?

"Uncle? What are you talking about?" Cervinia couldn't help but interrupt him. "Cervinia, you must agree. Sinclair is your father's life's work. If Sinclair falls, your father won't survive..."

"But can't you be a bit more realistic... Does my dad know about this?"

"If your dad knew, wouldn't it be even harder for him? On one side is the company he built with so much effort, and on the other is his beloved daughter. Which do you want him to choose? Besides, Cervinia, you won't lose anything by agreeing. But if the company falls, it would be a matter of life and death..." Theodore used his persuasive tongue to influence Cervinia's thoughts.

"Stop talking, let me think..." Cervinia interrupted Theodore.

"Besides, Cervinia, the president of Harris Group is quite a catch. Handsome and charming... So many heiresses are after him..."

"STOP!" Cervinia interrupted Theodore, wide-eyed. "Uncle, what did you say? Harris Group?"