

Audrey felt bad that she had to leave the Walton's house, she had a nice time and she was even willing to go back. They were nothing like she originally thought, rather than the snob, aristocratic families, the family consisted of family members that genuinely loved each other.

"So did you enjoy yourself?", Lucas asked on the way back to Audrey's house, " yes, I enjoyed myself!", Audrey said giving Lucasa brief look before her eyes turned back to the road. Audrey continued, "it's such a pity!", Audrey remarked, grasping Lucas's attention, " what's a pity?", Lucas asked wondering what she was talking about.

"You know, that we aren't actually dating, so it's a pity that I can't visit them after after six months is over!", Audrey said before she looked ahead, Lucas just smiled and nodded not saying a word as he had other intentions, " We'll see about that!", Lucas thought as he continued driving.